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Busch Gardens Williamsburg (BGW BGE) Discussion Thread

P. 469: Hard-Hat Tour of the Wolf's Revenge

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Quick question: Does the park still have an Irish Dance show? I might be heading out to the park this summer, and since I'm a an Irish Dancer who competes, as well as one who performs, I was hoping to check out the show if it was still around. Plus, I want to see how my school's choreography stacks up.


If it's not still around, does anyone have a decent quality video of it?

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^^ I'd recommend it. My friend William worked on that show last season and he scored us seats at one of the tables in the front. Best seats in the house, feels like you are about to get kicked in the face!.

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I'm not a "park show" person, but that is the best one at BGW--plus, you can have a Guuiness while you watch it. If you're of age, of course.

Edited by cfc
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^Celtic Fyre is still one of the park's shows. It's in the Abbeystone Theatre. The show revolves around a wedding reception in an Irish pub.


Awesome. I look forward to seeing it. Wish the performance side of the sport would show up at more parks, as it's awe-inspiring to watch a well choreographed performance.


^^ I'd recommend it. My friend William worked on that show last season and he scored us seats at one of the tables in the front. Best seats in the house, feels like you are about to get kicked in the face!.


Haha, I know that feeling, but from the other perspective. There's been a few shows I've done where it feels like you're going to accidentally kick someone in the audience, even on an elevated stage.

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^To clarify, the tables are connected to the stage and the dancers dance on the tables. If you sit there you have to promise not to put your hands on the table so your fingers do not get stepped on.

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OK, here's your chance to vote for the lucky winner of Busch Gardens' Landscaping Giveaway contest.





Facebook Fans to Select the Winner


WILLIAMSBURG (March 13, 2013) – In early March, Busch Gardens announced the first ever Busch Gardens’ Landscaping Giveaway. Entries poured in from all over the Mid-Atlantic region. After reviewing hundreds of submissions for the giveaway, Busch Gardens narrowed the submissions down to 20 finalists. Now, Busch Gardens needs the public’s help to select the winner.


Today through Saturday at noon, Facebook fans can visit the Busch Gardens’ Facebook page at facebook.com/buschgardens to vote for a finalist. The winner will be notified on March 18.


Finalists are competing for the opportunity to win a landscaped yard from the Busch Gardens’ horticultural experts responsible for the beautiful Busch Gardens grounds. For 22 consecutive years Busch Gardens has won the “Most Beautiful Park” award from the National Amusement Park Historical Association.


A complete list of finalists and their hometowns is available here: http://www.facebook.com/BuschGardens/app_418823594866848

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Hello again!


This summer, I'm taking a trip here to BGW and Water Country. I know that the coasters and Vanish Point are awesome, but what flats and other slides would you recommend? DarKastle looks like it would be fun, and I heard Europe in the Air was meh.


EDIT: Also, what are some magic seats/rows? (ex. Back of Apollo's Chariot)

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Mach Tower and DarKastle are the only two significant flats that you should hit. Everything else is your typical garden variety flat ride you can find just about anywhere else.


As for rows

- Apollo is most definitely a back row or close to back row ride

- Alpengeist = front or second row

- Loch Ness = second to back for more legroom and a slightly better ride

- Griffon = front if you wanna hang over the drop, back if you want better ejector air over both drops

- Verbolten = front for a good view, back for a more intense ride. There are effects you can see in the front that can't be seen in the back and vice versa (front does have bigger effects though)

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^^Try all the modes of transportation (trains and cable cars) as they are relaxing and can save you some wear and tear on your feet.


I'd put DaVinci's Cradle in the can't miss flat category and don't miss Escape fropm Pompeii as it is a signature ride at BGW.

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^I'd head for either Apollo's Chariot or Verbolten first, as it's the newest ride (but even with a full queue the wait is usually 40 minutes or less, thanks to five-train operations). Then you can work your way around to the other major attractions based on the park's staggered opening schedule, which they print on the park maps (be sure to check that first).


I'm planning to update the park guide, too.

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The park's opening times are staggered so if you arrive at rope drop, the first ride you'll be able to hit is Loch Ness. Just follow the opening times (Apollo, Verbolten, then work your way around the back of the park or go against the flow of traffic to Griffon/Alpengeist). Unless you're visiting on a Saturday or holiday, lines shouldn't be that big of an issue really.

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^I was there for Passholder Preview Day (which was the day before opening day), and the only rides that weren't running were LeScoot (log flume) and Mach Tower, which was still being tested following a series of upgrades it received during the off season. They hope to start dropping people on Mach Tower this weekend, but this hasn't been confirmed yet.

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I'll be there on Saturday and Sunday, do you think Quick Queue will be needed on Saturday? I need to save as much time for beer drinking as possible.


Spring break starts here on April 1, but this Saturday might be a bit busy. I think you can "wing it" and buy Quick Queue at the park if you think it's necessary.


Once summer hits, you should always purchase Quick Queue on a Saturday.

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