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Theme Park Review logo


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Robb/Elissa, I understand that the TPR logo has a certain identity to it, however has anyone thought or even tried to change it for a fresher look?


I love the current one, but wonder what it would take to have a Replacement logo...it would certainly need some class!


Has this been thought about at all??


Andrew "love it, but wondering when the last update was done" Shakespeare

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I would love a new logo, it needs to use the Gadzoox.ttf font and fit the same size as the one above, but if you have any ideas or would want to submit one, GO FOR IT!


No promises that we'll use any submissions, but it's great to see some ideas.




Gadzoox Font

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^ Too busy. The background fights with the text which fights with the colored shadows, etc. There's coasters, there's text, there's effects, there's just too much. Keep it simple. That's my preference.


--Robb "Look at Google's home page...I prefer that." Alvey

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I made another attempt. I tired to make it less complicated... but thats hard for me.


Edit: I made a softer once since it showed up brighter than I expected online.


Background: Storm Runner


I cut out the insides of the intamin track.

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Until I viewed this thread earlier, I had never consciously noticed that the background of the old banner was coaster track. When I did take a closer look at it, I was kind of disappointed that it didn't show through clearly enough to have ever caused me to notice it before. (And I consider myself to be reasonably observant, even if my eyesight isn't quite as good as it once was.)


That said, the new, cleaner banner that Wes made does look much better. I agree that it's a keeper.

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Looks, nice! Maybe slightly more of an outline on the letters though because it might get lost on the front page. It looks great here but the rest of the page isn't black so the box frames it really well, but when the rest of the background is black the text might not have the same impact.


Dave "But I know NOTHING about design etc!" Wilson

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