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Atlantic Adventures [RCT2]

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Survived the 21st. I mean that as in my 21st birthday and the end of the world on the 21st. Anyway got some work done. For those of you that have followed my Cloverdale park you'll recognize this idea. Made another amphitheater. But since i'm taking this park a lot more seriously with my ability and actually plan on submitting this to NE once it's done, and if i feel its up to par. Honestly I'd love to hear what you all would think of me submitting this, as far as actually getting something.


Anyway, back to the park. Added a smaller coaster near the front of the park as well as a few buildings and little rides. Once I get some more work done I'll show you the progress.

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seen it before I know. haha

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basically just a different backdrop.

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Very, very nice. I'm not sure what this could pick up at NE, because it's NCS and NCS has always confused me in how they've judged it. This is far better than the bronze NCS parks I've seen though, that's for sure.

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  mcjaco said:
  braztaz said:
^Well he asked how NE would judge it, I was only answering his question.

He did? Where?


Right here:


  Corkscrewy said:
But since i'm taking this park a lot more seriously with my ability and actually plan on submitting this to NE once it's done, and if i feel its up to par. Honestly I'd love to hear what you all would think of me submitting this, as far as actually getting something.


I agree, Love the ampitheater idea.

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  • 2 months later...

Sorry for the bump but I was wondering who still had interest in this park. My bands been on tour all summer so I haven't really had much time to work on it. We're finally back now and I really want to sit down and get some more work done on this park. Just curious if there was still support out there for some sick NCS pirate stuff.

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After 5 months.. I have a little update available for everyone!! It's nothing major yet. Minor things are being done throughout the park as we speak but so far all I have is this one little update. Its going in the shanghai pirate section of the park. Note: very very very unfinished screen. Any criticism would be greatly appreciated Been on a creative block since it's been so long since I've worked on this.

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Also needs a name. I was going for the whole chinese gardens look. I'm not sure if I like it..

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Really good to see you haven't given up on this park. It showed a lot of promise 5 months ago and continues to.


As for the mini golf, I dont think the roof for the queue works well. On colors, i think a consistent color for the holes would be better and something thats not so fake looking (maybe green, traditional and simple). Last, some fences or walls on the paths would look good. Don't get me wrong, this pic looks really good and I hope to see more.

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Yeah they started as all one color. Just trying to add more colors to the area to Make it feel more gardenish? haha I like the roof idea as far as the arctiteture is concerned. I'll agree it doesn't really fit the location. Which is why I'm asking for feedback and as far as the fences around the paths are concerned, like i said, its a very unfinished screen

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