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Photo Trip Report(s): Behemoth/ Ravine Flyer II Tour!


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How's it going fellow TPR'ers.

.....That's great!


I recently attended the TPR Behemoth/ Ravine Flyer II Trip, and had the time of my life!

While we had everything from thunderstorms to power outages, a crazy amount of memories were formed.

And some were captured on film!

Over the next few posts, I'll be showing you what went down on this great trip.


So lets begin!



Part 1: The Crazy First Drive! (some notes)


-There is no such thing as a long bus drive on a TPR trip!


-McDonald's no camera policy really sucks, and the person who came up with it should be stuck on a vekoma for days straight!


-Having three matts all sit in the same area can get quite confusing!


-The muppet show reminded me how bad anything star wars can be out of the movies!


Perplexed by the dollar Jesus!

(Seabreeze coming soon!)


Ehh.....no comment.....


Elissa showing off a fry carton who really likes attention!


And of corse where do you go on a break but McDonalds! (and perhaps Subway, BK, Arbys, or the dollar shop)


Yes! Everybody is excited by the hour break!


And Futurama!!!


During our drive, we were entertained by interpretive dance, piano lessons, coaster videos...


Our fearless leader doing his thing!


Everybody's view for the next seven hours.


Our very fruity chariot awaits!

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Part 2: Seabreeze!


After our very long, but fun first drive, we arrived at our first park.

Seabreeze is a little park, but it has some great rides!

It is home to four credits: a kiddy coaster, a spinning coaster, a wooden, and the bobselds, which I have no idea why it is spelled wrong everywhere!


-Jackrabbit is a very fun little wooden coaster, with a tunnel!


-If you try to get on the kiddy coaster, security WILL be called!


-Bobselds is unique, and fun, but nothing thrilling.


-Never underestimate a log flume! (this would happen again on this trip)


I end this part with this poorly timed photo, to signify the end of my chances at at photo taking career. Darien Lake is next!


The guy in the red shirt is more scared than the people riding!


Now how often do you see a merry go round with rocking chairs? And red ones at that!


Seabreeze bucks, authorized by Mr. Breezy himself! I really want to meet this breezy guy.


You guys liked it, right......right?


Bobselds, one of the strangest coasters even grown!


Seriously, If you value you're stomach, which I think most people do, brace yourself on this ride!


Whirlwind, a ride where you have an excuse to ride without your hands up!


Music Express, one of the best himalayas I've been on. But the Theming was just off. The jukebox didn't work, and somebody had crashed their car into it!


For some reason I took a picture of the swings. Maybe it was the inner child in me saying ride it, but I doubt that, because my inner child likes coasters and pizza!


What park doesn't have a midway?


Tony with his camera, which is a sight which would be seen may times. Many. As in every time you saw him!


Jackrabbit, a fun coaster, but not as good as the real jack rabbit, kennywoods!


The TPR gang descends upon seabreeze. Can it handle this crazy group of people?

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You've got some very good photos here, except for the last one, lol. It's cool to see these trips from an attendee's perspective that isn't also Robb's perspective. I can't wait to see more of your photos. This trip sounded like it was an awesome short trip.


Thanks for the pictures of Whirlwind. I wanted to see just how big that coaster actually was.

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-If you try to get on the kiddy coaster, security WILL be called!


It was all a misunderstanding. I think the security guy got it after we had explained. I saw that look in his eye. He, too, was dying inside to ride Bear Trax.


It was worth it.

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Description: Tony with his camera, which is a sight which would be seen may times. Many. As in every time you saw him!


Viewed: 207 Time(s)


This is most definitely the truth.


Yea, this log flume wasn't quite as insane as the one from the next day, can't wait for that update.


Seabreeze was fun, someone said it was completely a parking lot park, but it was just so fun because it was most people's first ever TPR park experience.

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Part 3: Darien Lake


We next arrived at darien lake an hour early, to get ERT on Predator and Ride of Steel.

The rest of the day, we worked on getting credits, eating, and getting to get to each other more!


Some notes:


-Ride of Steel is now my favorite steel coaster, beating out maverick.


-Predator, in my opinion, is not rough at all, at least toward the front.


-Motocoaster was cute, but that's about it.


