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Questions about TPR's Front Page - Please read!

Do you regularly look at the front page?  

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Any chance of someone creating something like a Flash banner at the top, or would that totally kill the load time on the homepage?


Just posting this for what I'm talking about... I would mention cedarpoint.com, but I figure, why go for the easy one?




Personally I think there's a lot of clutter on their front page, but just as an example. Plus, it's an interesting format in regards to having the updates on the left, forum links of the "last-posted-in" topics in the center, and general site contents on the right. Granted, the site contents would already be archived on this site if you use that PHP-based version you mentioned, but I'm still trying to figure out where you could possibly fit an extra forum box on the homepage.


Dan "That's how you know you have a good site: when everything's important! " Smith

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^ I would be up for having a really nice animated title like that.


Anyone want to make us one?


I don't think we will be doing a forum box on the front page. We just have WAY too many threads and posts for it to work right. And the whole point of the right hand side of front page is to highlight the "best" of the forum.


I think that gives people an incentive to make higher quality threads and posts.


I agree with you that site has a lot of clutter. If you scroll down to their content part on the front page it's like website diarrhea. Imagine if we tried to put EVERYTHING we have at TPR on the front page, that's what this is like.


I want our front page to be "clean" but very informative. I see us adding an update or two every day, so that people really do need to check the front page on a regular basis.



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^ I would be up for having a really nice animated title like that.


Anyone want to make us one?


Wonder if that guy who did the Spain trip logo would be up for it?


Yeah, given the number of posts on here, it really would be hard to keep track on the front page; plus being able to make the update showcase is awesome.


Any other ideas that didn't show up in this version?

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1. What do you find most useful about the front page?


-The information and the simple columns of informatio



2. What do you find least useful about the front page?


-Anouncements b/c its easier to just go into the forum and look at the topic in deail


3. Is anything on the front page confusing?


-I sometimes get confused b/c the pictures are close together but i think it could be solved by adding a thicker line in between topics


4. How far do you scroll down the front page looking for updates?

-only 2 or 3 topics


5. How often do you look at the front page?

5-6 times a week

6. How often do you click on the "whatsnew" link?




7. What would you like to see added to the front page to make your visits to TPR better?

- a change from the black and gray to something a litte brighter maybe red or something for the red and black TPR logo


8. Anything else you would like to mention? Like any thing else you would like to see us add/change/leave alone/etc?


Keep the 2 columns that are currently in place. Before them I was always confused

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^ Yes, eventually the entire site will be PHP based. It will be done in phases. Phase I is the front page. Phase II is our update format. Phase III is the park index page.


I think that covers pretty much everything!




ps. I'm very curious to see if anyone wants to take a stab at the TPR logo! All that needs to remain the same is the gadzoox.ttf font.

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I think there should someday be an "All-time best of" column. One that showcases some of the best things the site has ever done. (i.e. the big trips, Tatsu opening)

That was the whole point of the "Special Features" section that no one said they ever looked at.


I've moved it to here:



And there is a link on the front page to it.


The new PHP based front page will have a random update section that changes everytime you refresh. This section will also include the 'best of' TPR updates and videos.



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The new PHP based front page will have a random update section that changes everytime you refresh. This section will also include the 'best of' TPR updates and videos.


I like the random update idea. It will have people looking at past updates. You're doing a good job, and the front page looks great! It's new, but it still has the classic TPR feel. Awesome job! I can't wait to see what it looks like when it's all done.

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I have a question mainly geared toward Robb/Elissa:


I was curious as to why we "normal" TPRers can not make our own user title. I don't see anything wrong with having the ability to have a custom user title ability, and I can't imagine it being extremely difficult to program it, as virtualyl every other site I have visited has that ability. (Although I'm going to be a structural/amusement ride engineer, not a programmer, so I have no idea how hard that really is.)

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I always visit the front page first to see any updates, but rarely go to the "What's New" page.


I would like to see something like a Wiki containing stuff like tips and tricks for the parks. It would be nice to have a reference of some kind for most parks about things you should and shouldn't do. For instance I sometimes see that people had a bad experiences in a park and then quite a few people would chime in with the same experiences. If we could sort of "keep track" of these we could warn others against them or even alert park management that so many people had bad experiences that we don't feel recommending the ride or park area to potential punters.


Another tip might be best times to visit certain coasters. Early morning and late afternoon doesn't always apply.


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1. What do you find most useful about the front page?


