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Harry Potter and Disney?

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It'd be cool if Harry Potter got its own park. There's so much potential for a park to be based around the book. Though I don't know how popular it would be once the book popularity dies off several years after the final movie comes out.

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I've always been very surprised Six Flags hasn't done anything. I mean, the movies are done by Warner Bros., and Six Flags has the rights to several Warner Bros. properties already (not sure of the extent of the contract).


Though I realize that a studio having the rights for a movie and having the rights for theme park attractions are totally different animals.


Anyway, somebody needs to get cracking while the property is hot. This level of interest can't last forever.

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I've always been very surprised Six Flags hasn't done anything. I mean, the movies are done by Warner Bros., and Six Flags has the rights to several Warner Bros. properties already (not sure of the extent of the contract).

I believe the studio only has rights to the movie and make the book into a movie. As far as character rights go and everything else that goes with it, I believe those belong to the author.

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I don't think this'll ever happen, but my two cents on the idea itself... It's kinda good in theory, and maybe it'd work in a Camp Snoopy kind of way, but I'm not sure there are really enough characters and themes to warrant making a real park from it. Places like Disney and even Parc Asterix have generations of characters, movies, stories, whatever to draw from and are pretty much unlimited, something like the Potter books... Maybe they could make it work for a land somewhere, kinda like Seussland at IOA, that I might like to see.

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I don't think this'll ever happen, but my two cents on the idea itself... It's kinda good in theory, and maybe it'd work in a Camp Snoopy kind of way, but I'm not sure there are really enough characters and themes to warrant making a real park from it. Places like Disney and even Parc Asterix have generations of characters, movies, stories, whatever to draw from and are pretty much unlimited, something like the Potter books... Maybe they could make it work for a land somewhere, kinda like Seussland at IOA, that I might like to see.


i agree....i could see this as a "land" with places like Diagon Alley, Hogwart's, Hogsmead, The Leaky Cauldron (as a restaurant), etc.....

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^ Wow Rich, way to read the whole thread! Somebody said earlier (and I believe they're correct) that Warner Bros have the rights to the movies with the author's approval, but that she still owns the character rights themselves, so it would have to come from her downwards in order to make a park. Presumably if they did do such a thing it would be the likenesses of the actors from the films that are used, so Warner Bros would certainly be a part of it, but I'm pretty sure JK Rowling is the controlling factor in pretty much ANYTHING Potter-related.

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^ Wow Rich, way to read the whole thread! Somebody said earlier (and I believe they're correct) that Warner Bros have the rights to the movies with the author's approval, but that she still owns the character rights themselves, so it would have to come from her downwards in order to make a park. Presumably if they did do such a thing it would be the likenesses of the actors from the films that are used, so Warner Bros would certainly be a part of it, but I'm pretty sure JK Rowling is the controlling factor in pretty much ANYTHING Potter-related.


we were at MGM the day that one of the books was released.....there were about a dozen copies at TOT gift shop first thing in the a.m., and by the time we went back to ride again around noon, they were GONE!


ppl were carrying those thick, hard-cover books all around the park that day.....

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^ Why on Earth would you buy a Harry Potter hardcover at a theme park? Strange people. I worked at a Virgin Megastore when the last book came out and they arrived three days before the release date... Resisting the temptation to open that box was TOUGH!!!

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