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Alton Towers Discussion Thread

P. 235: "Toxicator" top spin announced for 2025!

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I think there will be the secret element in the backwards turn(as we see in the photos) or the backwards turn to show the car running away from something in the building because we know after the turn it then enters the station. I think there will be a really bug animatronic or a big projector screen and something will try to attack us.

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Those pillars in my opinion will be reinforcement rather than theming. Could indicate that this section will be underground too, still it's another new angle of the ride!


Or they could be both.

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Those pillars in my opinion will be reinforcement rather than theming. Could indicate that this section will be underground too, still it's another new angle of the ride!


Or they could be both.

Very true.


Nice little bit of marketing for the ride today on the Telegraph website:



Caption: Workmen take a break from the construction of new ride, 'Th13teen' at Alton Towers in Staffordshire, to play with a snow sculpture version of the roller coaster carriage that they helped to build.

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About the theming, don't know if it's been mentioned or if it's worth mentioning, but on a link a little while back, there's a photo called "13 Wraiths", I'm guessing the there are thirteen wraiths in total and they're really significant to the overall theme / story.


I don't think they'll be as popular as disney characters.

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Has anyone else noticed the darker blue supports on Spinball in that photo? Or am I special for noticing it?


Also I have made an index for the thread featuring all the main updates through out TH13TEEN construction from planning up until today updates. This can be found on the first page. http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=650010#650010



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I saw a good idea at another theme park website. They where saying that the secret element could be a Swinging piece of track? Maybe it will be suspended by some sort of cable and it will swing freely?

Seems more plausible then my friends idea of the car jumping off the track :L

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Anyone know if the Rita retheming is definitely going ahead and if so, how much effort do people think will go into it compared to Thirteen?


Well, since they'll be spending a lot of money on 13, I would assume that Rita would just get a new paint job and name, and perhaps the removing of the race theme. Noting to special I would assume.

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I really hope there are some permanant actors for the wraiths and not just once a year and on opening like SAW. Even just one would make the whole area feel more alive.


Oh the irony, using a vision of death to make an area feel alive.

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I really hope there are some permanant actors for the wraiths and not just once a year and on opening like SAW. Even just one would make the whole area feel more alive.


Oh the irony, using a vision of death to make an area feel alive.


What about Saw Alive then? Anyway, you know what I mean

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