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GAME: What's worse than...

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A nice, gentle, relaxing TOGO Standup with a launch section.


What's worse than the Coney Island Cyclone being modified in any way, shape, or form?

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A TOGO suspended, spinning, looping standup coaster!


What's worse than TOGO resurrecting a steel, standup version of the Crystal Beach Cyclone?

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A TOGO standup clone of Olympia Looping - Schwarzkopf coasters are awesome, but a TOGO standup version would be painful.


What's worse than a standup version of an S&S Double Shot?

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Having all wooden coasters being replaced by White Canyon (Yomiuriland) clones.


What's worse than the Whizzer being modified in any way, shape, or form?

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Any park getting a Golden Horse knockoff of an Intamin Space Diver.


What's worse than a new park announcement, followed by the cancellation of the attraction that was announced (assuming it was a good ride/attraction).

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Every single roller coaster being demolished.


What's worse than every single roller coaster getting demolished except for Mean Streak?

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When they use the name for rides that aren't even that big (it works for hypers and the RMC of awesome, but not for the batman clone and the giant inverted boomerang)


What's worse than the Screaming Squirrel model coming to the US, and all of the major parks installing them

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The Screaming Squirrel model coming to the US and Cedar Point becomes the first US park to have a Screaming Squirrel coaster that is left SBNO after its first season!


What worse than all of the major parks in the US getting a Zamperla Volare coaster?

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The Screaming Squirrel model coming to the US and Cedar Point becomes the first US park to have a Screaming Squirrel coaster that is left SBNO after its first season!


What worse than all of the major parks in the US getting a Zamperla Volare coaster?


All of the major parks in the US getting a Volare that doesn't even work


What's worse than TOGO reforming and a buttload of parks getting their standups of death

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