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Said "dolt" has an athletic director always looking over his shoulder. He'll be OK. Not like he has boosters donating to star players fathers ministries like Florida and auburn.

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I was referring to Tim tebow. It wasn't much of a secret Florida boosters decided to donate a ton of money to the tebow family ministry during his recruitment. (To be fair, there is so many shady things going on in the world of college football and basketball, it's really just a matter of who the media/NCAA decide they want to vilify...no doubt every program in the country is guilty of something)


But anyways...


BTW, Is Urban Meyer really any worse than Lane Kiffin?

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^True, but that doesn't mean boosters took advantage of a loophole (no way the NCAA is touching on religious freedom) to show their thanks to him. Cam Newton's family did the same thing (perhaps they even got the idea based off of Tebow?)...only they were dumb and more open about it.


Personally, I think people are just hating on Lane Kiffin because his wife is ridiculously hot. He's a saint compared to most SEC coaches!

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^I don't particularly like Lane Kiffin as a coach but I don't really have a problem with him either. I mean who wouldn't want to leave Tennessee for USC? Or anywhere for USC for that matter.


After a long off season the first week of the season is finally here! What matchups are everyone looking forward to in week 1? Obviously Bama vs Michigan will be a huge game, but I'm pretty excited about South Carolina at Vanderbilt on Thursday. Vandy seem to be making steps in the right direction under James Franklin and a Thursday night road game in the SEC is no easy way to start the season for top 10 team like South Carolina. Should be a good match up.


Also my official pre-season national championship prediction is Alabama vs USC with Alabama winning in a close game. What's everyone else's pick?

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Pretty good game last night,I thought Vanderbilt played well. South Carolina looked pretty good whenever Shaw was in the game, and other than one terrible play by their safety on the long TD pass the defense looked as good as they've been hyped up to be. Someone needs to tell Shaw he isn't Tim Tebow and if they want to have a chance at the SEC title game.

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^ South Carolina = perennial pretender. But I do like Lattimore.


There aren't many good things about having Russel Athletic supply the GT football team, but at least that mean's we will never have Pro Combat unis

I spoke too soon.


Oh noes...is this actually gonna happen, Joe? For your sake, I hope not. Ouch.


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^ South Carolina = perennial pretender. But I do like Lattimore.


I normally would agree with ya on this, and I still think they are a class well below Alabama LSU USC and some others, but I think South Carolina's defense this years puts them slightly ahead of where they normally stand. I mean take away 2 turnovers early last night (first game of the season) and one bad defensive play and South Carolina is winning that game 31-6. National Championship contender? No. SEC East contender and potentially a BCS bowl team? I still think so, but we'll see. They always seem to lose a game to someone they shouldn't every year, and this season may be no different.

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If the cocks can beat UGA I'm good with that


Oh noes...is this actually gonna happen, Joe? For your sake, I hope not. Ouch.

I can't wait to see the rest!!



Virginia Tech will still probably out-do us


Camo! I guess they are trying to steal fans from WV




These are the only white GT helmets I like

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So, is Notre Dame that good or is Navy just that bad?




A little bit of both in my opinion. It's a lot easier to prepare for a team like Navy with a whole off season instead of 1 week midsession. Norte Dame seems to be moving in the right direction again as far as their talent and coaching, and Navy's ceiling is only so high to begin with.

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Notre Dame always seems to look good until they have to play one of their tougher opponents. Then it becomes clear how far behind they have fallen.


I can't argue with that but they did seem to have a little more talent that normal at the skill positions this year. I'm not saying they're gonna win 10 games every year from now on but their days of losing at home to Tulsa may be behind them.

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