Easy viewing, easy accessability.


2. What do you find least useful about the front page?


No, interactivity. Most of that happens in the forums.


3. Is anything on the front page confusing?


Not really


4. How far do you scroll down the front page looking for updates?


All the way down


5. How often do you look at the front page?




6. How often do you click on the "whatsnew" link?


Never clicked it until you asked me this question.


7. What would you like to see added to the front page to make your visits to TPR better?


A more interactive frontpage. To me it's kind of plain.


8. Anything else you would like to mention? Like any thing else you would like to see us add/change/leave alone/etc?


I really like desktop wallpapers for the computer. You take a lot of pictures I don't see the problem in having a downloads page.

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1. What do you find most useful about the front page? The most recent updates



3. Is anything on the front page confusing? nope


4. How far do you scroll down the front page looking for updates? not that far down


5. How often do you look at the front page? I look at it every time i go onto TPR


6. How often do you click on the "whatsnew" link? I'm sorry i cannot find this link so therefore haven't used it


7. What would you like to see added to the front page to make your visits to TPR better? Something showing the most recent topics discussed ! I'm not sure


8. Anything else you would like to mention? Like any thing else you would like to see us add/change/leave alone/etc?Add more info about UK parks like updates etc !

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1. What do you find most useful about the front page?

It provides quick and easy access to the latest and greatest content on Theme Park Review.


3. Is anything on the front page confusing?

It's not confusing so much as cluttered.


4. How far do you scroll down the front page looking for updates?

That depends. Sometimes I'm just looking for the latest updates, in which case I'll look at the top 2/3 or so (whatever fits on a 1280x1024 resolution monitor). If I'm looking for something specific or I'm bored enough then I'll scroll down.


5. How often do you look at the front page?

Very rarely, maybe once or twice per month. This isn't a criticism of the site, it's a problem with other sites as well.


Because the home page doesn't change very often, if I'm a regular visitor to the site, it's usually just another page to click past to get to the forum content that I'm interested in. I therefore end up with the forum home page in my browser history, which virtually guarantees that in future I'll end up going directly to the forum home page rather than the site home page.


6. How often do you click on the "whatsnew" link?

I didn't even know there was one, and I couldn't find one when I looked at the home page five minutes ago.


8. Anything else you would like to mention? Like any thing else you would like to see us add/change/leave alone/etc?

Basically, I think the home page is too cluttered and needs some space between elements. Between the menu and the announcements, between the announcements and the updates, maybe even with a slight border or margin around the pictures for each update, just so that the eye can separate them easily. Right now, you can't just glance at the page and instantly know what's what - you have to take a few seconds to look more closely.

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1. What do you find most useful about the front page?


The "quick links" to the PTR updates and other interesting things to note in the forums



3. Is anything on the front page confusing?


It's clean and simple. I didn't find anything confusing on there.



4. How far do you scroll down the front page looking for updates?


Not much.. I do scroll down once in a while to see if there's anything I missed related to the forum updates.



5. How often do you look at the front page?


Once in a while. The only link I have bookmarked to TPR is the "Posts since last visit" link. I use that all the time.



7. What would you like to see added to the front page to make your visits to TPR better?


I think what you have on the front page is enough.



8. Anything else you would like to mention? Like any thing else you would like to see us add/change/leave alone/etc?


A better FAQ! The one you have for the Forums looks like the standard install that came with phpbb. I've seen people using posted pictures with comments in their quoting and I'd like to know how!

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1. What do you find most useful about the front page? All the updates, you seem to have a great knack of choosing the best posts to highlight.


2. What do you find least useful about the front page? "Click here for past front page updates"


3. Is anything on the front page confusing? No, its well laid out and you can find what you want.


4. How far do you scroll down the front page looking for updates? All the way to the bottom! I think you should rotate it out on a set basis (like say 3 months...or 6 months...)


5. How often do you look at the front page? I check the site at least once a week.


6. How often do you click on the "whatsnew" link? Where is there a whatsnew link on the homepage?? (oh no, I have looked at so many coaster pictures and videos, I must be going blind!!)


7. What would you like to see added to the front page to make your visits to TPR better?

Nothing, it is a great site and easy to navigate.


8. Anything else you would like to mention? Like any thing else you would like to see us add/change/leave alone/etc? Some updated graphics would be cool, but overall I love the site. Until I came across TPR, I did not realize how many coaster geeks existed! Keep up the great work!

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