-Viper looks pretty, but like some people, will beat you up when you try to find out more!


-SLCs continue to earn their name of pain, but today's was smooth compared to Wonderlands!


Holy crap, they're getting a 500 foot tall, standing coaster! You heard it here first!

(Martin's Fantasy Island next!)


Bye, Ride of Steel. I'll miss you. Please write!


There's something shocking in there, I wonder what it is?


It broke! We had perfect timing!


Because of a delay on ERT, we got these handy things. And as soon as we got off the train on Ride of Steel.....


Having a little fun with your hotdog, Elissa?


Someone yelled out free food, so we all ran to get it!


But little did I know, going up the lift, that it was going to be the roughest ride on the trip! Yeah, even rougher than Mr. Rogers! (but with less loops!)


..and some are excited, so it must be good!


....and there people riding it...


Hmmm, it doesn't look that bad....


I think this tame log flume was trying to tell me that this was the only one I needed to ride today. If only I had listened!


Mind Eraser, AKA: Mind Eraser!


My attempt at an artsy shot of the ferris wheel. But we're not here for ferris wheels!


Motocoaster: Cool, but not very thrilling or re-rideable. Now a real motorcycle on that track would be thrilling!


Everyone skips poor predator, heading for the main attraction.


Darien Lake, you have no idea what's coming toward you!


As we arrive, I find my new love looking back at me.

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Wow, is the name of that ride really called Ride of Steel? They must of put a lot of thought into that name.

Yep, use to be called Superman: Ride of Steel, but Six Flags ran away, so they just plopped off the superman logos!

They still pop up once and a while, though, like the exit gate!

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Part 4: Martins Fantasy Island!


After our many rides on Ride of Steel, ( and I guess a few other rides,) we next headed off to a little park called Martins Fantasy Island, which would have a few surprises for us!




-Silver Comet is great!, but will break you're ribs if you don't brace yourself on the final turn!


-Gosh darn do I hate trims!


-Never underestimate a log flume!


-100 feet tall isn't to scary, but I imagine 300 is!


Guys, I think you're doing it wrong...you really should be sitting down!

(Behemoth Bash Next!)


One of the worst mouses ever. Seriously, every trim stopped the car, and we spun like once! Ever the ride operators said it was pathetic! (and that means something!)


One of the best tilt a whirls ever, followed by...


One of the strangest magic carpet rides ever, as halfway thru it tilted forward, going into floor less mode. This freaked me out more than flight!


My personal favorite prize...a cheese grater!


And of corse Robb got lots of video!


Everyone tosses their balls (get you're mind out of the gutter!).


The whole point of the game is to get 5 across, in any direction...and win some great prizes!


And now for the best game of the trip...I Got It!!!!(and yes, as you can tell, there are balls involved..)


Are you guys ready for you're ride on the silver comet?


...and especially ignore these people who looked like they just jumped into a pool! Seriously, this was the craziest log flume I have ever been on! A whole wave of water poured into the boat not once, but twice!


Nothing to see here, just your average log flume...look at it, it's not tall, you cant get wet...it only has two hills...ignore the ride attendant having to pump water out of the log every time it came back to the station...


Flight. I was told that several people found it scary, but I found it more relaxing. Of corse I am a little messed up in the head..


Pretty standard carnival ride, but without the pain that is usually associated with them!


Most boring swing(ish) type ride ever! They had reprogramed it the week before, so now all it does is swing back and forth, without spinning. Life is just boring without spinning...


Martin's has a little lake running through it, where you could go canoeing. But last time I checked, we weren't called canoe review, so I kept walking on!


Are you guys ready for this interesting little park?


After passing over a little magical bridge, we arrive at our next park, Martin's!

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They had those "I Got It' games around every corner at the Erie County Fair in Buffalo last night. I had never heard of them before yesterday...looked fun, but every seat was taken.


Sooooo...we opted for the beer tent instead!

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Part Five: Canada's Wonderland!


After spending a night at a quite nice hotel, we were off to the only park to get a full day on this trip, Canada's Wonderland!




-Behemoth Bash was great, and it was awesome to meet even more great people!


-Behemoth was awesome, but has troubled this TPR'er as to which part of the train was better...


