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Photo TR: Mexico - Selva Magica & Parque Rehilete Alcalde


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Had the opportunity to visit Guadalajara, Mexico and just had to check out the 6 potential coasters. Though after reading Big Mike’s previous trip report and with only 50% operating I wasn’t getting my hopes up.


First park attended was Selva Magica with four coasters, Titan, Catarina, Jubile, and Tornado. Tornado was down for maintenance twice before we got a ride in but we did manage to get all four!


I wasn’t sure if the second park ‘Parque Rehilete Alcalde’ on the list was even open. We arrived at the park and located someone that spoke a little English to confirm the two coasters Rehilete and Nessi would be operating. Wow we might actually get all 6 coasters in Guadalajara.


Guadalajara Taxi monopoly queue line


We arrived at Selva Magica


Park map


Titan - our first coaster credit in Mexico


Station and lift hill


We're the only ones on the train. Is that a bad sign?


Top of the lift hill.





Catarina on ride shot






Tornado - Doesn't appear to be open yet.


That explains why it's closed. Cleaning up a weld he just made.


They did an emergency stop at the top of the lift hill. If you notice the train stopped right in front of the catwalk.


Employees walking up the catwalk to the train.


Maintenance worker trying to release the train so it can be pushed back to the catwalk. Never did get it to go back so they sent it over the lift hill.


Working on something.


Came back a couple of hours later to take our chances on the ride. We got on and even in the front row. Took an on ride shot going down the first drop.


Look, they have orange dolphins here!


These dolphins aren't orange.


What the heck is that?


Hmm, looks like you enter through the ear and exit somewhere near the rear. Ok have to check this out.


Turns out to be some anatomy 101 lesson/attraction of a pregnant woman.


Time to visit the Zoo next door.


Blue chimp theme.


Time for the Safari ride.


Omlet anyone?


Want some carrots?


Mom and baby


Look we found the Golden arches!


Stop lights are real long giving plenty of time to get your windows washed.


Parque Rehilete Alcalde




Found someone else that spoke english to ask when the ride would open and where to buy tickets.


Just started to rain lightly but were able to convice them to let use ride real quick. Cool thing was they couldn't stop the train and we got to go around three times.


Nessi - rain stopped and they were starting to test the ride. They were trying to explain how this is a kids ride but we said we want to ride anyway.


The track was still wet and the train stopped on the top track. Maintance worker is climbing up to help it along.


Pushing it to the first real drop.


Finally got it working and was able to get this shot of the track just after the lift hill. No wonder why the train got stuck the track is almost flat.


Doesn't look like this ride will be running any time soon.


This is a group meeting point. We noticed these all over the city. This ones interesting since it's in the middle of a parking lot and almost got run over while getting my picture taken.

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The Titan coaster looks like the old Sky Streak from BobLo Island. And after some careful investigation (re: search on RCDB), I was right!


Roller Coaster: Sky Streak

Thunderbolt (1973 to 1976 or later)

Amusement Park: Boblo Island (Amherstburg, Ontario, Canada)

Classification: Roller Coaster

Type: Steel - Sit Down

Status: Defunct

Operated from 1973 to 1993

Relocations: Boblo Island as Sky Streak

Selva Mágica as Titan

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Great Review!!


Just curious... When did you visit those parks?


It seems that your visit was in extra-low attendance day. I had also the chance to visit those parks on June, and I got some POV shots of some rides and attractions:


Titan POV:



Tornado POV:



Troncos and Sky Coaster POV:



Rehilete and Nessi POV:


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Thanks for the TR! That walk-thru of a pregnant woman looks uber-creepy! Was it guided or did you walk through on your own like a fun house?


It was a guided tour with the employee talking about each internal body part and switching on spot lights and animated parts. Not sure exactly what was being said since I don't understand spanish. Something I would expect to see at science museum and not in an amusement park.


Just curious... When did you visit those parks?


Our visit was the last weekend in January.

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Wow..I haven't seen a spiral-lift coaster since either Willard's Whizzer or Zambezi Zinger, not sure which. I love the huge, photo-laden TR's as much as anyone, but it's these smaller, more obscure park TR's that really excite me. Thanks for a great TR on two small but cool parks.




Awaken Secrets - Never Say Never EP (to be released 3/1/2010) "the kind of neck-snapping prog-metal that Mom used to make when she was in the sanatorium"

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