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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: Hard-Hat Tour of the Wolf's Revenge

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Mach Tower update!


Ride's been testing all week long with a few stops in between. I've seen the car rotate on a number of occasions as well as moving up the tower + dropping, raising the catch car, and raising + lowering the carriage. The ride was not testing Sunday.. Training should commence later this week. No word on official opening yet, just unconfirmed dates.


I still say cross your fingers for next week.

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They didn't disable anything on their Facebook. They just switched it so when you open their Facebook you see only Busch Gardens posts, but if you click Most Recent in the corner it shows everyones posts. You can still post. The spam though are basically posts by random people that have a picture of some naked lady and then a link to a random website, not even a porn site.

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There was quite a bit of moaning and complaining about the "build a coaster with pretzels" contest results, too--but I don't know what all the brouhaha was about.

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Yeah, at first the computer messed up and switched the two percents so first place went to third and third place went to first. After someone said something, the park replied saying they were looking into it, then when the contest was over second and third place won and first place didn't.

I am assuming their computer made a mistake and they thought that they would fix it by choosing who they thought had the most votes.

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Went down to the park last Friday for a little while, took some pictures of the most recent work done on the Verbolten construction site, and the hole for the building is HUGE. Take a look!


The station is pretty much gutted out.


You can see this simply by going to the right of the bumper car building.


One of the old footers, you get a good appreciation for how deep these things go into the ground.


Massive hole.


Can't wait to see the building!

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Yeah, tons of people are so confused about it. People keep asking "is Mach Tower open yet?" or some other question about Mach Tower already being open and it is always fun to see their face when I say no, its not open. They do need to get it open quick though, but they should do as safely as possible. Those green walls are just ugly and I want to vanish far far away from here.


HOS Update -


So BGWFans says Pompeii is gutted as of the other day and is now starting reconstruction. Cursed is gone, can confirm that because I saw it one night. However, that area used for Cursed is not supposed to be used this year for HOS.


Other really good possibilities for mazes/haunted houses - Catacombs in RPT, something in the EIA Queue, anything in Festhaus Park i probably not going to happen EXCEPT for the Drachen Fire Queue Building. I say that because that building is right at the entrance and exit of FHP and they would not have to "cover up" the area with walls and such for coaster construction or at least not as much. Also, it would be a big pain and hassle to find a way to get to the other building and back while completely ignoring the construction going on. You could also probably put a small maze in the Black Forest Picnic area. I could see something like Cursed fitting there, weaving in and out of structures.


That is all I have, so let speculation and rumors take over now!

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^We were told during TPR Day that HOS's original maze was going to be re-created in the Europe in the Air building. As I recall, that maze had a little bit of everything, including evil clowns, a mad scientist, and an animatronic dionsaur skeleton (it was also pretty long). It'll be interesting to see how it works this year, as they don't have the old arcade space to use like they did more than 12 years ago (when King Arthur's Challenge was in that building). We were also told that HOS was going on in the old Drachen Fire area, but weren't given any details.


So, there's going to be a new maze for Pompeii? I hope so, as the old one was getting a bit long in the tooth.

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Mini update!


Mach Tower was testing again yesterday so it looks like the problem they had is resolved now. Operator training should commence in time for next week! Tower isn't open yet, but should be up and running in time as long as more problems don't arise.


Verbolten clearing stretches over BBW's final drop now.


Foreign tourists are in full-force right now! I've encountered a few standing in front of Mach Tower as well as on rides. They seem to travel in huge groups carrying cameras, but I prefer them over the middle schoolers any day.

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Mini update!


Mach Tower was testing again yesterday so it looks like the problem they had is resolved now. Operator training should commence in time for next week! Tower isn't open yet, but should be up and running in time as long as more problems don't arise.


Verbolten clearing stretches over BBW's final drop now.


Foreign tourists are in full-force right now! I've encountered a few standing in front of Mach Tower as well as on rides. They seem to travel in huge groups carrying cameras, but I prefer them over the middle schoolers any day.


Ok Danny I see how it is.

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anything in Festhaus Park i probably not going to happen EXCEPT for the Drachen Fire Queue Building. I say that because that building is right at the entrance and exit of FHP and they would not have to "cover up" the area with walls and such for coaster construction or at least not as much. Also, it would be a big pain and hassle to find a way to get to the other building and back while completely ignoring the construction going on. You could also probably put a small maze in the Black Forest Picnic area. I could see something like Cursed fitting there, weaving in and out of structures.


We were told during "TPR day at Busch Gardens" that they have access to the Festhaus Park for HOS.

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^ Don't think that's the same one as in the gift shop. The Gift Shop one was so poorly designed it only had that one immelmann loop and that was it because it slowed so much haha. This one looks way better. But it said it used to be on display, hmmm maybe I'm thinking of a different gift shop in the park.

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I remember the models! I also remembered that sometimes when they went to close up and turn them off they would sometimes turn them off wrongly and the train would get stuck in some other part of the model and it wouldn't be running the next day. I always thought they were cool, I remember that one never looked like an exact copy of the coaster though.


Construction going on behind the San Marco Theater Thursday and Friday this week. So please don't clog the walkways so team members can get thru to where they have to go, just saying.


I haven't seen them working on Mach Tower late at night anymore which is probably a good thing. The new coaster still has land clearing going. Things seem to be pretty stale, nothing new is happening. Mach Tower is still be worked on, the new coaster still has a huge hole.


Howl-o-Scream sounds like it will be 13X scarier this year. Pompeii is getting revamped, they gutted it out completely and are basically rebuilding it. If FHP is being used then, I can only imagine one house back there, but if they do it right, maybe they can fit in two or three. You can squeeze a few in there real tight. I am excited to see EIA go and another maze in there. To be honest, Cavern of Darkness will always be my favorite maze at Busch because it was the only maze that I went through that I was scared the most. I think they did a really good job with the goblin in caves theme. Bitten and Hunted were just over-hyped. They were good but not that good. Harvest Hollow was really good, if you went alone early. I remember being one of the first people through Harvest Hollow one day and I was by myself. It was one of the scariest things ever. I thought I was about to get hit by a guy jumping off a haystack from behind a cornstalk. Then the one guy with his huge head mask was like blocking my way and I had to actually run through part of it. Excellent, but then I remember going through when it was crowded and it lost all that scare.


ANYWAY - Mazes:

Ireland (Europe in the Air Queue) - Possible maze, maybe something like the first maze in this location.

France (The Royal Palace Theater) - So far, I can only assume Catacombs is coming back, but nothing has been heard about it.

Oktoberfest (Festhaus Park) - I am assuming we can count on one or two things here if all goes well with construction.

Festa Italia (Behind Roman Rapids) - As far as I have heard and seen, Cursed is gutted and not coming back and nothing seems to be replacing it.

Pompeii - We can expect a revamped Pompeii maze.




Festa Italia - Clowns are most likely coming back, not 100% sure just yet.

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