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Six Flags Darien Lake (SFDL) Discussion Thread

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A nice mine train or one of those new fangled Gerstlauer family coasters would be a great fit. If you're dedicated to a one train only philosophy, build something with a big train too.

In terms of long one-train operations, I think they should give a call to Zierer for one of their mega-train Force/Tivoli coasters (or a super-stretch Elevated Seating Coaster, if within budget). But having never set foot in Darien Lake and being a wandering ghost of this thread, it's good to hear it's still providing some entertainment; compared to older reports I've heard from other certain parks in the U.S.

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If the park wants attendance they can only build upwards. They have enough room to do it. People aren't just angry with the service of the park, but the selection of rides is decreasing. Last year, the park did go down one ride with UFO out. In my opinion, as I've said before it shouldn't return either. If the park advertises an old ride, people won't come. But if they say "Look we have a new Giant Frisbee or any alike model" people will come. I know I rant about this every time the topic comes up, but it only makes sense. Cedar Point was once the size of Darien Lake, but they took a chance and kept building. Every problem has a solution.

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Darien Lake doesn't have a Detroit to draw from though. I think that's something that needs to be considered in this. I agree that a big ride could help jump attendance a bit, but I'd prefer they try something a little outside the big thrill ride box. They have thrill rides. They don't have quality family attractions outside of the ones that float.

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Rowdy's Ridge was added for that reason. Then Lakeside Boardwalk was another all around good area for everyone. I'm not trying to bash anyone's opinions but that's exactly what a forum is for. Expressing your opinions and commenting on others. But in the five year plan, the park should focus on every aspect of the spectrum. Lake Monster would be a good start as Predator is almost 25 years old and is just gonna keep getting worse.

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I think what they really need is some good PR. It seems everyone is bitching on facebook about something or another. I know a lot of people who also say -what was it like? I haven't been since it was six flags....


I bought a season pass, my husband will use the 3 free tickets and my son who is 2 = but tall- is free. We went this past weekend and were impressed. The place was MUCH cleaner and just more 'crisp' than it was as a SF. All the fresh paint and clean pavement- no nasty looking places. We also felt the food and drink prices were very reasonable for a park. We were impressed and may end up buying my husband a season pass if we use all 3 tickets early in the season.


Anyone know when hooks is opening? Why it wasn't open? thats the area we need open for my son

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Darien Lake doesn't have a Detroit to draw from though. I think that's something that needs to be considered in this. I agree that a big ride could help jump attendance a bit, but I'd prefer they try something a little outside the big thrill ride box. They have thrill rides. They don't have quality family attractions outside of the ones that float.


They have a bigger Detroit, Toronto.


When you look at the 3 hour drive radius, there is a huge population.

You have:

Buffalo/Niagara/Cataragus : 1.21 million

Rochester/Batavia/Seneca Falls : 1.15 million

Syracuse/Auburn : 0.73 million

Erie/Meadville : 0.37 million

Cleveland/Elviyra/Mentor: 2.06 million

Golden Horseshoe (Toronto/Hamilton/Missasauga): 8.79 million


So within a 3 hours drive you have 13.31 million people approximately. Which is why there has been a big focus on improving the overnight accommodations, to capture these people in.

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So I for one think DL is doing it right. They are taking care of general infrastructure and family attractions first and then going to drop a major ride into the park. In the long run the guests will return and see how nice it is and continue to return. If they just drop a giant new coaster into the park people will come but may not return. If they enjoy their experience they may return regardless of the new ride or not


I think HFE is on this all the way for future success. I think we all just need to wait and see what develops after this year


Btw, all I hear out of the park is how nice it has gotten and how clean it is. Those are definately not things that were said when sf owned it! Those are very small positive things that go a long way

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Darien Lake doesn't have a Detroit to draw from though. I think that's something that needs to be considered in this. I agree that a big ride could help jump attendance a bit, but I'd prefer they try something a little outside the big thrill ride box. They have thrill rides. They don't have quality family attractions outside of the ones that float.


They have a bigger Detroit, Toronto.


When you look at the 3 hour drive radius, there is a huge population.

You have:

Buffalo/Niagara/Cataragus : 1.21 million

Rochester/Batavia/Seneca Falls : 1.15 million

Syracuse/Auburn : 0.73 million

Erie/Meadville : 0.37 million

Cleveland/Elviyra/Mentor: 2.06 million

Golden Horseshoe (Toronto/Hamilton/Missasauga): 8.79 million


So within a 3 hours drive you have 13.31 million people approximately. Which is why there has been a big focus on improving the overnight accommodations, to capture these people in.


Detroit lost Edgewater before I was born and Boblo went under about 10 years later. Cedar Point gets to pull from a Detroit-Windsor metro area of 5.7 million people with no competition. Toronto has a much larger, much closer park in an era where border crossings are a bigger and bigger pain, and Darien Lake has to share those people with Martin's Fantasy Island and Marineland in a short radius of where it's at. Cedar Point doesn't have that concern. The two closest amusement parks are dead and gone.


I too am impressed with much of the infrastructure Sk610, but there's work to be done elsewhere that I think could greatly benefit the place and make it even better.

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Even with a campground and hotel does Darien Lake advertise itself as more of a local destination (Buffalo,Rochester, and Niagara Falls) or more of a regional destination ((beyond the Niagara region)? It seems, based on what I read here in this thread more locals go to the park than anyone else besides enthusiasts looking for a few credits.


I will admit though that my first rime hearing about Darien Lake was back when I was a kid and my dad taking me to the Sport, Travel, and Outdoor show that used to be held every year here in Cleveland as well as Funtime putting their family of parks on the drinks cups at Geauga Lake.

