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A Coke/Pepsi Connection

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I dunno what it is about Thursdays, but I always notice some of the most random things on the fourth day of the work week. I would say that Most people know most of the major theme park chains connections with the two major soft drinks:


Pepsi: Cedar Fair, Busch, Kennywood


Coca-Cola: Six Flags, Universal, Disney


But something else I have noticed it that everytime I go to a movie theatre, they have sold Coke products. I admit it is possible that I have been to a theatre that had pepsi that I do not remember, but I only remember there being Coke. Notice that the above major park chains with Coke Products are also the ones that have ties to movies at their parks (Rides/shows/shops/ect). The ones with Pepsi do not really have movie tie-ins for their rides or shows. I also recall that other smaller parks like Knoebels also have Pepsi. I started to think that maybe the movie industry has some sort of tie-in with Coca-Cola. Of course I am sure there may be some exceptions, or maybe I am just delusional. Anyone have any other thoughts?


Edit: I just realized that the paramount parks were Coke, but now owned by Cedar Fair, but I wonder if that may still be a possible change

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Yeah I remember we addressed this a bit when Cedar Fair announced they were taking over the Paramount parks. Most of us decided the worst thing to come from the buyout will be if Cedar Fair switches the Paramount parks to nasty Pepsi!!!!

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So Elissa, I guess you wouldn't be in just about any concession stand line at most places like the stadiums and entertainment centers here in Eastern North Carolina (Then agian, I dunno why many people would come over here anyway). Just about everyone (other than the chain resturants that sell coke like McDonalds) around here sells Pepsi since it was created in New Bern, NC.

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Fair enough. I personally am a Dr. Pepper fan, but you would be hard pressed to find that anywhere. Although I was happy to see the Dr. Pepper sculpture from Thorpe Park. Too bad it had to come tumbling down.


So is Six Flags Over Georgia not a good part of going to Atlanta? Or is that a "Besides Six Flags" kind of thing?

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Yeah I remember we addressed this a bit when Cedar Fair announced they were taking over the Paramount parks. Most of us decided the worst thing to come from the buyout will be if Cedar Fair switches the Paramount parks to nasty Pepsi!!!!


hey hey hey ! hold on :O pepsi isn't nasty it's better then Coca Cola or something else Coca Cola is way too sweet


but it's true, everywhere you go, you see Coca Cola (or something from that company like Fanta instead of Sisi ... at least here in holland)

I geuss that the Coca Cola Company is way more into sponsorring or something then Pepsi

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Yeah I remember we addressed this a bit when Cedar Fair announced they were taking over the Paramount parks. Most of us decided the worst thing to come from the buyout will be if Cedar Fair switches the Paramount parks to nasty Pepsi!!!!

You bite your tounge!


But who knows. At the El Capitan, they carry Pepsi products, where at the Disney Parks its Coke, I'm confused by this as well but thats the way it is. Maybe they carry coke products because generally speaking more studio executives, and producers, and directers, ect. prefer coke? And so when they go to the theaters they want to see coke? Or maybe its just that people in charge of the theater prefer coke themselves, so they're more inclined to sign a deal with coke rather then pepsi.


Also, was anyone else saddened when Subways switched from Pepsi to Coke last year? I was. I wept.

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I'm so odd...I like both brands.


I like the sweet, lighter taste of Pepsi...I just wish they'd go back to the old logo with the white background they had in the 80's...blue labeled Pepsi just doesn't seem right to me.


However, I also enjoy the bite that Coca-Cola has in it's flavor. But has anyone noticed you only really get that bite out of the can? I've drunk the stuff out of the bottle and a cup, and it's just not quite the same.

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Personally, I drink Pepsi, but if someplace serves Coke, I won't go "Ooh, yuck" and I'll drink it anyway. I usually drink the Publix brand soda. That's the best generic soda out there. Sweetbay's generic soda gives me headaches when I drink it!

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I can't believe I forgot about Cherry Coke. I love that stuff.


I also love that they came out with a Cherry Coke Zero now...it's ideal for a guy who' loves Cherry coke, and is also trying to reduce his sugar intake.

ITs too bad most places don't carry Cherry Coke. If they did, I would go coke in a heartbeat.

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I can't believe I forgot about Cherry Coke. I love that stuff.


I also love that they came out with a Cherry Coke Zero now...it's ideal for a guy who' loves Cherry coke, and is also trying to reduce his sugar intake.

ITs too bad most places don't carry Cherry Coke. If they did, I would go coke in a heartbeat.


I think all the stores in the midwest have Cherry Coke and Cherry Coke Zero. So if your going on the midwest trip be on the look out. Also we have the hard to find Cherry Pespi.

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