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Six Flags Darien Lake (SFDL) Discussion Thread

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I don't know what you guys are complaining about. DL has at least a couple of good coasters, some great flats, a great water park, and they've just received some great new investments. I'm sure Predator could use some work, but I'm sure that will come in time. I know they have made some attempts recently and when they brought the new trains over that helped a lot. HFEC is good about refurbishing woodies, such as with Cheetah at WA. Poor landscaping is never a good thing, but from the photos I've seen this year it hasn't gotten horrible yet and at this park it's just not a focus anyway. I'd say give them another year before getting too down on them, there's a lot of progress just around the corner.

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I don't think its that bad, they do have copycat coasters but in WNY we have no choice if we don't have hundreds of dollars to travel to an out of state park. I don't have a passport so no Canada's Wonderland for me. Its gotta be better now than when Six flags left it.


Raging seas was pretty bad last time I was there but they did refurbish the sleighride. I don't think one bad flat is that bad for this park, we are talking about a very old ride here. They did add 3 new family rides which is the first time they have gotten new flats in a very long time. Otherwise their unique collection of flats shines. Mind eraser sucks and is unrideable, predator is almost rideable and the rest is rideable. Boomerang isn't the best but its rideable since its so short. I won't touch ROS but that is my decision, but its a great coaster for everyone else that likes it. So its not the best but not the worst for locals. At least they have a bigger selection of rides than MFI.


Price is coming close to MFI too, I hear DL will be charging 24.99 soon with a coke can or something. MFI charges the same but you have to pay for parking at DL but its not that much more.

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If they do a bit of refurbishing to predator I will be all for it. I just remember being on ROS and not liking it that much, maybe a little too much g-force for me. I have been on it before so its not like I haven't tried it. That and I probably won't want to wait in the line for it. I do like a good woody, I have done 60 laps on the silver comet on one day but I definitly wouldn't be able to do that again! Been on the silver comet in the pouring rain too, was fun and the rain didn't even hurt.

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Raging Seas is one of my favorite flat rides at DL but it has been looking shabby for years. There's always one or two boats out of commission every time I visit. But it is a unique flat that no other park I've been to has and I appreciate it for that alone.


You have to give Herschend some time before we see a noticeable change. I was actually surprised they added the Rowdy's Ridge area so quickly after taking over operations. They did a tremendous job reinvigorating the Grizzly Run area of the park over what it used to be.


I don't know how "fixable" Predator is since it is a Dinn/Summers creation but the old Voyage trains have improved it over those old trailered PTC's that were brutal. I'd much rather see Mind Eraser removed before Predator.

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I still wouldn't hold my breath with Herschend. I still feel burned by SF, giving DL the worst of the Intamin Superman coasters (from what I hear) and then proceeding to do nothing with the place afterward. We got the sh*t end of the six flags stick, I don't see that trend changing with Herschend. I think it's all because of were DL is.


This is really the story of Upstate NY in a nutshell. Constantly losing out on all opportunities (A major mall expansion in Syracuse.), only being recognized for bad things (Buffalo sports teams always choking, the legless man who was allowed to go on ROS and died.) and always in the shadow of NYC within the state. Whenever I tell people I'm from New York, they always assume I'm from the city.


Cities like Cleveland and Detroit may be dumps, but people at least know they exist. Nobody is even aware of Upstate's existence, which is even worse.

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Hmmm... maybe I'm just ignorant. But WNY doesn't seem that bad. Darien lake is what it is, it has a decent water park and selection of rides. There is a lot to do during the summer, the concert scene is pretty decent (art park, Lockport, at the harbor, Ect.). Erie county fair is decent, Niagara county fair, pub fest, and Canal fest is alright.


Yes, there are a lot of better parks out there... but Darien lake is only half as bad as it is made out to be, IMO.


WNY is pretty OK.

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I still wouldn't hold my breath with Herschend. I still feel burned by SF, giving DL the worst of the Intamin Superman coasters (from what I hear) and then proceeding to do nothing with the place afterward. We got the sh*t end of the six flags stick, I don't see that trend changing with Herschend. I think it's all because of were DL is.


First, Superman was the first Intamin hyper ever and was highly praised when it first opened. Sure there have been more amazing Intamin hypers since but you can't just say RoS is the worst, it's actually a decent ride. The only bad things about it are the operations and the fact that I can't ride it anymore due to the belts.


Second, Six Flags may not have invested much after the '99 conversion but at least they did not over expand it like they did at Geauga Lake when it became SFO and then SFWoA. The park still has a laid back atmosphere to it. I would much rather have Darien Lake as it is over having Corfu become like what Aurora/Bainbridge Township did here in Ohio by building around the park and NIMBY's moving in.


