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Trip Report: SFMM on 12/26/06

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Well... We got to the park a little later than i planned (around 10 and they were fortunately still doing their little show and stuff. they opened the park at 9:59 and i found that kinda funny.


As soon as we got into the park, we decided that it would be best to go to Tatsu first. (we used the walkway by revolution instead of going all the way around and managed to beat the huge crowd that was heading up there) it wasnt too bad of a wait. About 30 minutes because we decided to wait for the front. I have to say that i absolutely love that ride and that it will never ever get old to me.


After that we walked over to Deja Vu but the line was about 30 to 45 minutes so we opted out of it and went over to Riddler's. Same old same old ride. The station was really empty and their was only about a two train wait for every car except the front.


After i nabbed a ride on freefall, we headed over to batman. When we got up to the station, we found them loading a train and then all of a sudden, they told everyone to get off. We found out that someone had thrown up on the ride. They cycled the train around once in order to clean it off and then they sent it empty untill it got dry. It was an ok ride. It seemed to be shorter than before but i dont know.


After that we went on scream once. It was fun, fairly long and had some good elements (Zero-g twist is AWESOME)


When we got of, we decided that it would be a better idea to walk down to wendys instead of eat in the park. After an hour and a half trip down and back, we were ready to ride coasters again. To my dismay, the rest of the day didnt go as i had hoped.


We started by going up the mountain on the orient express and ran over to superman. We walked in only to find that there was a rather large line but decided to wait anyways. it took about 30 minutes total.


After that, i decided that we should check out tatsu again to see if the line was shorter than before. It wasnt but that was ok. Then, i went to check viper and saw that that had a rather long wait (30 mins.) as well.


We walked over to the log ride to see if we could get on that but the ride had broken down and remained that way untill we left. Instead of going on another major thrill ride, we went into the kids section of the park and rode canyon blaster and a couple other small rides.


After that, we walked over and went on goliath with about a ten minute wait and then left. It wasnt too bad of a day. Not extremely crowded, but not empty either. Thanks for reading!!! sorry, there wont be any pic's because i forgot the camera.

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Well... We got to the park a little later than i planned (around 10 and they were fortunately still doing their little show and stuff. they opened the park at 9:59 and i found that kinda funny.


As soon as we got into the park, we decided that it would be best to go to Tatsu first. (we used the walkway by revolution instead of going all the way around and managed to beat the huge crowd that was heading up there) it wasnt too bad of a wait. About 30 minutes because we decided to wait for the front.

If you guys were there right at opening how come it took 30 minutes to wait for the front???


Just wondering because we did the exact same thing on Saturday and we walked right onto the front row!


Were you just not at the front of the crowd getting in?


We managed to do something like 8 coasters in about 2 1/2 hours including Deja Vu!


Also, why didn't you guys make use of the single riders line on Deja?



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However bad Park food may be, i would definitely not waste an hour and a half going down the street to get some "better" quality stuff, seems rather pointless really.

Not pointless at all. We do this all the time and I STRONGLY reccomend it. In fact, I couldn't even tell you the last time we actually ate at a park in the past few years!


Although not sure why it would take an hour and a half to walk down to Wendy's and back since I know you can make that walk in about 10 minutes.



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However bad Park food may be, i would definitely not waste an hour and a half going down the street to get some "better" quality stuff, seems rather pointless really.


I do that at PCW during the day. The food at the park is stupidly overpriced, so I just head literally across the street to grab some Wendys or a sub. Better quality for a cheaper price. You can't beat that.

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Park food is usually a waste. We do indulge in Graeter's whenever we go to PKI.


I typically eat before I go into a park, and then just buy snacks inside the park. Then we'll go to a sit down place after we leave. I rarely eat full meals in parks. For two people you can drop an easy $20 on mediocre food.


I also seldom buy souvenirs, except for post cards or, rarely, a tshirt.

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That is why the parks are suffering financially. I did the same thing, I went a couple of exits down and ate at Denny's and came back. I do spend a lot of money on snow cones and pink things in dallas, because of the heat, but do i rarely do food in a park. Hershey had those delicous home made potato chips though, I actually spent over $20.00 in a few hours on them.

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Food at a park's provides one of its biggest profit margins (hence, no free drink refills like almost everywhere). I do agree that most park food I've had is rather mediocre at best. Improving food quality and making it reasonably priced---even as good as a typical fast food place---would certainly keep the money rolling in and more people would eat there.


