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Garage Bands

Garage bands  

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  1. 1. Garage bands

    • I play in a garage band, but we're not that big.
    • I play in a garage band, and we're pretty big.
    • I don't play in a garage band and never will.
    • I'm looking into starting one.
    • I think they are cool, but don't know squat about music.
    • I know a ton about music, but I don't want to play in a garage band.

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Okay, if this has already been a topic, lock it, but I've searched for it and nothing came up. Has anyone got a garage band or band that they play in for fun? Just wanted to see how many people take part in this.

As for me, I'm the drummer in a garage band called CannonFire, and we play more than just in the garage. We're playing for over (about) 3,000 people this summer! So, any bands? If so, what instrument do you play?

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Sounds like a pretty good one to me!:lolr: LOL! BTW, Guitar Hero ROCKS!



^^A garage band is where a group of people form a band and practice in one of those people's garages. I don't really know how how people started calling them that, but really it's just a normal band.

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^Hey! I play the drums too! What kind of set do you have? (Pearl, Tama, Mapex, etc.) I've got a rather cheap Pearl forum series set, but I got rid of the stock crash/ride cymbal and got a high tom set, one rock crash, one rock ride, one thin crash, two high hats, a tambourine, a cowbell, and some extra accersories. I'm saving up for a double bass drum pedal. Btw, if you give your group a name, it is pretty much a band! Oh yeah, ROCK ON!

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^Hey! I play the drums too! What kind of set do you have? (Pearl, Tama, Mapex, etc.) I've got a rather cheap Pearl forum series set, but I got rid of the stock crash/ride cymbal and got a high tom set, one rock crash, one rock ride, one thin crash, two high hats, a tambourine, a cowbell, and some extra accersories. I'm saving up for a double bass drum pedal. Btw, if you give your group a name, it is pretty much a band! Oh yeah, ROCK ON!


I got a Pearl ELX kit, A heavy Sabain HHX crash, A medium thin Sabian AA Crash, and a crappy low end meinle crash. I got an old Sabian B8 ride and a AA China. Also, a pair of old crappy hats that sound great and I love to death. I have a wood block, cowbell, and a DW 700 series double pedal. I have a 8" tom, 10" tom, 12" tom, 14" tom, and a 16" tom. I have a ddrum maple snare. I am also saving up for a 14" mini china and a 8" and 10" splash.

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^Sweet! I prefer Sabian cymbals. All of mine are Sabian's. You know, it's amazing how much money this instrument (and others) can add up to. It's sooooo expensive! Here are some pics of my set...


I love this shirt! (I also play electric guitar)


Another angle.


It's pretty hard to get a decent shot down in my basement, but this is pretty much it.

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How the hell do you play with the tom in front of your hats and your crazy tom angles? I would die. I have no clue how you do it. BTW, IMHO, you should of got a AA in stead of AAX. AAX is very bronze sounding. I think it sounds rele crappy, but I guess everybody has thier opinions.

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Well, I sort of got a bargain on the AAX. As for those toms, the picture really doesn't show the angle that they're at...I had to fit them in there with that stand I got for them. It takes time to learn how to play solos and stuff in that position, so I just pulled everything out a little farther. It works! Well, it may not be the best set, but it works.

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Anyone wanna start one?


Fly me out there, I'll play whatever...

if I can't play it now, i'll learn.


I've played in many garage bands, the best stint being Bodizapha (a name we coined by combining letters from our last names). Right now I play in a christian band at my church. I've written a few songs and recorded them with Garage Band, but I'm saving up for studio time to iron them out.


Add me on myspace if you like: (I have one mp3 on there, but it's rough still... Everything but one backing vocal is me)



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