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Hersheypark (HP) Discussion Thread

p. 438: Twizzlers Twisted Gravity announced for 2025!

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This puzzle has already been solved. There is one banner that is ___ ___ 2037, another that is ___ 3162 ____, and we got the word CLAY from last week's study (the letters C-L-A-Y were in light grey). If you searched for CLAY 3162 2037 on the site, it would bring to you the letter at http://www.rideinstitute.com/clay01.php (although I personally can't get it to work right now).


I like how the letter states "I hear strange noises hundreds of feet above the earth". I'm really wondering if this has any significance - "...that I sometimes with I could fly far away from here"


EDIT: TOTALLY misquoted the letter about "hundreds of feet above the Earth". I was definitely letting my eyes read what they WANTED to read, instead of what it actually said. However, it does say "...noises which fly hundreds of feet through the trees". Sorry about that.

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I think the link to letter is just one part of the history of that portion of HP; the pictures appear (At least ONE of them does) to be of Comet Hollow before the first Hershey Wildcat was built- which would make logical sense.


Since the official announcement is still a ways off, they will have plenty of time to lead us through how they want the plot to go- and that in itself is part of the fun. Decoding things is getting a bit easier though... look at the file extentions they're using along the way (CH01.php; clay01.php) as a hint-guide.

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We have our number code!


Best list here: A 14, B 10,C 1,D 25,E 17,F 18,G 7,H 6,I 13,J 11,K 12,L 9,M 19,N 8,O 0,P 2,Q 3,R 4,S 5,T 15,U 16,V 22,W 21,X 24,Y 23, Z 20


Best list here: A 14, B 10,C 1,D 25,E 17,F 18,G 7,H 6,I 13,J 11,K 12,L 9,M 19,N 8,O 0,P 2,Q 3,R 4,S 5,T 15,U 16,V 22,W 21,X 24,Y 23, Z 20

Edited by KDcoasterMAN
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NICE! I passed it over completely-


Which means... let the numerology begin.


Edit: I'm presuming yours was backwards first, yes? As I'm getting a different number alignment out of my decoding.

Edited by QueerRudie
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^Made a few mistakes on the list, The new list above is updated. The image list should be disregarded.


Notice the lack of 26 but the presence of zero.


EDIT: Easier to read list:

A 14

B 10

C 1

D 25

E 17

F 18

G 7

H 6

I 13

J 11

K 12

L 9

M 19

N 8

O 0

P 2

Q 3

R 4

S 5

T 15

U 16

V 22

W 21

X 24

Y 23

Z 20


Here's my attempt. Single numbers only: "#### QCHP POQG" Now with all: "#### QUVOQG"


I think we need the last 4 digits to finish the code.

Edited by KDcoasterMAN
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Oh man, this is where it gets fun!


I'll come back later for this study, but for now: I don't know if it was pointed out (everyone was confused about the white dwarf particle in the first study), but a white dwarf is a type of star. So, between mentions of comets and the Ursula Major constellation, I think it's their way of saying that we're sticking with that sort of theme. Of course, then there's SDL...


*EDIT: I think it's interesting they mentioned attaching the sensors to the wingtips...

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