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Hershey/Dorney or BGW/PKD?

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Ok, so here's the deal. I got a great airfare on Southwest to Baltimore for Labor Day weekend, and I've got to make a choice. Visit Hershey and Dorney (and maybe sneak into SFGAdv for a few hours if Kingda Ka is running) or visit Busch Gardens Williamsburg and Kings Dominion? I've always wanted to visit all the parks (I've been to SFGAdv already) but if you were faced with the choice, which would you choose and why?


I usually don't write posts like this, because I can't stand them. However, I'm having a really hard time choosing which places to visit. If I got some other opinions, perhaps it would sway me one way or the other. :?



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Cheap airfare!... from OAK or SFO? Can I go?


I would rather go to Dorney to ride Hydra vs going to BGW to go ride Dark Castle. All though, BGW is like my all time favorite park. A cold Michelob Amber Bock, some brautwurst, a Polk-A-Mania show and a few spins on Appollo's and I'm all set.


If you end up going to Busch, let me know, and I'll send you some free tickets.

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Ok, so here's the deal. I got a great airfare on Southwest to Baltimore for Labor Day weekend, and I've got to make a choice. Visit Hershey and Dorney (and maybe sneak into SFGAdv for a few hours if Kingda Ka is running) or visit Busch Gardens Williamsburg and Kings Dominion? I've always wanted to visit all the parks (I've been to SFGAdv already) but if you were faced with the choice, which would you choose and why?


I usually don't write posts like this, because I can't stand them. However, I'm having a really hard time choosing which places to visit. If I got some other opinions, perhaps it would sway me one way or the other. :?




King's Dominion gets my vote. They have a pretty good collection of coasters, if that's your preference.

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Dude, you're more than welcome to come along. Southwest still has the deal right now from Oakland to Baltimore for $99 each way, and seats are still available on the flights I'm taking as of right now. My round-trip flight was $231, flying out at 6:45am getting into Baltimore at 4:40pm on September 2nd, and then flying back at 12:55pm getting back into Oakland at 4:30pm on the 5th. The rental car is $100 for the weekend, and I've got a $50 a night room right now in Doswell, but if I change to Hershey/Dorney/SFGAdv then that's out the door. I'm sure I could find something around that price in the Hershey/Dorney/Philly area.


Hit me up if you're serious, as it stands right now I'm going solo, so I'd love some friendly company. My other buddy in Reno is looking at going too, but that probably won't pan out.



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I have been to Dorney, Hershey, and PKD. I went during Springtime in the Park to Hershey so not all of it was open, plus I didn't ride Storm Runner. It was still a great park. Dorney has a good collection of coasters with Talon, Hydra, Laser, Steel Force (which I didn't go on but everyone that did said it was good), and Thunderhawk. I was too small to go on any of the coasters at PKD, so I can't help you there.

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That's not a bad price at all. Let me talk to the wife, and if it's alright with her I'll book my flight tomorrow. I'd just buy the same exact flight that you would, to save any troubles. I've driven from Sacto to OAK in an hour in the early morning hours.


Which parks though?

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My suggestion would be Dorney and Hershey. My reasoning is the fact that it's labor day weekend and the parks will probably be crowded. Dorney isn't usually crowded. You should have a good day there. Hershey is run very well. We went to Hershey last year and there was a person in line stating that this was the busiest she has ever seen the park. It was a Saturday in June. We were still able to ride all the rides, including Storm Runner. I have been to PKD and BGW. They both get very crowded and it might be frustrating to not get on all the rides. The only saving grace would be the beers at BGW with Wally.


That's what I would do with the weekend in question.

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That's not a bad price at all. Let me talk to the wife, and if it's alright with her I'll book my flight tomorrow. I'd just buy the same exact flight that you would, to save any troubles. I've driven from Sacto to OAK in an hour in the early morning hours.


Which parks though?


Just so you know, the Southwest sale ends at midnight tonight. I'd hate for you to want to go, only to find the prices have gone up substantially.


As for the parks, I guess we can decide later if you want to do it that way. Personally, I've been looking forward to going to Busch Gardens for awhile, but Hershey and Dorney look mighty sweet. I'm down for any of them. Hershey has Lightning Racer and Storm Runner, Dorney has Hydra, Steel Force and Talon. BGW has Apollo's Chariot and Alpie, PKD has Volcano and Hypersonic. It's a tough call.


Send me an email at adamsj@fcrystal.com if you want to talk this some more. Later.



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Hands down Busch and PKD. Hershey is an incredible park, but Dorney is just terrible (It is just not what it's cracked up to be)... Infact I got food poisoning the last time I was there (Friday) and I have just today gotten my appetite back... Of course, that was a freak incident but it just makes me hate the park even more!


EDIT: I just realized it was lame for me to say that I hate Dorney and not list my reasons. Dorney is a park that fails to acheive an atmosphere. It has little shade, lacks character, and the generic Cedar Fair corporate feel permeates through it. The rides are pretty decent. Talon, Hydra, Thunderhawk and Laser are all good roller coasters and there are some pretty good flat rides, but nothing that stands out. The food is bad (In comparison to BGW and possibly PKD, I don't exactly remember). One MAJOR plus is that often times, even during the summer months, the park has relatively short lines due to the fact that the waterpark is much more popular.


I hope that helps a bit?


Mark "I hope I can visit BGW this summer" Luskus

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Hands down Busch and PKD. Hershey is an incredible park, but Dorney is just terrible (It is just not what it's cracked up to be)... Infact I got food poisoning the last time I was there (Friday) and I have just today gotten my appetite back... Of course, that was a freak incident but it just makes me hate the park even more!


Mark "If you want me to explain my reasoning feel free to post or PM me" Luskus


Strange, I actually liked Dorney better than Hershey!

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I have been to Dorney, Hershey, SFGAV, and BGW. I love hershey and BGW. If you are going for a good variety of coasters, do hershey, Dorney, and SFGAV. SFGAV gets pretty crowded but I do not know how it is like on labor day. BGW has some good coasters but not much else. Has some 3D stuff there, but not as good as Universal or Disney.


Go to Dorney, Hershey, SFGAV


Does anyone have some ticks to IOA or BGTB that they would give up or discount tickets. I am going down July 9-16?

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I'm leaning more towards Hershey/Dorney and making a quick run to SFGAdv now. I think we'll be doing that trip, since it gives us more credits and a chance to catch Kingda Ka if it's running. Hydra, Steel Force, Talon at Dorney and Stormrunner, Lightning Racer and Great Bear are too sweet-looking to pass up I think. I'll hit BGW and PKD when my girl and I visit D.C. sometime in the next year or two.


If anyone else is interested in joining up on the trip, there are spots available in the car. Meeting up, joining us, whatever. I'm cool with anything.



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Yeah, I think Hershey,Dorney and Six Flags Great Adventure would be a good call vs Busch Gardens and Paramount's.


I really want to ride Hydra and Storm Runner looks pretty cool. If I can add Kingda Ka to my list, that would be super sweet. Im' not getting my hopes up though. We'll see if it's running first.


You think I can get a 25 pound Hershey bar shipped from the gift shop to my house?

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