-Kazoos are quite annoying when going down it's hills!


-Aside from Behemoth, just about every other coaster was Horrible!


-Have I mentioned how awesome ERT is?


Goodbye Canada's Wonderland..I sorta miss ya, but not really.

(Marineland next)


Ahh, the setting has changed a little, but you still look Badass!


Scooby Doo: AKA the longest line in the park! We waited a little over an hour to ride it, and I have no idea why!


Kiddy SLC: Training them young to endure pain, so they are ready for the bigger ones later on in life!


You should never need instructions to get into a coaster seat!


Hey guys, you're looking in the wrong direction....Italian Job is to the left!


Yeah, we got pretty close to the thing, but we were most certainly told if we got to close!


-The Money Shot-


Holy crap, they fell out!


Here's hoping that with all of these cameras, one of them does NOT break the ride...


Sledgehammer: Fun, but pretty much pointless. The drops down were the best part!


The Behemoth sign, in all it's sexy goodn............Holy crap, look at that line!


Wait, something's off...where's the tower?


Sorry, my camera automatically clicked, as apparently my attach photo button did....


Wait, who's this dude? Bring back the management!


Park management answering our very nerdy questions.


Everyone assembles for TPR trivia, Q&A, and perhaps food!


The park's powered coaster, with a surprise! (and watch out for the crazy strobe-lights!)


We need a bunch of us to recreate this! I'll be bottom guy number 2!


Yeah, this thing is as crazy as it looks, but the load/unload times were horrible. Over 5 minutes!


Well, at least it has a unique name...


We're here, and this ride is trying to give us a warning of the coasters in the park!

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Part Six: Marineland....


Before entering the US again, we visited a not so little park named Marineland.




-Wow, is all I have to say about this park, and that isn't good.


-There was so much wasted space in this park, just sitting around doing nothing!


-It was at least a 10 minute walk from attraction to attraction, and heading straight to Dragon mountain, we walked at least 20 minutes to get to it!


-The food was good, but did I mention the walks?


This blurry lady bug coaster ends this part of the update!

(Waldameer's next!)


The kiddy coaster, which was awesome because we could actually ride it without stealing a kid! It's better that way, because it saves you're wallet a few dollars!


Dude, why are you taking a picture of me? You couldn't have moved a little to the left, waited a little, or had the camera a little higher? Seriously!


Absolutely! This is now my favorite drop tower, and having ERT on it was amazing! And while I didn't do the elevator mode, I'm sure that would have been as awesome!


We're here, and was it worth the walk?....


Why are we climbing up this extremely tall hill, on this really long path, and why is tyler running way in front of the crowd? Well, I have the answer to one of those! Were going to the drop tower, which such happens to be on the top of a hill!


Ahh, how cute..you could push you're kid around in a hollowed out dolphin, incase you get tired!


"Hey, what are you looking at? Thanks for the food, but please, go away....I'm trying to relax..."


This bear was scared of the water, but all it took was an ice cream cone to lure it in!


Our awesomely themed trains wait in this awesomely themed que! (PS- Sorry, this is all of the dragon mountain pics I took. Most of the ride is hidden in the huge forrest, and I skipped right by the one spot you could see the track :( )


While the entrance is awesome, so it has to be a kick ass ride, right? (it was actually pretty decent, the only arrow on the trip I could ride again!)


(...Insert you're own joke here...)


Hey, we're finally at ye olde dragon mountain!


Oh My God, I see a ride!


Our view for the next 15 minutes: a path with trees on both sides, and an occasional randomly placed castle...


I was considering going to the right, but ERT on the picnic area just didn't sound to good to me!


Where's the crazy mob entrance?


We just sorta meandered around for a few minutes, taking various pictures and video...


Ahh, we're here, at least according to this sign....

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If you think Superman: Ride of Steel at Darien Lake was amazing, just wait until you ride the REAL Superman: Ride of Steel at Six Flags New England.




Caps used on purpose!


Matt Damon to Andrew: "Superman was alot better in the afternoon than it was this morning!"


Robb (out of nowhere): "RIDE OF STEEL!"


I also refuse to go along with the name changes at Wonderland, except for Time Warp. That name atleast makes sense, it'll make you wish you could go back in time and not ride it.

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