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Dave & Ice Bat's Thread Of Awesomeness!

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^I promise that if you and Erik are ever in Baltimore, I will make some for you! I too love crab cakes, though only the Maryland style ones, which once you get used to you kind of don't like them anywhere else.


Once, years ago, we were at a restaurant in SC, and the waiter was explaining the specials for that night, and one of them was crab cakes. Mary asked, "how are they prepared?". He responds with, "where are you from?" She says, "Baltimore". He immediately responds with, "Oh, you won't like them". We were amused by his honesty!



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^I promise that if you and Erik are ever in Baltimore, I will make some for you! I too love crab cakes, though only the Maryland style ones, which once you get used to you kind of don't like them anywhere else.


Once, years ago, we were at a restaurant in SC, and the waiter was explaining the specials for that night, and one of them was crab cakes. Mary asked, "how are they prepared?". He responds with, "where are you from?" She says, "Baltimore". He immediately responds with, "Oh, you won't like them". We were amused by his honesty!




Do you have a recipe? I would love to prepare them one day.

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Ice Bat & I have been away, but we did manage to visit a few restaurants last weekend!


Looks like they've already had a tough night!


Now with special guest, TAD!








Tasty food!


Next day, 27 of us went to The Alwewife. Here's the Smokeburger - with Duck Fat Fries!


Tomato soup with a grilled cheese sandwich for dipping!


Kobe Beef Hot Dog!


And then we all stopped at Poe's grave up the street.


Actual park trip update coming soon! Really! I promise!

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^No chunks. And the grilled cheese with gruyere makes it even better. Plus, 40 beers on tap and 100 bottles to choose from. It's one of my favorite places in Baltimore. I need to do a more detailed PTR of the place, as it's in an old bank and it's a really cool building.



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  • 8 months later...



May the future hold more world travel, tasty food, and lots more cleavage photos!


(I did indeed get Ice Bat in October 2007, but don't remember the exact date, so I just picked today).




Ice Bat celebrated his birthday earlier this month by visiting the GREATEST COUNTRY EVER!!!

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