We may be at SFMM tomorrow, depending on the weather. Diana is going with her friend Denae, and I may tag along if it's OK with Denae's uncle.



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Yeah, and I guess I should clarify I don't eat at most "amusement" parks, but we'll eat at resort parks all the time. Universal, Disney, Busch, etc....


If the quality is there I don't mind paying the infated park price, but if it's just some crappy pizza or burger, forget it...I'll leave the park and come back later!



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Yeah, and I guess I should clarify I don't eat at most "amusement" parks, but we'll eat at resort parks all the time. Universal, Disney, Busch, etc....


If the quality is there I don't mind paying the infated park price, but if it's just some crappy pizza or burger, forget it...I'll leave the park and come back later!




Yeah, I totally agree, If the quality is there, then hell yeah, Ill eat! Disney food is some of the best food Ive had at Amusement parks. Busch wasnt all that bad either! Good point Robb!



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Yeah, and I guess I should clarify I don't eat at most "amusement" parks, but we'll eat at resort parks all the time. Universal, Disney, Busch, etc....


If the quality is there I don't mind paying the infated park price, but if it's just some crappy pizza or burger, forget it...I'll leave the park and come back later!




Yeah, I agree on that. It's the double whammy of bad food that's expensive that makes me avoid it. Expensive but good food is fine, as is cheap but mediocre food. Holiday World is a great example of mediocre, but cheap food. I'll always eat at HW, because they aren't trying to gouge you. You can usually eat there for ~$5-$6 per person, which is totally reasonable.

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Well... We got to the park a little later than i planned (around 10 and they were fortunately still doing their little show and stuff. they opened the park at 9:59 and i found that kinda funny.


As soon as we got into the park, we decided that it would be best to go to Tatsu first. (we used the walkway by revolution instead of going all the way around and managed to beat the huge crowd that was heading up there) it wasnt too bad of a wait. About 30 minutes because we decided to wait for the front.

If you guys were there right at opening how come it took 30 minutes to wait for the front???


Just wondering because we did the exact same thing on Saturday and we walked right onto the front row!


Were you just not at the front of the crowd getting in?


We managed to do something like 8 coasters in about 2 1/2 hours including Deja Vu!


Also, why didn't you guys make use of the single riders line on Deja?




we were at the very back of the crowd getting in actually but it wasnt really that bad. There was also a HUGE wait for the front compared to the other lines, however, i insisted that we ride in the front because its basically the best ride you can get out of tatsu.


Deja Vu is one of my favorite coasters, however, the only reason that i didnt use the single rider line was because no one else in my group wanted to go. One other thing, im technically to tall to be on Deja Vu. I barely Fit in the restraints and they have to push really hard on them to get me out! so yeah, i did know about the single rider line because i have used it before

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Well... We got to the park a little later than i planned (around 10 and they were fortunately still doing their little show and stuff. they opened the park at 9:59 and i found that kinda funny.


As soon as we got into the park, we decided that it would be best to go to Tatsu first. (we used the walkway by revolution instead of going all the way around and managed to beat the huge crowd that was heading up there) it wasnt too bad of a wait. About 30 minutes because we decided to wait for the front.

If you guys were there right at opening how come it took 30 minutes to wait for the front???


Just wondering because we did the exact same thing on Saturday and we walked right onto the front row!


Were you just not at the front of the crowd getting in?


We managed to do something like 8 coasters in about 2 1/2 hours including Deja Vu!


Also, why didn't you guys make use of the single riders line on Deja?




we were at the very back of the crowd getting in actually but it wasnt really that bad. There was also a HUGE wait for the front compared to the other lines, however, i insisted that we ride in the front because its basically the best ride you can get out of tatsu. Oh, one other thing too... Tatsu has changed completely from the last time i went on it over the summer. When i went on it before, they had two train operation and they dispatched the trains about every six minutes it was terrible because they would just leave you out in the open sunlight when it was 100+ degrees and people would start to get a bad attitude towards the ride. The train we were on sat out there for seven minutes exactly after we had finished the ride! Yesterday however, we waited a matter of seconds to get back into the station (both times they were only using one station)


Deja Vu is one of my favorite coasters, however, the only reason that i didnt use the single rider line was because no one else in my group wanted to go. One other thing, im technically to tall to be on Deja Vu. I barely Fit in the restraints and they have to push really hard on them to get me out! so yeah, i did know about the single rider line because i have used it before

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