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Playland(PNE) Vancouver Discussion Thread

Playland's 2025 Season Starts on May 17th!

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^ Man, I am getting really old! Totally forgot about the little bldg. where we get the Season Pass cards from! And indeed, it is gone too! Hmmm. Wonder if that all will happen up at the Customer Service Bldg, after we enter the park?


Well, there's still well over a month to go, before the May 4th Opening. Plenty of time to keep guessing.


EDIT: By the way. I did notice that the online park map, and the actual signs at the ticket booths I saw today, haven't changed, to reflect the new Seniors' Daypass and Season Pass prices on the signs (hmmmph), as well as what is now missing, or to be replaced, on the map. I'd keep checking the map, to see if anything happens...or gets removed, I mean.


EDIT #2: I just checked my Season Pass printout, and it says I'll be getting my photo pass at "Guest Services". And that up front building has three windows I remember, so...even better than that little purple-roofed shack in front of (r.i.p?) Wave Swinger. (Which only used two of their four available windows.)


The SUPER BIG GULP (that's what they called it, thanks 7/11 ) in Playland, years ago. From Vancouver Archives.

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  • 2 weeks later...

^ Yeah, I saw that last night, but the site was down here,

so I couldn't post it. Well, all I can say about it is.... Finally!


EDIT: Just checked, and on Roller Coaster Data Base, it is listed as CLOSED there.


TPR visits Playland on May 16, 2014.

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^ Yeah, I saw that last night, but the site was down here,

so I couldn't post it. Well, all I can say about it is.... Finally!


EDIT: Just checked, and on Roller Coaster Data Base, it is listed as CLOSED there.


Hey look! I see me in that photo


In other news I tweeted the pne and got a response:


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^ I wonder if they're going to announce anything before,

or by the time Playland re-opens for the season, May 4th?


And both attractions are still a part of the Playland online map, I found.

Edited by Nrthwnd
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^ I wonder if they're going to announce anything, before

or by the time Playland re-opens for the season, May 4th?


I can’t imagine they have time to install anything new for the season. Is this the start of the expansion? Has council approved it yet?

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^ Oh, I was just referring to them announcing anything new. Whether it gets built for this season

or started for next season, I'm not too picky about that. *


It'll be NEW!



*Really REALLY hoping for an El Loco!

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^ Oh, I was just referring to them announcing anything new. Whether it gets built for this season

or started for next season, I'm not too picky about that. *


It'll be NEW!



*Really REALLY hoping for an El Loco!


Oh for sure! It just seems unusual for them to be removing things right before the season starts. I’m curious if this is indicative of the expansion plan starting soon?

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...I’m curious if this is indicative of the expansion plan starting soon?


One can only hope.


EDIT: It's just occurred to me, that this could well be the start of the transformation of Playland.

I mean, besides this happening (Corkscrew & Wave Swinger going gone), they will, for the first time,

start charging seniors who visit the park ($19cdn). It used to be totally free during the entire

Playland Season. They paid, of course, for the Fair itself in late August. But for Playland...nada. Till now.


And there's the new Seniors Season Pass as well ($48cdn). Ah well. These are the biggest changes that

Playland has done in a long long time (ride removal and prices), so something must be ~ could be coming up, pretty soon.


I still miss the awesome Gift Shop they had at Playland, right where you entered the park.....

and you would go into, just before you left the park. A perfect location.


What it was turned into, after it was closed up, at this location. At least they kept the top of it, in place.


This is where they moved it to. Small cramped space. And then.... no more. )o:

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My friend and I went to Playland today to see what they are doing


A building replacing the old purple roof building.


Corkscrew still here


They are pretty much finished with setting playland up except for the coasters


A closer look at what they are doing with the spot of the wave swinger


The tent from fright night is still up?

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^ Well, the coaster is still listed for sale at this site...




And only a month to go, before the park opens. So by that time,

I guess we'll find out whether it's running or just SBNO.


And/or still for sale.


And whoever buys it, has to pay extra for....


"Dismantle, load, shipping not included."

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Manufacturer - Vekoma

Year - 1985

Notes - 2 trains, 2,400' track, 75' height, 68' drop, 40 mph. New hydraulic system 2016/2017. Needs paint.

Price - Contact us for incredible price!


Dismantle, load, shipping not included.


"Needs paint." And then some! I wonder if anybody is going to buy Corkscrew?


Whoa! There is definitely a flat ride of some kind-type going in there. Where Wave Swinger used to be.

Thanks to kiki____k for posting the photo! (o: (Small bldg. is possibly the ride op's bldg.)


ALSO TO CONSIDER: They might have just removed the platform/stairs altogether (that you climb up to the swings)

and are putting Wave Swinger on ground level, like so many others I have been on. Hmmm...

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I went to the PNE grounds, to hopefully get updated shots of whatever flat ride is being installed

by The Beast. And to just check out the lonely PNE grounds, off season.


And if Corkscrew has been S-o-l-d! yet.


They're hiring for the PNE!


Where the main entry gate and ticket booths sit.


Nice. I never noticed this, because there's usually vintage cars all around it.


Where various food trucks and sales trucks sit.... currently a parking lot.


The PNE Administration Bldg....now with Palm Trees!


Looking through the middle of what would be the outdoor bar area, and Festival park.


What's this? What's this?


The 2019 PNE Prize Home being assembled. I like the look of this one, compared to last year's.


Looking back to where I came in.


"Follow the green planters."


The Livestock Buildings, which could use some TLC... i.e. PAINT!


Looking across the Beer Garden ~ Rib Fest area, to where the PNE Concert Series happens.


SBNS = Standing But Not Sold...yet.


It's Asphalt Day today! Best shot I could get. Will check again on Saturday.

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I went to the PNE grounds, to hopefully get updated shots of whatever flat ride is being installed

by The Beast. And to just check out the lonely PNE grounds, off season.


And if Corkscrew has been S-o-l-d! yet.


The ride ops booth has an ocean / orca motif. So ocean themed ride?

Edited by Evan-500
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^ It could very well be that kind of theming. Hopefully I can see it better in a few days.

And I am also hoping, that it will be some kind of thrill ride. But I have the feeling

it's going to be more of a family-style kind of ride...


Based on killer whales.

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Got over to the park early this morning. Happily all the trucks were gone, and I had

a full view of "the new ride", including the new queue they've created for it.


You can see light stands around it, and yes, those are Orca whales on the back of

the ride ops' bldg. Still no sign of the main ride itself, but it's now two weeks

until Playland opens, so everything should be in place by (hopefully) next weekend.


I'll check again, then.


EDIT to add: Actually, I am rather enjoying this not really knowing what's going in there. Considering all the social media attention on every new coaster and/or flat ride being built nowadays...not really knowing for a change, is... dare I say?.....fun? And kudos to Playland for not giving it away just yet (i.e not listing it in their Rides List until the park opens in two weeks).


Clear view of......it.


Very nautical. Now where's Dory? (o;


Looks nice and orderly, the queue does.

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^^ Well, now that the middle section is up, I don't think it's one of those Wave Blasters. Today's photos show it's really, most likely, another form of swings flat ride. I could be wrong, of course. In any case...definitely a "nautical" theme, lol.


Here's the photos I took earlier today...


All is still.


It went vertical!


Could be swings for the thing.



View from the main gate.


Wings or waves. Take your pick. (o;


View from over by Coaster.

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