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Raging Bull & SFGA being featured on Dinner Impossible

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  monsterfan99 said:
It is fun to know the event was for Raging Bull. I did not know that from the event, but it makes seance.

I went to this event as well and I also had no idea it was for Raging Bull's anniversary because they never mentioned it.

  Jerrykoala2112 said:
Did you happen to see yourself on TV? Maybe in the background or something? ^?

I saw myself for a split second in the background during someone's interview. I was wearing my black TPR hoodie if anyone is wondering.


It was a really fun event and the food was great! This must be great marketing for Six Flags, especially when it was aired during the season. As for the Maverick comment, while it was kind of unnecessary half the people watching the show don't even know what Maverick or Cedar Point is. All they would probably know is that this happened at Great America.

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The point here is that it was totally lame of someone to say in the first place. Regardless if it made for "Good TV" or not. The point is that if you are invited to participate in something that is supposed to promote one company, you don't go making mentions or comparisons to other companies....especially when you're being filmed ON NATIONAL TELEVISION!!!!


Doesn't matter if that person was an ACEr or not. Hell, even if they were a TPR member, I still say they are a rude, inconsiderate idiot for making that comment.


That would be like Conneaut Lake Park holding an invite only free event for the Blue Streak and when the press comes to interview the riders some guy says "Yeah, the Cedar Point Blue Streak is much better, don't bother wasting your time with this one."


You just don't do that. And if you do. Chances are you're not going to get invited to many more private functions!



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  robbalvey said:
The point here is that it was totally lame of someone to say in the first place. Regardless if it made for "Good TV" or not. The point is that if you are invited to participate in something that is supposed to promote one company, you don't go making mentions or comparisons to other companies....especially when you're being filmed ON NATIONAL TELEVISION!!!!


Doesn't matter if that person was an ACEr or not. Hell, even if they were a TPR member, I still say they are a rude, inconsiderate idiot for making that comment.


That would be like Conneaut Lake Park holding an invite only free event for the Blue Streak and when the press comes to interview the riders some guy says "Yeah, the Cedar Point Blue Streak is much better, don't bother wasting your time with this one."


You just don't do that. And if you do. Chances are you're not going to get invited to many more private functions!




The line there about Blue Streak 'yeah, the Cedar Point Blue Streak is much better, don't bother wasting your time with this one' sounds like something straight out of YouTube, but you're absolutely right.


Still, it's not a live event, couldn't they just edit it out?

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While it was inconsiderate, who outside of Cedar Point's market is going to know what Maverick is? I assume that most who watched show figured that Maverick was a coaster at Great America. I don't think the enthusiast meant to be an idiot, but was just being a dork/stupid without really thinking of what the comment meant.

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^ It doesn't matter! A comment like that simply shows a general lack of class and thought. It's like when you get a Q&A session with a park's manager, and he starts of by saying "we can't comment on future attractions, sorry" .. some idiot is bound to ask "OMFG WHEN ARE YOU GETTING AN INTAMIN WOODIE??!". These morons are by far the minority, but they make the entire community look really bad.



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/\ What if you ask a park manager "how is the food" and he says "its like Maverick...which is a good roller coaster by the way"


If they say it on TV as a joke and not care, I dont think you guys should either

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^ Um, one how do you even come up with the comparison of Maverick to food?


Honestly guys, it's PR 101. You're invited to a function at a park, you just don't mention another corporation in the vain that this guy did. It makes whomever you are representing, look classless.


It's why TPR is so well received by park management across the country. We conduct ourselves properly.

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I realize I'm going way out on a limb, but here goes.


Should it ever happen that some of you guys actually do end up getting laid one day, I would LOVE to hear the responses when your partner asks how he/she was in bed.




Matt was correct. It's PR 101, folks. When asked for an opinion about the thing you were invited to the party for, the correct answer is anything that doesn't disrespect your host. Period.

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