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Fear Factor Live!

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Ok so Fear Factor Live at Universal Studios last show was on August 17th 2007, and was taken out so that "The Bill And Ted Show" could be put in for Halloween Horror Nights. So I was just wondering if anyone here has seen the show, or if anyone has been a contestant one it? I was a contestant on July 27th and made it to the last stunt! I was just wondering if anyone here has ever won it?


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ive been to the show at universal hollywood, probaly the same as the one in orlando..... i thought that the bug stuff was a little fake too, they just didnt tell the contestants, wasn't in the show but my friends dad was.....

he lost on the first stunt, where you had to hang from the handles,,,, said his hands were too sweaty.....




thats cool that elissa was once on it...

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I saw the show once. It was pretty good, but I think the bug eating stuff was fake. I am not positive, but I just don't see how they could get people from the audience to come down and drink a bug smoothie without even being a little grosed out.


They do not just pick people from the audience. They have audtions for the eating part as well. The people are just told where to sit in the audience to that they get picked. So they are not really picking random people from the audience, it is actually people who agreeded to do it and signed a waver! All of the things that are eaten are real! So there is nothing fake about it! Just like that bar is really 50ft off of the ground, and you really hang from it. I think it is awesome that Elissa has been on the show! I never knew that!


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