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Cedar Fair 2008 Season Passes

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Cedar Fair just announced the prices of the 2008 season passes.


140.00 for a "Platinum Pass" which now INCLUDES parking at any Cedar Fair park and also includes admission to any and all of the water parks.


This is an increase of 15.00 over the Cedar Fair MaxPass I bought this year which did not include parking, so not a bad deal.

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Cedar Fair just announced the prices of the 2008 season passes.


140.00 for a "Platinum Pass" which now INCLUDES parking at any Cedar Fair park and also includes admission to any and all of the water parks.


This is an increase of 15.00 over the Cedar Fair MaxPass I bought this year which did not include parking, so not a bad deal.


That is pretty awesome that they throw in the parking, especially since you could just get one Platinum pass for the parking and buy Maxx Passes for the rest of your passes.


I'd really like to see Cedar Fair fix the problem with cards not scanning outside of your home park. The current system is clumsy.


I don't really plan on buying any Cedar Fair pass for 2008. Kings Island just doesn't interest me anymore.

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^But from the looks of it on Michigan's Adventure's site, there is no more Maxx Pass. Your only options are 1 park only or all the parks. Not sure if I like the idea or not. It's great it includes parking now, but the separate gate waterparks don't really interest me (and probably about 90% of people who get the Maxx passes to begin with). Seems the only separate admission waterparks are mostly all in SoCal, with the exception of Kansas City and Cedar Point. Still, looks like this is a way for CF to make more money off of pass sales. Last years were a steal for anyone who didn't buy their pass in Ohio! I really do hope they change their admission policy though and make it more universal. Right now it's probably the dumbest thing ever; old Paramount park passes you can walk right into the old Paramount parks, but CF passes you have to go to GR to get an admission ticket. Old CF parks everyone has to go to GR to get in. Meanwhile SF is universal across the board, even up at LaRonde you just show your pass and walk in!


I'll be getting one for myself, as it'll definitely pay with parking. However, not sure if it's such a good thing for families, as they really don't need more than 1 pass with parking.


I actually like the way Six Flags did it, all the passes are one price, and then you can upgrade and get a parking pass good at all the parks for $45 more. It appears CF is offering a parking pass too for $35, but who would need a parking pass good at all the parks if they're buying the Platinum Pass, they already get parking included. And if you're going to just get a 1 park pass, why would you want the parking pass for an extra $35, if for $15 more you can get admission to all the parks too!?

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140.00 for a "Platinum Pass" which now INCLUDES parking at any Cedar Fair park.

Very cool. This point was actually suggested by someone at the CoasterMania Q&A. I obviously can't say for sure whether it was the determining factor for them changing the policy, but it was nice to see the panel of executives take it into consideration, and act upon it.


Kudos to CF.

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I also remember this being raised at the Coastermania Q&A, and thought the same thing.


Just to clarify, there are only two options, the Platinum pass for the 140.00 or the single park pass for I think 105.00. The single park option does NOT include parking, which can be added on for 50.00.


Not a math expert, but if you do the latter option, let me know and Tommy will come back and hit you in the head with a tack hammer.

Also the 140.00 is only good until Nov. 11 after which the price will increase to 150.00

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Seems the only separate admission waterparks are mostly all in SoCal, with the exception of Kansas City and Cedar Point. Still, looks like this is a way for CF to make more money off of pass sales.


Unless that is going to change... that has been a rumor around here since CF bought KI.... If they decide to start charging a separate gate fee for the Boomerang Bays, etc, it would increase the sales of these passes. Not saying that they would do it-here in Cincy it would TICK people off in a major way. But, I can tell you, it was certainly our observation through this season that there were way more people in the waterpark than in the main park. And this was true even before the heat wave....


Shari "Ready to just buy a Holiday World pass and drive an extra 2 hours and 55 minutes" Shoufler

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My Dominion Maxx Pass will scan at any of the old Paramount Properties but nowhere else.




Looking back at this $140 is a GREAT deal for the pass and I only paid $99 this year.


For $140, they are giving you waterparks, parking, joe cool club (early entry), and the usual perks.


Last year, if you put that together ala carte, it would come to ...


$164.95 for the Maxx Pass Plus

$75.00 for the "All-Ohio" Parking Pass (and that wouldn't include any other parks)

$15.00 for Joe Cool Club


Combined the price would be $254.95

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If you bought either of the max passes at a former Paramount Park, ( I bought mine at KI) it had the Joe Cool Club included. I have gotten in early every day I have been and will be going to the "Joe Cool Homecoming" 9/7 and 9/8.

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Doing away with the Maxx Pass is a terrible idea for people who don't live in Ohio. I was going to get a Maxx Pass at Dorney next year and use it for a multi-day trip to CP. Since I was going to stay at one of the hotels in the park, I would be getting free parking and early admission, so why should I now have to pay extra for those? And this is on top of having to pay more for the Platinum Pass than I would've paid by getting my Maxx Pass through Dorney instead of CP.


And like DerekRx said, it's a terrible idea for people who don't go solo, because only one person per carload needs a parking pass!

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I'm still hoping that for parks not near CP, cheaper options are available. I thought $92 for a Dorney pass (with free parking at Dorney) or $102 for a Maxx Pass (also with the free parking at Dorney) was a great deal and was hoping for similar pricing for 2008.

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And like DerekRx said, it's a terrible idea for people who don't go solo, because only one person per carload needs a parking pass!


Yea, but it's always nice to have parking included just in case. What if your the only one in the group with a pass?


My only gripe is that last year all 06 pass holders got free parking in 07.

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We bought a Maxx pass this year because we went to CP and possibly going to KBF, but with the price increase, I don't know if we'll get it. GA is now only offering "premium" parking to premium pass holders. They have given it to VIP pass holders for a long time now. They are doing a VIP/Gold pass renewal with free parking, but not the close parking. I don't think it will be worth it to get a Premium pass if the only 2 parks I will be going to next year are GA and GG.

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