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Six Flags America (SFA) Discussion Thread

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You probably already know this, but I'll post it just in case. My strategy for getting pretty comfortable rides on stand-ups, particularly Apocalypse, is to have the restraint set one notch lower than needed. I then push up with my shoulders against the OTSR, which allows me to stabilize my head better. Just thought I'd throw that out there.


Also, JJ didn't have the lights off in the spaghetti bowl when I went. Wild One was running VERY well. The airtime was awesome in the front row.

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^I've found that the front row is the best way to go if you absolutely have to ride Shockwave. Not sure if this will work for Apocalypse, though.

Both of my rides have been in the rear... but back to SFA. How likely does it seem for ROAR to get Millenium Flyers? Right now, it's the only GCI with PTC trains.

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^ Thank you! I will see how scary they are. These things rarely scare me. The only ones that have ever scared me are Frightland in DE, The Haunted Mill in PA and Halloween Park in PA.
It was open the whole time I was there.

Yay! Thats great to know, as I have been neglecting the park this year, and I need to get that credit!

@allilstronger I'll be there Saturday too! Do the teacups, as they are crazy fun, and Superman has the best night rides.


You guys take pictures please!!! Might be the last opportunity to get any season pics because of Sandy coming.



Also I prefer the front seat of Apocalypse. I too press my upper body against the restraint. Also I learn my head in the directions of the turns (so if the corkscrew is turning left I lean/tilt my head a little to the left.

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Six Flags America just announced that they will be closed tomorrow due to the hurricane.




For More Information Please Check Our Website - Further Information Will Be Available Throughout The Evening.


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^I've found that the front row is the best way to go if you absolutely have to ride Shockwave. Not sure if this will work for Apocalypse, though.

Both of my rides have been in the rear... but back to SFA. How likely does it seem for ROAR to get Millenium Flyers? Right now, it's the only GCI with PTC trains.


I'm not sure how likely it is, but it needs to happen soon. It's way too rough as it is. Superman also needs new trains like the ones on Bizarro at SFNE. The current ones are tiny and have no leg room, even if they didn't have those stupid ankle restraints. Mind Eraser needs those new Vekoma trains with the soft restraints. One of these years, they should use the budget to get some new trains for Roar, Superman, and Mind Eraser.


Also, I wonder if they'll change the "bring a friend for free" day to tonight.

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I give up on this park for Fright Fest. I will admit I will give them credit for trying. Yes, I renewed my season pass for next year but won't be going to Fright Fest - at least at this park. The haunted attractions were NOT scary at all. All they did was get in my face - how is that scary?


Again they send TOO many people through at once. 10 people is A LOT - if something pops out at the people in front of me it is NOT going to scare me. When are they going to get this?


I could not understand the girl talking at the beginning of Blood Factory into the loud speaker - it was too loud in there and there was too much going on. Then in the room with the other girl talking we could not hear her. We just looked at each other dumb founded till she pointed to the door. The rest had maybe 4-5 haunts that I could see in plain site so they did not scare me.


Toxic Fallout was the WORST haunted attraction I have ever paid for. This was a waste and they could have did without it. You could see the WHOLE thing from standing in line for it. The theming was terrible and looked like something I could throw together in my back yard. We did not understand the random short circuit looking robot - it just looked out of place. Also the giant snake looked out of place.


Backwoods Bloodshed had good themeing - I will give them that. I was confused on the random toilet in the middle of the woods. Also was confused why there was a giant turkey with a human head - that looked stupid. ALL that bamboo and not a dang ghoul in there jumping out. Also we were confused about the random ride cars and children's toys at the end - there was no back story or anything. I could see many haunts hiding behind things but not jumping out.


The tea cups were pretty neat - I will give them that. As well as the bumper cars. I was confused on why they advertise JJ, ROS, Cyclone, etc. on their website to have some sort of story but do NOTHING. That is false advertisement.


Club Pulse was a joke! I was expecting to walk in there and there would be loud club music with laser lights and fog - umm like ANY normal club I have been to. No, we walk in and could barely hear the music, all the lights were on and there were NO ghouls in there. Such a waste.


I love the idea of having the ghouls walk around the park but that park gets way too crowded for this! I was elbowed several times in my stomach from people running from the ghouls like mad people.

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So Basically, Smaller Groups In Backwoods and adjust the sound in Blood Factory? In my opinion just sounds like opportunities to improve. Just a question? What was the line for Backwoods Bloodshed like?... could that have played a role as to why they sent groups of that size? ( I can understand the dilemna ... do you A. send smaller groups thus increasing your wait time and getting those kinds of complaints, or do B. you send a larger group and get comlaints for those who may feel they did not get scared to their satisfaction).

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So Basically, Smaller Groups In Backwoods and adjust the sound in Blood Factory? In my opinion just sounds like opportunities to improve. Just a question? What was the line for Backwoods Bloodshed like?... could that have played a role as to why they sent groups of that size? ( I can understand the dilemna ... do you A. send smaller groups thus increasing your wait time and getting those kinds of complaints, or do B. you send a larger group and get comlaints for those who may feel they did not get scared to their satisfaction).



They need smaller groups in all 3. We skipped the bridge because we heard the chainsaws walking up to it and already knew they were there so they were not going to scare us. The line for bloodshed went about 20 minutes if that. If I owned a haunted thing I would send smaller groups and put up signs saying why - to make it more scarier for everyone.

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Yes, Saturday the 27th was the busiest I've seen the park all year. Even busier than the summer. Bridge of Terror and Toxic Fallout seemed to be getting negative feelings, but everybody seemed to rave over Backwoods Bloodshed & Blood Factory.


I feel TF and BoT would have benefitted a lot if some walls were put up so you couldn't see it from the midways. Even some cheap black plastic would've done the job. I did however enjoy this year's Fright Fest more than past years.

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^ YES! Both Superman and Jokers had full queues at one time! I have NEVER seen the extra queue being used on Jokers Jinx before.


Side Note: This park NEEDS to build a queue line for Riddle Me This. I am still confused why this ride has no queue line. They open the gate to let people on and its like all heck breaks loose. It is as bad as when they had Avalanche next to the Jokers Jinx and it barely had a queue line.

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I would not all of them. When I was there on the 27th the Wild One and Mind Eraser's ops could not have cared less about guest.


It seems to me that Gotham Ops are the best.


Also, is it true that the train at SFA is the same one from Astroworld?

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I would not all of them. When I was there on the 27th the Wild One and Mind Eraser's ops could not have cared less about guest.


It seems to me that Gotham Ops are the best.


Also, is it true that the train at SFA is the same one from Astroworld?


OMG that train is SOOOOO old looking. They have a much BETTER train just sitting there next to the train tracks behind the go karts. It is just sitting there decaying away. I do not understand why they do not use it. The one they are using is so rough and very uncomfortable. When I was there on 10/27 we kept hearing this noise that sounded like a cruise ship taking off but it was the train. The horn on it sounds like a horn on a cruise ship. But in reality their train ride is not worth it. There are no nice views or anything from it.

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