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TR: Six Flags New England 6/23

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So out of nowhere today, my mom asks me if I want to go to SFNE today, so I obviously say yes. Here is where the problems start. I originally want to get there a 2 and stay till 7, a respectable 5 hours in the park. But as it turned out, we left late, and I estimated we would get there at 3. However, we get in the car, and begin the sad realization that on a perfect summer saturday, the park would be packed. And then it was decided we would have to stop and get stuff for dinner on the way home, then we ran into roadwork. We got there around 3, and it was the most packed I had ever seen.


So, we head in, and decide against getting a FlashPass because we have season passes and can just come back some other time. It also turns out that we are only going to stay till 6, leaving 3 hours. My dad had to use the restroom, so we cut across into CrackAxle Canyon from the entrance plaza, and then rode Tomahawk, a Huss Frisbee. Great ride, and even though the line was alot longer then usual, it moved through it quickly. SFNE needs more rides that can move people like this.


I wanted to head over to Cyclone next, so we did. First however, we got in line for Time Warp, the first ever Vekoma Air Jumper. However, the line is just not moving, and it is taking them forever to start, so we ditch it and head over to Cyclone, to find no line and 2 train operations. After about 5 minutes we got into the station, and got in line for the back row. It was running very wild, but something was missing, and it was very rough.


After that we headed down towards Superman, were we found an IMMENSE line, the longest I have ever seen. They were running two trains, so we didn't think it would be that bad, but the line was barely moving. After what seemed like forever, we got into the switchbacks next to the station, and the line started moving very fast. After finally getting into the station, I opted to go for the front row since we weren't riding anything after it. I got the left hand seat (Front Row, Left Side is the best seat in my opinion). WOW. Superman was running alot faster then usual, with amazing airtime. It was really all a blur from the top of the lift to the brakerun.


And that's it, unless you want to hear about how we wen't to store and bought food


Total Ride Count;


Tomahawk: 1

Cyclone: 1

Superman: 1

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HOLY CRAP! I lived in Clifton Park for 10 years! lol wow small town



Sucks to be in SFNE on such a crowded day... I've been trying to go all season but no luck due to college summer classes and other loads of crap... I've been out of the loop with this park for a while so this question is very outdated... Does SROS still have the leg restraints?

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  Neogreeneyez said:
HOLY CRAP! I lived in Clifton Park for 10 years! lol wow small town



Sucks to be in SFNE on such a crowded day... I've been trying to go all season but no luck due to college summer classes and other loads of crap... I've been out of the loop with this park for a while so this question is very outdated... Does SROS still have the leg restraints?


If you mean the metal side things, yes.


The wait for front row on S:ROS was about hour and a half or hour forty-five minutes.

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  Goliath513 said:
Do all Intamin hypers have these so called "leg restraints"?


Not Millennium Force, but I don't know about the others. I'm pretty sure that the other 2 S:ROSs have them though, but I'm pretty sure it is just a Six Flags thing.

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  odene497 said:
^ Yeah, they have those on Superman at Darien Lake. I don't understand the point of them. They just make your shins hurt.

They were added after the S:RoS (SFNE) accident where the man flew out of the train and died. Also added were side bars along the T-bars. They weren't added on Millenium Force because it has a curved T-Bar which keeps you more secure than the old style T-Bars that are on the S:RoS coasters. The shin restraints are completely unneccesary but they make the ride feel safer I guess.

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Photo for your viewing pleasure.


Edit: Contrary to the photo caption, this was taken in 2005 after a "side safety strap" was removed. In its place is an electronic system to detect if the lapbar is down far enough. It used to be a short buckle extending from the grab bar on the lapbar to the side of the seat.


Superman's restraints as of May 29, 2004

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  SupermanFan said:
Photo for your viewing pleasure.


Edit: Contrary to the photo caption, this was taken in 2005 after a "side safety strap" was removed. In its place is an electronic system to detect if the lapbar is down far enough. It used to be a short buckle extending from the grab bar on the lapbar to the side of the seat.


Yeah, those are what I'm talking about. Still there as of today.

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  coastercrazed49 said:
For Superman an hour and a half isn't horrilble. I heard it can get to like an hour and a half three hours, but thats mostly when running one train. The only time to go to SFNE it on a weekday or during school thats when all the kids like me are trapped inside studying.

Yeah it is. I haven't waited that long since the first few years it was open. Last time I went to SFNE the wait was at the stairs or less all day long. The whole queue is less than 2 hours so when has this ride ever had a 3 hour wait?

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My sister went yesterday and felt the warth of the crowds. If the line for S:ROS was truely only 1 hr and 1/2 then her flash pass screwed her over. She had to wait 2+hrs on the flash pass for S:ROS at 6 o clock. However when she went to Cyclone it had a 45 min. wait and Time Warp line was really moving she said. I don't know why the used Flash Pass since they only used it for S:ROS aamd B:TDK . They went on B:TDK with the pass and got a wait shorter than the line. The went in the water most of the day and enjoyed it. It was truely the most packed she had even seen it.

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Actually, right after we got in line for Cyclone, the line really started filling up. Fortunatly, with two trains and the line was really moving. And her FlashPass must have screwed her over, because S:ROS was not two hours, we waited less then two hours for the front row, and would have waited even shorter for any of the other rows.

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I feel like she wasted money by using Flash Pass on a day were she stayed in the water park for most of her visit. I only want to get a flashpass if I intend to reserve the rollercoaters and ride some of the great flat rides SFNE has to offer.


BTW did you venture into Thomas Land? My sister said she wanted to, but everyone was checking it out since it was the grand opening.

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  coastermaniac123 said:
I feel like she wasted money by using Flash Pass on a day were she stayed in the water park for most of her visit. I only want to get a flashpass if I intend to reserve the rollercoaters and ride some of the great flat rides SFNE has to offer.


BTW did you venture into Thomas Land? My sister said she wanted to, but everyone was checking it out since it was the grand opening.


No, I didn't, to tell you the truth, I didn't even notice it was there.

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it's possible to have 3 hour waits when 1 train is operating, that's all what wait times ride on these days. I waited an hour and a half when 2 train operations are up, so it really all depends, but for that ride, almost any wait is worth it

Well S:RoS never has 1 train operation during peak times of the season so a 3 hour wait isn't too likely.


If the line for S:ROS was truely only 1 hr and 1/2 then her flash pass screwed her over. She had to wait 2+hrs on the flash pass for S:ROS at 6 o clock.

The flashpass is never accurate. I've had it give me 2 hour waits when the line was only an hour and I've had it give me five minute waits when the line was 1/2 hour. I think it depends on how many other people are using the flashpass and determines the wait from there. How else would they guage it?

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I have a question: Would going to SFNE on a weekend at the end of August be a bad idea in terms of wait times? (I know I could have started another thread, but it seems relevant enough to this topic to me)

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Well I went today (Sunday 6/24) and Superman was a 35-40 minute wait. Glad I didn't have to wait over an hour (although Supes is worth it). Got my worst stapling of the season for my trouble though.


You know, if we could have B&M style restraints on S:ROS it would nearly be a perfect coaster.

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