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For someone who has never experienced a thrill ride


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I'm taking a friend of mine to Thorpe Park who has never ridden a thrill ride but he wants to give them a go. I'm not sure what kind of ride I should start him off on. I thought it might be too much to start him off with a looping rollercoaster. What kind of ride would you guys recomend to give someone a thrilling experience without scaring them to death?


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If you decide to do the coasters at Thorpe this would be the order:


- X

- Colossus

- Nemesis

- Stealth


Of course, if he's more scared of going upside down than anything else it would be:


- X

- Stealth

- Nemesis

- Colossus

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get him on


Depth Charge

X No Way Out



Nemesis Inferno









it depends on what he wants to do though. dont force him, just say he's going to regret it later.


actually, try and get all the scary rides done first so he/she has less time to think about not doing them

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also, if you get the chance, go to Chessington when its raining (yes, when it's raining) and get on Ramesis Revenge, on the last flip, it doesnt make it over and swings backward, changing all the G's on your body within a second. it then nearly makes it over backwards, but swings forward, again changing all the G's on your body. so totally awesome!

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^ Why do you need to go in the rain?


You just descrived the experience I've had on nearly all top spins. Well minus the crappy one's like at Dorney that don't even flip.



RR rarely does that. it used to be really scary, but since the park has decided to target families with young kids, they tamed it down big time. i was very nearly sick on it before the tame-down, but now its actually just a fun ride to do in the rain.


i think TP should get one and make it really intense

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If I may say... I think you SHOULD start him off with something extreme. If you start him off with something tame he'll always be scared to do anything scarier. if you start him off with something like nemesis or colossus then he'll get to experience stuff he'll know that he can handle next time, but are still enjoyable

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  • 2 weeks later...
If I may say... I think you SHOULD start him off with something extreme. If you start him off with something tame he'll always be scared to do anything scarier. if you start him off with something like nemesis or colossus then he'll get to experience stuff he'll know that he can handle next time, but are still enjoyable



As much sense as it doesn't make at first that makes PERFECT SENSE.


No flame ment.


At first it seems like not a good idea but after you think about it it seems perfect.

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I didn't go with him in the end. I was at college, so I just recommended some of the best rides. He said Stealth was way too high for him. I only got the courage to go on Stealth recently so I'll imagine he kind of panicked when he saw it. Hopefully, one day I'll get him on the biggies. But I was quite surprised that he managed to go on Colossus without ever gonig on a rollercoaster before.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Heya people! I Just wanted to ask??????/ Is a Zamperla Power Surge good???? I Have never been on one but I really want to, can any of you guys help me out? get a video of a onride footage of Power Surge and tell me if its good, not sore, sore, and all the things that you need to know about a ride that you are going to ride! Thanks!!!!!!!!! Jazzy-Enn

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Heya people! I Just wanted to ask??????/ Is a Zamperla Power Surge good???? I Have never been on one but I really want to, can any of you guys help me out? get a video of a onride footage of Power Surge and tell me if its good, not sore, sore, and all the things that you need to know about a ride that you are going to ride! Thanks!!!!!!!!! Jazzy-Enn


Hi there. I'm afraid I'm not sure what a power surge is but I'm sure somebody else will know. Robb or Elissa will probably know.

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Heya people! I Just wanted to ask??????/ Is a Zamperla Power Surge good???? I Have never been on one but I really want to, can any of you guys help me out? get a video of a onride footage of Power Surge and tell me if its good, not sore, sore, and all the things that you need to know about a ride that you are going to ride! Thanks!!!!!!!!! Jazzy-Enn


I just rode it for the first time last friday. I took pictures of it and reviewed it inside my Broward County Fair Photo Trip Report.

Yes, it is a really good ride, but it IS scary. When I say scary, I don't mean thrilling, I mean scary. The ride twists you and flips you around and you feel like you are going to get thrown out onto the pavement. You are completely safe, and it's fun, but on my first ride I was starting to get a little freaked out and I was ready for it to be over. Most of the fear comes from the apparent danger. I havent felt like this on many rides.


Try it though. It's pretty neat.

I found an onride video on youtube also.



Oh, and to share some personal experience with first time thrill rides... I was always a HUGE chicken. I would ride anything. I always loved coasters and flat rides but I would never ride them. On April 2, 2005, I rode Rock 'n' Roller Coaster for the first time. My first inversion on any ride. All of the sudden I wasn't afraid to try anything. I still get nervous before some rides for the first time, but I never chicken out anymore. But I'm glad I do still anticipate nervously. It makes the ride all the more fun.

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Heya people! I Just wanted to ask??????/ Is a Zamperla Power Surge good???? I Have never been on one but I really want to, can any of you guys help me out? get a video of a onride footage of Power Surge and tell me if its good, not sore, sore, and all the things that you need to know about a ride that you are going to ride! Thanks!!!!!!!!! Jazzy-Enn


I just rode it for the first time last friday. I took pictures of it and reviewed it inside my Broward County Fair Photo Trip Report.

Yes, it is a really good ride, but it IS scary. When I say scary, I don't mean thrilling, I mean scary. The ride twists you and flips you around and you feel like you are going to get thrown out onto the pavement. You are completely safe, and it's fun, but on my first ride I was starting to get a little freaked out and I was ready for it to be over. Most of the fear comes from the apparent danger. I havent felt like this on many rides.


Try it though. It's pretty neat.

I found an onride video on youtube also.



Oh, and to share some personal experience with first time thrill rides... I was always a HUGE chicken. I would ride anything. I always loved coasters and flat rides but I would never ride them. On April 2, 2005, I rode Rock 'n' Roller Coaster for the first time. My first inversion on any ride. All of the udden I wasn't afraid to try anything. I still get nervous before some rides for the first time, but I never chicken out anymore. But I'm glad I do still anticipate nervously. It makes the ride all the more fun.



Heyam, thanks for replaying! by the way i am pretty scared of rides that look brilliant too!!! 1st time it will be scary 2nd time ???? DUnno! thanks for the onride video anyway!!!! ill try it in Edinburgh Hogmany Fair!!!!!!!!!

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Hey jazzy-enn! First of all, I want to welcome you to the forums! Before you post anymore though, I would recommend reading the forum rules at http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=21962 . You can also introduce yourself at http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=177&start=760 . Great to see you here!


Back on topic, I'm in the process of getting a person on roller coasters (California Screamin) which he refuses to. He's been on ToT and I keep telling him it is way scarier than CA Screamin. Yet he refuses to believe me and everytime he says he'll go on it, he ends up chickening out saying he's "not in the mood" or "doesn't feel well". Help?


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