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Idiot Ride Ops.

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At CP I was getting on Mantis and I was about 8 at the time so I have to have someone adjust my seat to my height. Well, it was adjusted to a 6'4 guy behind me so the area between my legs was high and the OP's behind me were completely ignoring everyone just chatting. It took me 4 tries to get there attention. Imagine riding Mantis, being a guy like me, riding with the thing between your legs lifting you up off the floor the entire time. OUCH!!!

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This May I was at Knott's Berry Farm for the very first time and wanted to ride Silver Bullet. As a former ride op for Raptor I know B&M inverts can be cycled pretty quickly. The line was agonizingly long. Although they were only running one train, they were taking their sweet time loading it. Then the older guy who was talking on the mic between trains asks the crowd if there were any birthdays. A couple people raised their hands. He then went on to say that nobody cared. Thought it was pretty rude and uncalled for.

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^I've experienced that same problem at KBF a lot. I hated it during my trip last November when they had Silver Bullet running one train, and half the switch backs were full. Then I go back in February and it's cloudy and cold on a Sunday, the park is dead, and they're running two trains. I think they should do it the other way around.


About the rude ride ops, I've also encountered ride ops at Knott's who are pretty rude. Their jokes are annoying, too. That's one of the many reasons why I prefer SFMM over Knott's. I've encountered some lazy ride ops at SFMM, but at least they also have ops that are fun to talk to and not as annoying. The only notably bad ride ops that I've seen at SFMM are the Deja Vu ops. I don't think I've ever seen a train get loaded and dispatched as slow as they did the last time I rode it.

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This is idiotic, and at the time was also hilarious.


So Im at M&Ds near Glasgow. We had just climbed into Tornado as one of us didnt have this particular credit (which was spawned from the depths of hell). Ok the ride isnt quite that bad, but it is pretty awful. Very uncomfortable. Its a Pinfari death machine. To put this in perspective, be aware that there have been several ratchet failures on badly maintained pinfari trains.


We pull the OTSRs down, and we clip the seatbelts to the bottom of them. I Notice Steves belt (he is sitting beside me) is looking very loose.

"you want to tighten that up, mate." I say to him. He proceeds to attemp just this, pulling on the strap to find the part which adjusts. He keeps pulling til he has the other loose end in his hand. Thats right. The other end of the belt wasnt attached to anything.


After an initial outburst of hilarity, we call the ride op to draw attention to the fact. He comes over and we all have a good laugh about it. Probably very inappropriate considering its a huge safety violation. There is even a photo somewhere (where is it steve?) of the ride op posing with the loose belt held up in his hands. What I expected to happen next was for the restraints to be unlocked, and Steve to get out and wait for the next train.


But oh-no. No sir. this is Glasgow you see, and that wouldnt be the glasgow way. This is the idiotic bit. The ride op reaches down between Steves legs and finds a strut under the seat. He then proceeds to tie the loose end to the strut with a knot.

"Dont worry, if you fall out it will be quick, you wont feel a thing." he says to Steve, then sends the train on its way.


We survived of course (only just), but that was probably one of the scariest rides poor Steve ever had. We can look back and laugh now, but it really was quite dumb.

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As I was exiting the Tomorrowland Transit Authority at the Magic Kingdom, I saw a Cast Member reading a brochure for USF! I would have thought his Supervisor would have ripped it out of his hands and said, "Don't read that trash!"

I was working at DCA one day and was bumped out of position because someone was training so they took my spot so I started reading a Knotts Berry Farm brochure I found on the ground and some old lady with a big "Annual Passholder" pin gave me a piece of her mind

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I went to SFDK last year. I rode Medusa, and found that the line was moving incredibly slow. As we got to the top of the stairs, there was a sign that said there was an approximate wait of 30 minutes IN THE STATION! For a B&M! I don't know how the park operates the ride, but I asked the operator "how many people can you guys cycle in an hour?" and he replies "I'm just a junior in high school, man, you might as well be speaking French to me". Apparently the schools aren't any better in Northern California.


When I worked at Knott's back in 2006, I was at Xcelerator, and we had a pretty close crew (most of us still hang out today, though we all have moved on to other work) but there was one person who was a regular at Screamin' Swing who annoyed the hell out whenever he got pulled as a breaker, cause he would never shut the f*ck up about Screamin' Swing. "Wow, you Xcelerator guys are way different than what we do at Screamin' Swing", I had to hit the cycle stop one day at Screamin' Swing", I have a boner for Screamin' Swing", When I quit I'm gonna marry Screamin' Swing". He litterally annoyed two people to the point where they asked to be downgraded to Supreme Scream when he was scheduled there (Supreme is the starter ride if you want to learn Xcel)


When I worked at SFMM back in 2007, I got kinda irratated that people fought over panel, (knott's rotates positions every hour, MM can't as not everyone is "certified" to operate said ride) I used to tell my crew (at Tatsu) "if you want more panel time, I can gladly send you back to Bunny World. You can have panel all day at cages". That shut them up real quick and had them checking seas even quicker.

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/\ At Raging Bull I refused to go to the panel most of the time. Same goes for Demon w/ 3 trains. Its too much fun trying to get high capacity to be at the panel.

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Not really at an amusement park, more of a Fun Center. I was riding the go karts when this teenager and his dad both decide to try to ram into me and clip the nose of my car...in hopes to cause me to spin out. I carry on riding along (and not spinning out) when they decide again to cut me off. I finally just rode behind them, and squeezing through at any opportunity I could...without even touching bumpers. At the end of the ride, the worker pulled me to the side and lectured me about my reckless driving. I turned it around and told him that he wasn't watching what was going on out on that track, some other people were doing the reckless driving. Luckily that was the last ride I was doing there, and was heading out after that.


Other than that, I think ride operators have been either neutral, or cool with us.

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