Cleveland is a dump, I agree, but at least in Buffalo you have short excursions to Darien Lake and MFI, with Seabreeze, Marineland, and Canada's Wonderland within a day's drive. That's not too shabby.

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^ All good points. I was being a bit dramatic earlier (I'm an actor/singer in my spare time, so that's my style ), but yeah, Upstate NY has its qualities too. In a way, I'm kinda glad that it's spent all this time as an "undiscovered" part of the country.


Just stay the hell out of Syracuse, though. That place is the Detroit of the northeast.

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Unrelated but I never did like the idea of the Oz park, I just don't think its the type of franchise that could pull people in, heck most of today's kids probably haven't even heard of the Wizard of Oz. Even if they have heard of it its not something that will have enough pull to make them put down the xbox contoller and beg to go to the park. Oz just has almost no media attention..


Now if it were a Narnia park, that is an idea I can get behind, but I am going way off topic now!

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^^Syracuse native, been living here my whole life. As much as we lack coasters, I have no idea what you're talking about. Sure we have our crappy parts, but that exists within every city. If you can get over the piss poor weather, (specifically the clouds and rain; I like the snow and the cold) it's actually quite nice overall.

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^ Again, I was being dramatic, joking around. I'm sure Syracuse is fine overall. I've been to the Carousel Mall and I go to the NY State Fair every year. But, i can also remember waiting at the Greyhound station, where I got to hear a clearly drunk man arguing for a ticket at the counter, and I also remember buying a wig for a show in a downtown shop...where two young punks suddenly got into a fistfight outside, and the owner had to go break it up. Plus, all the reports of shootings, and other murders on the local news don't help perceptions of the place down here in Ithaca, where I live.


Don't get me wrong. I have very fond memories connected to Syracuse as well.

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Cleveland is a dump, I agree, but at least in Buffalo you have short excursions to Darien Lake and MFI, with Seabreeze, Marineland, and Canada's Wonderland within a day's drive. That's not too shabby.


Hey even Cedar Point could be considered a days drive away

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Cleveland is a dump, I agree, but at least in Buffalo you have short excursions to Darien Lake and MFI, with Seabreeze, Marineland, and Canada's Wonderland within a day's drive. That's not too shabby.


Hey even Cedar Point could be considered a days drive away


Don't forget Waldameer and Conneaut, which are both within 2 1/2 hrs. away from Buffalo.

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I still feel burned by SF, giving DL the worst of the Intamin Superman coasters (from what I hear) and then proceeding to do nothing with the place afterward


Actually, I would say SFA received the worst of the Intamin Superman coasters. Even so, the worst Intamin mega coaster still beats a good number of the B&M hypers.


...Maybe it's me, but I still rank DL's Ride of Steel coaster in my top 12-15.

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I was mostly referring to the amount of parks within the Buffalo vicinity. There's quite a bit of variety even though they may not compare to the likes of Cedar Point or even Kings Island. I'd go as far as saying, if it's fair to say it this way, that Darien Lake is NY's Cedar Point (and they surely are pricing themselves at CP levels for what they have, which I don't necessarily agree with), Martin's as a smaller version of our former Geauga Lake, and Seabreeze as their Waldameer when it comes to comparing to what we have here.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I finished my visit to Darien and I must say the park has a Lot to offer. I most certainly was not bored and I would likely be bored at MFI. In fact I didn't even get to everything which is a good thing which means there was more than enough for a day's worth of entertainment. The biggest negative I would say is the food, as the food is terrible and very overpriced but that can be fixed by packing a lunch. I actually had a really amazing time at the park and now I am itching to go back. I didn't have any problems with other guests or unruly teens and the employees were very friendly. A lot of the flats were walk on's or very short waits. The silver bullet is very intense, forceful and fast. I could keep myself busy with just the flats in this park for a very long time. I did try the motocoaster but I thought it was pretty jerky but it is a unique coaster.

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At least Wny is not half as bad as Central New York. Here in Utica we are jealous of people that live in Syracuse and Buffalo we look at them as bigger city's that actualy have stuff to do. Oh and the closest park to me is Sylvan Beach Other wise im driving two or more hours to Great Escape, Seabreeze, Dl or SFNE

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I finished my visit to Darien and I must say the park has a Lot to offer. I most certainly was not bored and I would likely be bored at MFI. In fact I didn't even get to everything which is a good thing which means there was more than enough for a day's worth of entertainment. The biggest negative I would say is the food, as the food is terrible and very overpriced but that can be fixed by packing a lunch. I actually had a really amazing time at the park and now I am itching to go back. I didn't have any problems with other guests or unruly teens and the employees were very friendly. A lot of the flats were walk on's or very short waits. The silver bullet is very intense, forceful and fast. I could keep myself busy with just the flats in this park for a very long time. I did try the motocoaster but I thought it was pretty jerky but it is a unique coaster.


