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I'm pretty much a Pepsi purist myself (though I do drink Coke when it's on sale or when it's the only cola available, IE McDonalds), but my wife does the whole "mix 'em all at the soda machine" thing...although she takes it a step further and does specific ingredients (cola, root beer, Sprite, and orange, and if one is missing she has to get just regular cola) in very specific proportions.

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Mine pretty much depends on what sodas they have at the resturant. But what I like about Buger King, is that at their drink station, they have like 4 different mixing combinations posted on the drink machine, like 1/4 Coke, 1/4 Dr. Pepper, 1/4 diet Coke, 1/4 sprite. It's really cool!

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Mine pretty much depends on what sodas they have at the resturant. But what I like about Buger King, is that at their drink station, they have like 4 different mixing combinations posted on the drink machine, like 1/4 Coke, 1/4 Dr. Pepper, 1/4 diet Coke, 1/4 sprite. It's really cool!


I did that on a road trip once, and later in the day I used that formula plus some root beer at a McDonalds. It's really tasty!

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A long time ago at Jack In The Box, I mixed Coke with Lemonade, Root Beer, Orange Soda, Sierra Mist, Water, and a few others I cant remember.....It tasted like candy, kinda like licorice. It was gross after a while though

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