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The Brochure/Map Trade Topic

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Okay, I finally had time to show you all about 95 percent of my collection.


Most of these are up for trading. Some though, are from many many years ago and are to much of value to me.


If anyone is looking for a park, just ask. Cause there is about 70 percent of a chance I have it. (Maybe not from this year though. Some are from maybe 05')


I have got all of these WITHOUT using the internet. I have found them in hotels, stores, restaurants, actually going to the park, or people give them to me.




Like I said. I have a problem. Once I find the other 5 percent of my collection. I'll do an update!


Here are my three newest ones.


When X first opened. Oh yea. Magic Mountain!


Here is one from SFFT from the early 2000's


This is from the year when Magic Springs opened their SLC. (Even though some of you probably have this one. I like it cause it brings back memories)


Here is the rare Diggerland park.


Back in the day when I went there. It was still Paramount.


Here is probably the most rarest one I have. This park is no longer around. Has anyone even heard of this place?


The box!


I have a problem....

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Here are most of the Six Flags ones I have.

These are all organized into the different Six Flags parks. These are all from different years. If you would like to know the year of the brochure, just ask and I'll tell you. (It would just take too long otherwise and I'm pretty lazy.)




Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom


Six Flags Elitch Gardens


Six Flags Hurricane Harbor


Six Flags Magic Mountain part 2


Six Flags Magic Mountain part 1


Six Flags St. Louis


The 12 flags of Texas!


Six Flags America


The Six Flags waterparks in Northern California


Six Flags Discovery Kingdom and Six Flags Marien World

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Are you willing to trade


All 6 of your SFDK

All 3 of your SFA

Both Sf Texas (SFFT, SFOT)

The 2 maps/brochures on the left of the SFSTL picture.

In your SFMM picture, the bottom 3 ones, and the right one on the top row. Then the 2 in the 2nd pic of SFMM stuff.

All 3 SFEG


That is 22 maps and I have enough to trade back.

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I finally found some more. So now I have 99 percent of my collection together!


EDIT: Besides WWW one. These are all park maps...




Here is the missing park of my collection. I now have 99 percent of it all in one place. :D


Here are some Disney World ones from 2000


Disneyland Paris 2000 one


I love the Gardaland one. This does include a map.


This is back in 98' when Movie Park Germany was Warner Brothers.


Here are all the new ones I found.


Very rare. Why, cause you cannot get this one anymore.

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Heres my list let me know


Lake Winnepesaukah 2009 Brochure

King's island 2009 Brochure

World's of Fun 2009 Brochure

Dollywood 2009 Brochure

Dollywood 2009 Festival of Nations Brochure

Six Flags Over Georgia 2009 Brochure

Six Flags Over Georgia 2008 Brochure

Six Flags Over Georgia 2009 Park Maps (x10)

Six Flags Over Georgia 2008 park Map

Six Flags Over Georgia 2009 Show Guide

Disney Paris Guide and Map 2008

Universal Orlando 2008 park maps and Guide

Ghost Town in the Sky 2009 Brochures (x40)

Knoebels 2005 Map

Knoebels 2008 Map

King's Dominion 2009 Brochure (x20)

Parque Espana Guide Map

Holiday World 2009 Brochure

Martins Fantasy Island 2008 Map

Six Flags Great Adventure 2009 Brochure

Waldameer 2009 Brochure (x2)

Busch Gardens Africa 2008 Map

Parc D' Attractions 2008 Map

Idlewild 2008 Map

Darien Lake 2008 Entertainment Guide

Cedar Point 2009 Guide

Adventureland 2005 Map

Six Flags Great America Maps (x2)

Daily Planet News Paper (Six Flags)

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