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The border crossings are less of a pain than people are putting them out to be. Just look how many canadian plates are in the Walden Galleria's parking lot. Should the park try to go into competition with big parks? No, but there's no reason why they can't make it up to a little smaller than SFGAm's size. Notice I said a little smaller. I don't think we would ever reach that many rides.

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The border crossings are less of a pain than people are putting them out to be. Just look how many canadian plates are in the Walden Galleria's parking lot. Should the park try to go into competition with big parks? No, but there's no reason why they can't make it up to a little smaller than SFGAm's size. Notice I said a little smaller. I don't think we would ever reach that many rides.


Well, I'm not expecting Darien Lake to be next Cedar Point, Magic Mountain, or Disney World, they can make it up to be the same size as Six Flags Great America or at least Six Flags America!

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But they have been building new state of the art rides like Goliath and X Flight. I never said quality of rides, or attendance, etc. I meant size as in selection of rides. People most likely will get bored at the park if things aren't upgraded soon.


I agree, if Darien Lake doesn't get a new ride people are going to get bored with riding the same old rides (Ride of Steel, Mind Eraser, Viper, etc.) over and over every time. No offense, but the three rides at Darien Lake that I've mention are classics.

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Great America is an enormous park. Enormous! Look, I'd love to have another park that big within weekend trip distance, by it isn't gonna happen. I too think a new ride is necessary, by I think a mammoth thrill coaster is the wrong direction. There is a world of difference between some Larson Flying Scooters and Firechaser Express or a Vekoma mine train.

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Even with a campground and hotel does Darien Lake advertise itself as more of a local destination (Buffalo,Rochester, and Niagara Falls) or more of a regional destination ((beyond the Niagara region)? It seems, based on what I read here in this thread more locals go to the park than anyone else besides enthusiasts looking for a few credits.


I will admit though that my first rime hearing about Darien Lake was back when I was a kid and my dad taking me to the Sport, Travel, and Outdoor show that used to be held every year here in Cleveland as well as Funtime putting their family of parks on the drinks cups at Geauga Lake.


No, Canadians hand down are the driver of the park. They generate the most revenue, due to the accommodations. Favor ability ratings of the park are significantly higher for the Canadian crowd, and they come to darien lake for a getaway (camping) and because the park is more manageable for families, plus it's less crowded. This is straight from the marketing department.

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Great America is an enormous park. Enormous! Look, I'd love to have another park that big within weekend trip distance, by it isn't gonna happen. I too think a new ride is necessary, by I think a mammoth thrill coaster is the wrong direction. There is a world of difference between some Larson Flying Scooters and Firechaser Express or a Vekoma mine train.


The park already has a good selection of flats. Three areas that should be looked at more are the water park, the back of the park near Twister, and thrill rides. A coaster is well overdue, as it has been 15 years since a major one was added. Try finding any other park of similar size/situation that has such a huge drought. Of course there are probably others but it is a rare case. It would be best for the park if CNL would let it go already.

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Thank you, DarkMaxim, for answering my question. I don't know why I find it hard to believe that the Canadians seem to be the main groups attending the park but I guess with the park's sort of "out in the middle of nowhere" location I can see how it can be considered a getaway for them. I'd like to think that Martin's also receives some business from them as well since they are on the lifeline between Darien and the border.


As for CNL giving up Darien Lake I wonder how much of a cash cow is the park since, IIRC, it is the biggest property CNL has in their portfolio, which I would think makes DL their flagship property. Maybe if CNL doesn't give up the property maybe they would be willing to loosen the purse strings a little more to get the park and the resort up to its potential. I think we'll see more waterpark expansion before another big ride comes in since that seems to be where most of the crowd goes.

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Canadians LOVE Darien Lake. We ALWAYS have! Much better atmosphere than Wonderland, and you don't need a thick wallet at Darien Lake either. The asphalt is easier on the feet and the small details mean so much like the flower lined paths are sooooo beautiful, nice job DL keep up the great work!

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Not to forget that the big name concerts are also a huge draw...whether they come from Canadian or from WNY.


On another note, I heard a vicious rumor from an unreliable source that Darien Lake was looking to get rid of all alcohol sales in the park...anyone else hear that?

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^No, really Darien Lake is no longer going to be selling beer and all booze in the park? If it's true then they must really want the park to be family friendly and the next thing you know is that they'll ban the use of tobacco in the parks and that will meant no more smoking sections!

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^ I said that it was pure rumor and not confirmed. I guess that it wouldn't surprise me with the current ownership, but that doesn't mean that it's really going to happen.


I think that the fact that the concerts are such a big draw as well as having an Anchor Bar (wings with no beer?) as well as a campground/hotel next door (where people could drink anyway) that this might not fly as they would be losing out revenue as well as turning off a lot of it's local clientele.


SDC and Dollywood, yes...but for Darien Lake? Probably not a good idea.

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^ I said that it was pure rumor and not confirmed. I guess that it wouldn't surprise me with the current ownership, but that doesn't mean that it's really going to happen.


I think that the fact that the concerts are such a big draw as well as having an Anchor Bar (wings with no beer?) as well as a campground/hotel next door (where people could drink anyway) that this might not fly as they would be losing out revenue as well as turning off a lot of it's local clientele.


SDC and Dollywood, yes...but for Darien Lake? Probably not a good idea.


Well, I have no comment on weather or not Darien Lake would stop selling booze in the park. I could see Darien Lake restricting booze consumption and sales in a beer garden in 2015.

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