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New study states humans live far beyond planet's means

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The ignorance of some people also fuels global warming. Chunks of ice the size of Rhode Island are breaking off of Antarctica. If that isn't global warming, then what is it?


Something breaking off under it's own weight?


Bull, look at temperature averages in the last 100 years.


It's more than something breaking off under it's own weight. Have you seen pictures of massive glaciers (chili etc) reduced to nothing?


What I don't get, is I hear some people claim we are coming out of an ice age, and others claim we are cooling.

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It's more than something breaking off under it's own weight. Have you seen pictures of massive glaciers (chili etc) reduced to nothing?


Chili? I have seen bowls of chili get reduced to nothing when accompanied by a few beers.


Seriously, Like I said, I am not going to get into a panic because of the rants of Greenpeace, WWF et al.

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I am not going to be put on a guilt trip because of problems in some third world dump! Like I originally said, I am still waiting for the big ice age to hit.



So you don't feel responsible for helping people in other countries? Basically, you just happened to be lucky enough to be born into a country that doesn't suck. It's not exactly like those people have a choice. Tens of thousands of people die everyday from diseases that are nothing to us, in fact, that don't even exist in a modern Western society (tuberculosis) or are somewhat manageable with modern drugs (AIDS). Honestly, if you somehow contracted TB, you'd just say, "Oh no, I have a bloody cough, go to the doctor, get some antibiotics, and be done with it." If you were born in say, Uganda and you got TB, you'd say, "I have a bloody cough, so not only am I going to die, but I'll probably infect most of my immediate family as well."




Being born into a third world country should not be a death sentence. We should help others, and that's all it boils down to.

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I am not going to be put on a guilt trip because of problems in some third world dump! Like I originally said, I am still waiting for the big ice age to hit.



So you don't feel responsible for helping people in other countries? Basically, you just happened to be lucky enough to be born into a country that doesn't suck. It's not exactly like those people have a choice. Tens of thousands of people die everyday from diseases that are nothing to us, in fact, that don't even exist in a modern Western society (tuberculosis) or are somewhat manageable with modern drugs (AIDS). Honestly, if you somehow contracted TB, you'd just say, "Oh no, I have a bloody cough, go to the doctor, get some antibiotics, and be done with it." If you were born in say, Uganda and you got TB, you'd say, "I have a bloody cough, so not only am I going to die, but I'll probably infect most of my immediate family as well."




Being born into a third world country should not be a death sentence. We should help others, and that's all it boils down to.


1. Where do you get off saying I don't feel responsible for others?

2. Yes I do know that I am lucky to have been born in the greatest country in the history of the world.

3. Through my church and our missions, I have helped others around the world.

4. My wife and I have financially adopted a child in South Africa whose' parents in fact died of TB.


I did not have to be put on a guilt trip to do what I did, I did it out of my own heart. I am actually a pretty darn nice guy.


Remember that TPR is basically a bulliten board on the internet. Eventhough we see pictures of each other having a great time at parks during the summer, most of us really don't know each other. What I am trying to say is take some time to get to know more about somebody before you take a shot at them.

To me it all boils down to this. If you see that there is something wrong in the world, do something about it, but do it from your heart. Don't let somebody lay a trip on you to do something, because they want you to do what they want you to do. You'll either be miserable doing it, or you'll get taken.

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Chili? I have seen bowls of chili get reduced to nothing when accompanied by a few beers.


Ignoring my point, and picking out a misspelling does nothing to support your case.


Seriously, Like I said, I am not going to get into a panic because of the rants of Greenpeace, WWF et al.


Right, because it's easier to ignore statistics, and waste energy until something serious happens.

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Electricity wont be a problem.


That thing that they have been making for years where they split up the one beam of light into millions of beams then aim them all at one spot is going to be in use soon. Idk how much power its supposed to make exactly but i know it's a crap load.

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Chili? I have seen bowls of chili get reduced to nothing when accompanied by a few beers.


Ignoring my point, and picking out a misspelling does nothing to support your case.


Seriously, Like I said, I am not going to get into a panic because of the rants of Greenpeace, WWF et al.


Right, because it's easier to ignore statistics, and waste energy until something serious happens.

How do you know i'm ignoring statistics and wasting energy. I just said I don't look for guidance from a bunch of kooks like WWF. Heck I drive a car that gets 44 mpg, to conserve energy. My house is insulated to the hilt TO SAVE ENERGY, and help the environment.! Believe me, I am very concerned about the environment. I just don't listen to WWF etc.... I actually do something about it.

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I've done all the calculations for stuff like this last semester in Environmental Engineering and I don't think we are as screwed as the WWF says that we are. However America does have an ecological footprint of about 5 planets (it would take 5 planets to sustain the resources we use and to absorb the waste we produce) which is significantly higher than most countries.


Fact of the matter is that we need to all be a bit more conscious of the environment and that we all can make a difference no matter how small it is. Global warming is a reality and while you may not think there is a global climate change (not to be confused with temerature) it is happening, and at a a significantly higher rate than normal. If I still had all the pretty charts and graphs I could show you CO2 emissions over the past few centuries and more or less prove its our fault but I don't have that handy.


Whether you agree with it or not, its happening, and its our planet so we need to start treating it better because so far its the only one we've got. Maybe if we can do that we might be able to treat each other equally too, but like that'll ever happen.

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Some scientists mention we would be gonna live in outer space

planet by 2050 since all resources except some chemical matters

would totally run out. We don't wanna take that! Yes we ARE now in

the very surface on the earth where we can stay safe! Some people

would be gonna long for lives in other planets but we needa think

that's kinda like all around things get scrapped without no any protect

from pollution so why don't we save our very planet - earth!


Oil would be gone in 40 yrs!

Most of our things are made from oil!

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