I Feel kind of the same way about Darien Lake and Martin's Fantasy Island, so I'm going to do some pros and cons about Darien Lake!


Darien Lake (Pros)

. A decent coaster selection

. Ride of Steel is the best coaster in the park! ( )

. A massive water park

. Viper being the first coaster in world with five inversions

. First Zamperla Motocoaster

. Home of the last Huss UFO ride in the USA

. Home of the last Huss Ranger ride in North America


Darien Lake (Cons)

. The 'Cuda Falls slides being in a separate section of the water park

. Holding off putting new lights on the Giant Wheel

. Allowing a legless guy to ride the Ride of Steel

. Not relocating Ranger to another part of the park

. Letting the Raging Seas ride get run down with most of the boats SBNO

. Three out of the five coasters being rough

. Rotating shows on the Midway stage and the Grand Theater for this year (I don't see why they chose to not have a show in Galaxy Theater this year)

. Lack of a family coaster

. Opening Shipwreck Fall late this year

. Getting dumped on while under Six Flags ownership

. Taking out Scrambler for three lame family rides

. Trying to be more like Martin's Fantasy Island


I could go on forever ranting about Darien Lake, but I won't!

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It just comes down to the fact that DL has more to do than MFI, despite the cons I think it's a good local park and I did not leave disappointed or without enough to do. I know I would run out of stuff to do at MFI since they just don't have as many rides as DL, I have become bored there in the past and that was when they had cheap after 5pm admission. They are also lacking any coaster for those under 48 inches which causes disappointment in children. Darien lake has a kids coaster and kids bumper cars too. Raging seas only had a couple boats down when I was there and honestly isn't that bad, it still runs and at least is not SBNO. I checked up on this and found out Mack still makes the same ride so they could order another, right, lol! It wouldn't even be that bad if they removed it since it's a fairly common ride at least in Germany. With that said they should be able to at least refurbish it, and even if they didn't I wouldn't consider it a huge loss. It would be much worse if we lost the UFO or corn popper. Also bring back the troika, I am so dying to go on a troika, and at this point it would be better than predator.


Darien also has the only fahtze enterprise known to be operating in the world, and what a ride it is! The ride also looks nice and is well kept.


It's like someone plopped a collection of obscure German rides in some park in WNY. I will never understand how fahtze rides made it up here, but it is what it is. I know about the former huss factory so that part makes sense.


I have no plans to take a trip to Germany anytime in my lifetime so for now DL will have to do.


The 3 family rides were a good idea and I will take those over the scrambler which I have been on a million times.


Now all we need is a waltzer!

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Hmmm... maybe I'm just ignorant. But WNY doesn't seem that bad. Darien lake is what it is, it has a decent water park and selection of rides. There is a lot to do during the summer, the concert scene is pretty decent (art park, Lockport, at the harbor, Ect.). Erie county fair is decent, Niagara county fair, pub fest, and Canal fest is alright.


Yes, there are a lot of better parks out there... but Darien lake is only half as bad as it is made out to be, IMO.


WNY is pretty OK.



Nice post and I agree!!!


I used to crap all over this area when I was younger, but as I grow older I realize that this is home for me and probably where I'll end up spending my entire life.


Altough the winters can be brutal every now and again, it has the four seasons and summers are not too hot because of how close we are to Lake Erie & the Great Lakes. Lots of trees/green and no real threats of crazy weather other than snow...now if we could only quit having to pay high taxes for NYC & our Buffalo sports teams would win a damned championship!


Even better is the proximity to a lot of decent parks in the general area where I live:


Midway State Park: 20 minutes

Waldameer: 1 hour

Conneaut Lake: 1.20 hours

Fantasy Island: 1.20 hours

Darien Lake: 1.5 hours

Marineland: 1.75 hours

Kennywood: 3 hours

Sea Breeze: 3 hours

Idlewild: 3.25 hours

Canada's Wonderland: 3.5 hours

Cedar Point: 3.5 hours

Sylvan Beach: 5 hours

Knoebels - 5.5 hours

Hershey - 6 hours

SFGE: 6.5 hours

Enchanted Forest: 6.5 hours

SFNE - 6.5 hours

Kings Island - 6.5 hours


Other parks within a day's drive:


Michigan's Adventure

Holiday World

Indiana Beach


Coney Island (NYC)

Coney Island (Cinci)

Rye Beach

Kings Dominion






Probably many more that I missed!


Oh...and we have cheap golf too!

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We are fairly close to CP as well, especially if you can get a hotel for one night and a 2 day pass.


I don't think it's half as bad as people make it out to me, it's not a huge mega park or anything like that, its not supposed to be, but for a local park it is decent.

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