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Six Flags Darien Lake (SFDL) Discussion Thread

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Yes primer on MEnespecially so the red does not come back and so that it lasts longer as well. i am sure that the cost obviously goes up, but in all reality, ME sits right next to the main gate and other than ROS gives people a first impression of the park. With that in mind, shouldn't that coaster be in better shape than some of the others that you dont see so prominently?

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Well it's no new coaster like most of us have been begging for... But the Scrambler appears to finally be on site. This is the picture posted by Darien Lake on Twitter and Instagram yesterday. Unless they're using some stupid filter to make the paint seem more vibrant (Like on Ride of Steel), Then I do believe it got a touch up. Red and Yellow just like the original scheme but it seems to look shiny and fun Let's see this thing open by Fright Fest and I'd be surprised. Next up... WE NEED TO SEE SOMETHING FOR 2015 ALREADY!



Picture posted by Darien



Original Scheme

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Wow we're all dying to know what the "new" attraction is for this year. Does the park really have to still use filters for their photos? We already knew that the ride was coming back they even posted a sign.


I really hope that next year won't be as big of a disappointment. But seeing that there have been no teasers yet, my expectations aren't so high. I would think that by now we would have seen some construction if that was the case.

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Wow they really hauled since my last visit. The base looks good but the cars should really get buffed or repainted. Hopefully that and a new ride pad are taken care of this offseason.


But the wooden pad isn't such a bad idea either. Concrete can crack and is a lot of work to repair or replace. The ride itself does look good though. I wouldn't mind seeing a UFO return like this next season as long as this type of thing doesnt mean no new additions.

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Here is a very quick update. I only stayed for a few hours today. Crowds were surprisingly decent, considering that the fair is going on, and Nik Wallenda did not preform today.




Here is a pic of the Scrambler for those who missed it on the last page. I took a ride on it, and I must say it is pretty fun. It seems like they sped the ride up a little, but are running a very short cycle. The wood is likely permanent too, because the ride is built on an asphalt pad, not concrete. The wood gives off a fresh smell when the ride is moving. The queue and lighting still needs some work, but the ride is looking good already.


Ranger was down all day, and from what I've heard, it's been down for a while now. Boomerang is getting worse as well. The train is barely creeping up the lift, and the crew almost beats the catch car while checking restraints. For Darien standards, that is a very bad sign. I believe that there may be a leak in the hydraulic lines, but I don't know for sure, as I can't get close enough to troubleshoot. Maybe the park will look into investing in an electric system like the Boomerang at SFStl.


Predator also saw some down time. I was walking up to the station when an employee stopped me and said "It be stuck over dhere". Translating to English, she meant that the train was stuck on the brake run. It took about twenty minutes to release the train and get the coaster back running. Twister also was down for a little bit.


Overall, it was a decent day, but one thing is apparent. We need to get more flats. Scrambler is a good start, but next should be a thrill ride. I will not harp on my point any more.

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Here is a very quick update. I only stayed for a few hours today. Crowds were surprisingly decent, considering that the fair is going on, and Nik Wallenda did not preform today.


Nik is performing a high wire act at the Erie County Fair tonight, so that would explain his not performing at DL today. We were at the fair today, but didn't want to stay until he did the walk at 8:00.

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I think scrambler looks fantastic! The paint definately makes it look like a new ride,and it didalways deliver a good punch. If there is a problem with boomerang, they cannot afford to have it down too long. they just dont have enough coadters in thepark to have one down.


Also, with ranger being down, and from the sounds of it, being down for a while, it's probably time to remove it and replace it with something newer but similar. I am sure that a number of manufacturers make something like ranger, just a newer version.

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Also, with ranger being down, and from the sounds of it, being down for a while, it's probably time to remove it and replace it with something newer but similar. I am sure that a number of manufacturers make something like ranger, just a newer version.


A Zamperla Hawk ride might just be the only ride close to a Huss Ranger ride that's currently available!

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Park music would be very cool, but would also cost alot as well. The cost to run wire throughout the entire park for music plus bury it and go under the concrete would cost a fortune. On a similar note, as they add new themed areas, they could easily add music to the certain areas. With that being said, did they do that when they added rowdy's ridge and boardwalk?

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Yep Splashtown, Rowdys Ridge, and the Boardwalk have music. Not loud, but it's there. I don't like what they've been playing I the entrance village this year. It's like something you would here in an adventure movie but it sounds really loud and awkward.


My opinion is that they should play music to appeal to all ages. Classic rock, some pop, maybe some country. What they are playing now is just weird.

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Maybe they are trying to emulate what Islands of Adventure does with very loud themed type of music in each section of the park. i would expect that may be the case, and in the main gate area it may be the crescendo leading up to the actual park experience. The fact that they are doing this as they expand tells me that future expansions should see simlar treatments.


With that being said, i was looking at a park map last night and came up with what sounded like a good idea for a small expansion area. If they were to repaint ME, they could retheme it to whatever they want and make that area their new themed area upgrade this year. I envision moving the walking path over toward grizzly run with a building right in front of the ride walls itself where grizzly makes the turn. I also see a flat that may extend a bit out over the lake directly across from it. This could be sidewinder or something else. I also envision another flat, the used magic carpet from celebration city next to ME's break run with some more buildings and food shops over that way as well. If done right, there may even be room for a third flat ride in that area as well.


The beauty of this idea, is that it is small, and wouldnt require a ton of work (money) to make happen. It also includes the repainting of ME as it desperately needs it

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The Ufo ride is done.. it's in the ride graveyard near the concert exit. It's rotting away as we speak. It's sad I love that ride


Perhaps a picture? If anyone catches another glimpse of it that is...


And I just want to point out that its sad when the Erie County Fair can put lights on their Ferris wheel (Well, Strates Shows...) and Darien lake can't even put some simple flood lights or something on their big wheel... Being surpassed by a traveling company like that is just sad in my mind... But I have to admit I was a little let down that the Top Spin was gone this year.. Point Darien Lake; I guess...

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