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The Brochure/Map Trade Topic

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Oh my god I feel like I just struck gold. You have all the missing ones of my collection.


I will trade you the WWW on for SFOG Park Map 09, Dollywood 09, and Kings Island 09.

Plus, for all that I will also of course through in 10 or so parks here around Europe.


Maybe you could also throw a few other ones in that you have extras of.



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SFGAM 2009 Map

SFGAM 2008 Map

SFGAM 2007 Map

SFGAM 2009 Brochure

SFGAM 2008 Brochure

SFSTL 2008 Brochure

SFSTL 2006 Map

SFDL 2004 Brochure

SFDL 2004 Map

SFEG 2006 Map

SFEG 2006 Brochure

SFOT 2008 Map

SFOT 2008 Brochure

SFOT 2009 Map

SFOG 2005 Brochure

SFA 2009 Map

SFFT 2009 Map

Great Escape 2009 Map

Worlds of Fun 2004 brochure

Worlds of Fun 2009 Brochure

Knott's Soak city 2009 brochure

Knotte's Berry Fark 2009 Brochure

Lagoon 2009 Map

Lagoon 2009 Brochure


Let me know in a Private message or on here if you wanna trade! While supplies last!

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Team Thriller, I'm very interested in trading with you, (along with just about everybody else), but I've been pretty unlucky with my recent deals. Here's what I have up for offer right now...



BGW 2009 x8






BGW Event Maps 2008 and 2009

BGW Virginia Resident Fun Card 2008

BGW Event Brochures 2009 x2


It doesn't look like much, but my parents are very anti-brochure and they have a tendency to throw all my brochures away.

This is how I'm gonna organize everything from now on to make everything easier.

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I'm planning on putting up....


PCW Wonder Mountain postcard

PCW Top Gun postcard

Toronto Centre Island postcard

- EDIT: I got the dates wrong - 1997-1998.


... and if anyone's interested a photo of DL's Space Mountain from 1988 up for grabs. They're not up for trade right now, but I'll probably put them up tomorrow and Wednesday.

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Just got back from a trip to Kings Island, so I grabbed a bunch of Cedar Point brochures, Kings Island maps and brochures, and even some Wildwater Kingdom brochures. I updated my list in the very first post of the thread with what I have to trade.

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Hey everyone. I've got the following (and how many) if anyone needs them send me a PM


SF Great America 2008 - over 75

SF Great America 2009 - unlimited

SF STL 2008 - 20

SF STL 2009 - 5 but will be going again


I will be picking up around 20-30 maps at each park I visit this year, so I will be adding places as I go. Next place added will be Kings Island.


One other thing, where do people find the brochures for the parks? I can never seem to find any.



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One other thing, where do people find the brochures for the parks? I can never seem to find any.




When you stay at hotels. Usually holiday inn has a lot. But you can only take some if you stay at them.

haha, I live in Libertyville too!

Cool to see another person from here.


I wasn't sure as I had stayed near SF STL last year and they only had a card board cutout of Evel Knievel but threw it away when I asked for it.

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One other thing, where do people find the brochures for the parks? I can never seem to find any.


1. Any place with a brochure rack may carry theme-park brochures (all kinds of hotels, state welcome centers, truck stops (depends), shopping malls (also depends), airports (also depends). As long as these locations are near theme parks, they will normally carry brochures with the exeption of state welcome centers which carry brochures for any and all theme parks in the state.


2. Ticket Stands - If you travel down any Interstate highway that leads to Florida, chances are you'll see ticket stands advertising discounts for Florida theme parks. These places will carry brochures for the major Florida theme parks. I'm not sure about maps though.


3. Trading - Just trade with other people with brochures.


4. Ask the park for brochures/maps. They'll be glad to send you one or more if you just ask. However they'll only send the brochures from the current season. They normally get rid of older brochures, unfortunately.

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BGW 2009 x6






BGW Virginia Resident Fun Card 2008

BGW Event Brochures 2009 x2


The event maps have already been traded as well as two brochures. This is what I have left right now.

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Hey everyone. I was going through my stuff and just found a stack of entrainment guide/map for Fright Fest at SF Great America 2008. The guide includes all entertainment, but also a map of the park with the renamed rides they use for the season.


Here is what I have left on top of those


2008 SF Great America Maps - 30

2008 SF St. Louis Maps - 15

2009 SF St. Louis maps - 2

2009 SF Great America Maps - 30


I am also visiting Kings Island this weekend and will have maps for trade starting Monday. If you know you want a certain amount, PM me before Friday.



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^ I'm pretty interested....


Can you list the dates for the maps/brochures you've got?


His list is on page 9.


Anyways, my list hasn't been updated in a while so I'm currently in the process of doing that. It's been updated over at COASTER-net for those of you who also keep track over here.


My list is one either the 1st or 2nd page. If you're interested in a trade please PM me. I've already PM multiple people in the past couple hours so you all should be receiving those soon.

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And updated list


Lake Winnepesaukah 2009 Brochure

King's island 2009 Brochure

World's of Fun 2009 Brochure

Dollywood 2009 Brochure

Dollywood 2009 Festival of Nations Brochure

Six Flags Over Georgia 2009 Brochure

Six Flags Over Georgia 2008 Brochure

Six Flags Over Georgia 2009 Park Maps (x10)

Six Flags Over Georgia 2008 park Map

Six Flags Over Georgia 2009 Show Guide

Disney Paris Guide and Map 2008

Universal Orlando 2008 park maps and Guide

Ghost Town in the Sky 2009 Brochures (x40)

Knoebels 2005 Map

Knoebels 2008 Map

King's Dominion 2009 Brochure (x20)

Parque Espana Guide Map

Holiday World 2009 Brochure

Martins Fantasy Island 2008 Map

Six Flags Great Adventure 2009 Brochure

Waldameer 2009 Brochure (x2)

Busch Gardens Africa 2008 Map

Parc D' Attractions 2008 Map

Idlewild 2008 Map

Darien Lake 2008 Entertainment Guide

Cedar Point 2009 Guide

Adventureland 2005 Map

Six Flags Great America Maps 2009 (x2)

Six Flags Great America Maps 2008 (x2)

Six Flags St. Louis 2009

Six Flags St. Louis 2008 (x2)

Daily Planet News Paper (Six Flags)





Six Flags Great America Maps 2008 (x2)

Six Flags St. Louis 2009

Six Flags St. Louis 2008 (x2)



Kings Island 2009, Hershey 2009, and Knoebels 2009 Maps coming next weekend

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Calling all golf fans!!! The LPGA is taking place literally in my backyard and my parents just picked up two LPGA tournament maps for anyone who's interested! It features a map of all the courses and a list of all the professional golfers that are playing.



BGW 2009 x11



LPGA Tournament Map x2 (not theme park related but pretty cool nevertheless)



BGW Virginia Resident Fun Card 2008

BGW Event Brochures 2009 x2


If you're interested in this kind of thing and you want a piece of the LPGA, just drop me a PM.

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