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Quick Six Flags Great America TR

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August 7th and 8th, 2005- Six Flags Great America


Rides closed: Deja Vu, V2: Vertical Velocity, Great America Railway (7th only)

- Deja Vu wasn't catching on the second spike, even though they tried many times.

- V2 got struck by lightning last week, and they are probably waiting for parts.


Some intresting points:

- Raging Bull was running all three trains the entire time I was there. It was a great ride, though the brakes were on a little harder than normal.


- On Sunday, the park was packed. Raging Bull's line was anywhere from 45 minutes - 1 hr. 15 min. However, several rides still has short lines. (Iron Wolf, American Eagle, Demon) even with two major rides down.

- Monday wasn't too busy. The longest we waited for Raging Bull was 20 minutes.


- Demon and Whizzer were running three trains on Sunday, however, they went back to two train operation on Monday, because the third train wasn't needed.


- Iron Wolf was running very smoothly on Sunday! It was the best ride I ever had on it. There was very little roughness during the entire ride. We were in the front row. However, I had the worst ride on it on Monday. It was very bad. But the smooth ride ride was totally amazing, and it shows what Iron Wolf was really designed to be- a top ten steel. However, roughness has it towards the bottom of the list.


- American Eagle (forwards) was flying on both days! Holy cow! The brakes were on very light at the top and bottom of the helix, and a ton of airtime was there. Tip: Go in the front row of American Eagle. Usually it doesn't have much more of a wait, and, you get a ton of air and a smooth (and awesome) ride. The front car does a 'wheelie' type thing at the beginning of the lift. It kind of jumps up on the left side, which scares the shit out of some the guests.


- I think American Eagle is going to get a total refurbishment during the off-season, for its 25th birthday. One of the blue trains had a different design on the side, with on row having flames made of metal. There were also several test patches of paint throughout the ride, and on some of the trains.


- To those who think Whizzer is going: I don't think it is. People reported several trees being cut down. It is only for an access road to the Waterpark. Also, it got one of the new safety signs, so it's probably not going anywhere.


- Yankee Clipper/Ice Mountain Splash was running the entire time I was there. It's a different kind of log flume, and has a pretty crazy jump at the end of the ride.


- Sadly, Viper has been giving some pretty bad rides lately. However, I'm happy to report that it's back up and running to its usual (amazing) standards. And now there is a grouper that only lets a certain amount of people in the station, which is awesome, so the station doesn't get too busy.


- The staff seem to be a lot more friendly this season. They always ask how your ride was, and some do other things that really enhance the experience.


- Don't expect either Deja Vu or V2 to be running anytime soon. They both are having some serious issues.


- I hope everyone who is meeting with Robb and Elissa have a good time! Enjoy one of the best Six Flags park. As I say, it's the Six Flags park that doesn't feel like a Six Flags park. (In a good way.)

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I can report that DejaVu re-opened today at 12pm. I was shocked to hear this as yesterday, I saw the train either on tower 2 or between tower 2 and the vertical loop more than I saw it in the station.(Between 11-4 or so).


V2, errr, well, it's been down for a couple weeks now. It tested last week for a little bit, but right now the train is sitting on the launch track.


Revolution and the Scenic Railway were also both on the list yesterday, however both opened up.(SR at opening and Revy sometime in the afternoon.)


Also, Eagle Red is running absolutely insane. It glided through the trims and provided a look into its glory days.

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Its about time something was done about Vipers station. I love that ride and the wait usually isn't that bad until you get to the station! I always dread Vipers station. Also, its nice to hear about the American Eagle getting a facelift. It was my first coaster and it was the ride that turned me on to coasters and I am glad that they are refurbishing it so that another generation can enjoy it.

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