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Ladies in miniskirts offered half-price theme park entry

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Here's a promotion Disneyland is unlikely to copy: A theme park in China is offering a half-price discount to all patrons who show up wearing miniskirts. (All female patrons, that is.) "The stipulation aims to encourage female visitors to showcase their beauty in summer," explained Li Wenxing, deputy manager of the Merry-Land Resort Theme Park in southern China. And once the miniskirted ladies are in the park, other visitors are encouraged to splash them with water — all part of Merry-Land's not-at-all-completely-strange "summer water-splashing festival." Naturally, some nearby residents are trying to pour cold water on the campaign, believing it encourages ladies to "behave erotically" in public



I like the part where you are encouraged to splash the ladies!

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I was at a party with my friend Carol back in my grad-school days, and there were some Chinese students there. We were talking about differences in dress standards between China and the U.S. Carol was wearing a t-shirt and a modest pair of shorts. One of the Chinese girls said to her, in the sweetest way possible, "We would say you dress like prostitute."

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I was at a party with my friend Carol back in my grad-school days, and there were some Chinese students there. We were talking about differences in dress standards between China and the U.S. Carol was wearing a t-shirt and a modest pair of shorts. One of the Chinese girls said to her, in the sweetest way possible, "We would say you dress like prostitute."


...Japan is better than China.

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