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I understand that his attitude was wrong, but it seemed to me that the situation was relatively minor. As such, I complained about it like I usually do, but I personally didn't wish for him to be banned because 1) it's only the first time he's ever been particularly rude to me, 2) I try to clear things up before punishing someone, and 3) I've dealt with much worse people in real life.


Maybe you guys have had problems with him in the past, but I particularly haven't had any trouble with him until now.


As such, I went with a "let's clear this up" attitude - I sent him a PM to get him re-acquainted with the attachment system last night.

  A.J. said:
Hello -


I don't know if this was ever made clear, but the most prominent reason we stress uploading images as attachments to our servers is so they aren't lost.


We've had some issues in the past with other users and their images with broken links. About a quarter of the files that the moderation team transferred to the game exchange when it first went live had broken images, so we had to go in and take screenshots ourselves. Since we uploaded them to our servers, they won't be lost.


Keep in mind that you can link to the images you upload here like you could a Photobucket or Imageshack image. I do that all the time.


Thanks for the understanding. If it's any consolation, I didn't think you needed a seat on the time-out chair.




He was rather proper in his reply -

  Thelegendarymatthew said:
Don't worry man, I know how it is.

I've been using the TPR url codes for other sites now. Its only because TPRs images are reliable.


I'm really glad you cleared this up with me, because I'm kind of pissed off about the ban and I thought you were the one to say something about it. I'm pretty sure if you were any other member, I wouldn't of received that ban.


Thanks for clarifying


And I said what I said because I didn't wish for a ban, I was merely complaining like I usually do when something pisses me off.


This is too dramatic of a situation, IMO. I don't want anyone to see me as a bad guy. I see myself as sort of a nice guy who complains a lot.


I've always a "use force if there's no other option" attitude. Maybe I should change it?


Just my one-and-a-half cents.


EDIT - now that I read his newest post to his thread, that is kind of rude...

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I tend to look at it this way: I don't like people who mistreat, are mean, demean, or are rude- to me or to other people. His response in his thread towards you was downright rude- and that's something that NONE of us should tolerate. I think he got the message- as he was actually polite towards me in chat last eve, so perhaps he's done with his attitude now.


I can understand people getting picked on, etc. as I was in the beginning- but for me, it was self-defense fighting back, rather than becoming nasty or mean.


I thought how he responded to you was not appropriate- to a Mod, or to anyone else for that matter- thus I issued him the time-out to cool his jets. You asked him to post pics up to the forum directly, he gave an attitude back of 'I'm better than that, and I don't wannna' which I found truly offensive.


(And in all reality, I don't mind being the 'grumpy' Mod, either... it fits my personality!)

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I developed the sort of mentality when I started working as WDW Cast Member - I was not allowed to defend myself when approached by a guest who was being rude or angry, so I didn't - I tried to make the situation as a whole better.

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I am reminded of an old episode of Roseanne- when David went to work for a 'theme park' and he was 'altered' to fit their personality a bit...


The last scene is the de-programming of David, with Rosie duct-taping him down to a chair- and interrogating him. (Not that Disney's mentality is wrong, I actually like it for the most part).


As for me: I work in the Airline industry- in the part which is referred to as the 'Satan worshippers' of the company- Yield Management. Although there are many rumors, the parts about the burnt offerings and drinking of goat blood are somewhat false- the parts about the ouija board and rituals of self-sacrifice for screw ups are considered normal! Thus, why I tend to be more 'brusque' than others... and why I don't tend to put up with guff.

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TLM has been a terrible poster since the day he joined. Thus my short leash with him.


This is like the third or forth temp ban he's been given in two years. I wouldn't feel sorry if you have to get mean with him.


The longer you mod, the more tendencies you'll see. He's a great case study in the "I'll behave for a little while, then go revert back to my piss poor self."

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Anyway, mooooooving on -


I can't tell. Is B.A.B posting for the sake of posting? He's posted seven replies to seven different threads in a matter of thirty minutes, and they're all one-sentence.


I want to say YES, but I want a second opinion.

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  A.J. said:
Hello -


It has come to our attention that you made seven posts in a matter of a half-hour. Normally, we couldn't care less - however, all seven of your posts didn't add anything to the conversations of the threads you posted in.


This is a violation of the Game Forum Rules -

  robbalvey said:
5. Do not post for posting sake. What does this mean? If all you do is respond back to posts saying "Yeah, me too" or "I agree" or "Thanks!" you are not adding anything to the conversation. If you do this every once in a while, that's ok, but we have users here that seem like all they are doing is trying to post as much as possible to increase their post count. Well, there is no prize for having high post count, so please, only respond if you have something to add to the conversation.


Now, you could be completely honest when you say "that's great" in your posts (I think you are honest), but it still violates the rules.


Please don't post in a thread unless you have something more to say than "that's great".


Thanks in advance.



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I just hatched a plan!


New game! "WHO is CrazyParkManager?"


I even complimented the unidentifiable manager with "Stig"-like speculation.


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Like the Title Fairy, keeping his back-story a mystery might be a better thing...that way you guys can do whatever you want with it. As someone who has had quite a lot of experience with "character development" over the years, just something to keep in mind....

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I feel like we should make a public service announcement about the help threads. We've been getting a lot of questions about navigating operating systems and figuring out how to use computers.


Agree, disagree?

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hulahoop1 is an idiot. I'd let it go, he'll move on like he did before, and just pop up again in a few months.


I think he's a migrant poster, that moves from one forum to another in hopes someone pays attention to him, or answers his stupid questions.



AJ - I noticed you've been posting about no double posts in 24 hours. I've never been one to enforce that, unless it's shameless bumping without any new info.

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I always have used the twenty-four hour rule wherever I go - I guess I got carried away.


If what I'm doing is wrong, sure, I'll jump off.

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We've got another potential problem child - named HHnfan2.


We recently got a report from AngryGiant of HHnfan2 posting a whole seventy lines of spaces with minimal actual text in the RCT3 help thread. That post has since been deleted by yours truly, and the report has been closed.

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I went ahead and changed the thread title, for two reasons. Number one, we don't get enough RCT issues to constitute an entire sticky thread, and number two, it's a quick and easy fix that will shut people up.

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