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B&M Hypercoaster Contest

Who should win the contest?  

33 members have voted

  1. 1. Who should win the contest?

    • Jamor
    • DBru

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Hey Eric, I was just wondering if you could please extend the deadline to Sunday night...I would really appreciate the extra weekend to finish my support-work.

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Here's my rate for Jarvis's ride:


What I liked

-Very original for a B&M hyper

-Fun elements.

-The hills were shaped quite well.

-Good layout.

-Good use of the park pack.

-Quite smooth a lot of the time.

-Good supports.


What I felt could be improved

-The banking was off quite frequently, resulting in some high laterals (but none lethal).

-The helix's were a bit jerky in comparison to the rest of the ride.

-The last half didn't live up to the fantastic first half.

-I might be a bit picky here but I thought the supports holding the track above the pre-lift were a bit unrealistic and needed extra supporting on the right hand side (you only supported the left).



My verdict

Not your most impressive ride, but a good one none-the-less.



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Thanks for the feedback. Yeah the second half is kinda lack luster but by the time I got to it I realized i had very little lenth left to use to stay within the desired lenth lol. I suck at helix making and wasnt gonna feature one but it wouldnt be right if I didnt.


About banking...thats another thing im working on lol. I dont use any tools so its kinda hard to get the right banking when doing it by hand.


I def agree with you with the supports after several looks I was suppose to change that but I forgot....maybe i'll change it now lol

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^ Glad I could help. I do agree that making helix's are mega-hard when hand-building and I can see why you were trying to avoid them, but as you said, the ride wouldn't feel right without them.


It's still a good ride though, you are defiantly one of the better hand-builders out there.

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^Jamor, you have 41 pre-fab supports...It is clearly stated in the rules that ALL supports must be hand made.


You have 2 options...

1. You can leave this product entered and get DQ'd

2. You can turn in a late entry with all supports fixed


The choice is yours.


As for DBru, you have 10 pre-fab supports. I will leave you with the same 2 choices.

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^Jamor, you have 41 pre-fab supports...It is clearly stated in the rules that ALL supports must be hand made.


You have 2 options...

1. You can leave this product entered and get DQ'd

2. You can turn in a late entry with all supports fixed


The choice is yours.


As for DBru, you have 10 pre-fab supports. I will leave you with the same 2 choices.

Here are the rules:


Track: B&M Hyper

Train(s): 1-3

Rows: 9

Terraforming Allowed: Yes

ALL supports my be hand made

AHG: Yes but not required

Length: 4,500ft-5,750ft

Height: 175ft-235ft

Max/Min Vertical G Force: +4.5/-1.1

Max/Min Lateral G Force: +/-.7

Please show me in that where it says MUST...i took it as a typo and that you left out the "a" in "maybe as being an option. If you are waiting for me to "custom" all supports when a prefab (which were made exclusively for B&M coasters in the simulator) work even better than some custom supports.


And besides isnt this a polled contest so lets let the people decide...

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Sorry, I couldn't finish the supports in time, I'm out.


Guys, even though you missed the deadline, doesn't mean that you cant still post your coaster in the forum. If I had put a lot of work into my coaster, I'd still want people to see it, even if it wont be in the contest.


Just my thoughts..

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My feedback on both of your coasters. To both of you, great job! I enjoyed both coasters and though both had strong points, they also worked well with the layout given.


To start, Jarmor-


I thought you have made some better coasters in the past to be honest.


-Very unique layout

-Nice section/helix out of MCBR

-Wicked airtime in the back



-That was an Immelmann in my eyes, doesn't fit

-Lift was steep, I know that you had to build in the boxes and stuff but that was ridiculously steep

-Minor pumping and high lats


Why you should win: IMO it was more original of a design. It had some unique stuff, including the questionable immelmann and the nice helix after the MCBR.





I thought you did a fantastic job of really making this a fun coaster.







-It really didn't have that huge ejector air after the first drop

-Wasn't to fond of the 45 degree angle supports on the hills


Why you should win: It was more characteristic of a true B&M hyper. It had an excellent hammerhead and some fun hills following.




In this case my vote goes to DBru, but good job to both of you! You both did an excellent job.

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Certainly a close call, but for me, Jarmor's ride is the better of the two. I just felt his was more original and the shaping on his ride was slightly better but don't get me wrong, they were both very good rides and both are worthy to take victory.


Good luck to you both.

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