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Mickey Mouse being used for hate

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Disney family's fury at 'evil' Mickey

Look-alike TV character teaches kids to fight for Islam's world domination

Brisbane Times - Australia


The only surviving child of Walt Disney is calling Hamas "pure evil" for making a mockery of Mickey Mouse by turning the lovable icon into a propaganda tool for hate. Diane Disney Miller said she's disgusted that a ripoff of her father's star cartoon character is being used on a new Hamas TV show to encourage Palestinian children to take up arms against Israel and America.


"Of course I feel personal about Mickey Mouse, but it could be Barney as well," Miller, 73, told the New York Daily News today in a phone interview. She was more horrified the terror group was using the knockoff Mickey to preach Islamic radicalism to kids throughout the Gaza Strip. "It's not just Mickey, it's indoctrinating children like this, teaching them to be evil," said Miller, a Northern California winery owner. "The world loves children and this is just going against the grain of humanity."


The Daily News revealed this week that Hamas' Al-Aqsa TV station began running the new children's series in April. Called "Tomorrow's Pioneers", it features the life-size clone of Mickey Mouse named "Farfur". Farfur speaks in a squeaky voice and wears a tuxedo with tails and a red bow tie. He tells youngsters to drink their milk and pray, but also sings about kids arming themselves with AK-47s and striving for world domination "under Islamic leadership".


While the Disney Co her father founded had no comment, Miller praised the New York Daily News for informing the public about the perverse program. "What we're dealing with here is pure evil and you can't ignore that," Miller said. "I'm awful glad you're doing something about it, writing about this and keeping it in the public eye as much as it can be."


x5 x5

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Being as Israeli and a peace activist it is hard for me to see it - as this is what all the Israeli extremists keep telling us that the other side is full of hate.

I keep telling to myself this is not "all the Palestinians" but there are too many people there who thinks that way. It's not only on kids tv, you can read it on school text books too.

Even if I take the Israel out of this equation, still lecturing to hate the west while the west is the main sponsor of the tv everything advanced in the Gaza strip is just ungrateful.

This is just hate. They learned to benefit the West and hate it in the mean time.

I guess some of you think I think this way because I am part of the conflict. But I am really pro peace. The thing is I don't see anyone on the other side strive to educate pro peace.

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Being as Israeli


X P I keep forgetting I'm not the only one here.




I personally am not surprised. they keep pushing the envelope more and more. but untill someone can figure out what to do about it, theres nothing we can do, really.

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^Uhm, I don't think all islamics are like that.


In fact, there are mosques right here in the city I live in. I doubt there would be mosques anywhere in Israel if Islamics were all that extreme.


So look out, making generalizations can cause problems.

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Disney is so going to open a can of pay-back and even the mighty Chuck Norris will run for the hills.


Seriously though. Is Disney even going to sue over this or can they even? I guess they would be seen as an anti-Islamic organization if they sued whoever made this kids show so they will stay away from this one.

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Disney is so going to open a can of pay-back and even the mighty Chuck Norris will run for the hills.


Seriously though. Is Disney even going to sue over this or can they even? I guess they would be seen as an anti-Islamic organization if they sued whoever made this kids show so they will stay away from this one.


Disney is looking at suing the park in China, but I am sure Disney will stop this show.

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