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The Army's New Slogan . . .


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Its the Army, dont expect much. This is how the armed forces ran IMO







Then all the other branches dont really matter.


Colin C


No love for the Coast Guard? I almost think Id rather be on a aircraft carrier, APC or a jet than jumping out of a helicopter into 50ft seas trying to rescue people.


CG just doesnt get noticed like it should...untill you do something stupid on the water and suddenly you need your life saved.


They arent the "armed" forces, but they are still part of the "forces".

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Army Smash!


I too..just saw the commercial..but see! They Get you! They try to brush off the bad grammer by saying "Strong" then theres.. "Army Strong"...


God..who thought of this! Im hoping the Army trys to change this saying...while we in California try to change our State Song!

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As soon as I read this thread I thought of Hulk as well.


Army mad! Army smash!


Don't ask my cousin (who is in Iraq at the moment) who is better. He'll tell you Air Force all the way!


It's sad though that our government can't seem to come up with better ads than this.


At least the Navy has finally given up on me. They used to send me crap every month about how "great it is" and all this "money" you'll make.

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No love for the Coast Guard? I almost think Id rather be on a aircraft carrier, APC or a jet than jumping out of a helicopter into 50ft seas trying to rescue people.


CG just doesnt get noticed like it should...untill you do something stupid on the water and suddenly you need your life saved.


They arent the "armed" forces, but they are still part of the "forces".


Thank you. I 'm glad someone acknowledged them. The CG is extremely underappreciated.


As far as the Army slogan goes..... meh. Who really cares? Don't we have more important issues to be whining and bitching at each other about while nothing gets done?

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They arent the "armed" forces, but they are still part of the "forces".


Drug runners and (these days, anyway) those who violate various trade sanctions might disagree with you as their pilothouses get shredded by .50 cal fire!


Being former Navy myself, I give the Coasties plenty of grief, mostly just for being Coasties, but I absolutely consider them part of "my" armed forces! They might be the "little brothers" in arms, but they're still my brothers and sisters of the uniform.

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Just saw the Army Strong Commercial!!!!


"There's Strong, then there's Army Strong"


Too funny!



Haven't seen it yet, but it sounds like a deoderant commerical. On par with the horrible commericals on the Armed Forces Network (AFN).


"Be careful about what you throw away... PYYAAAAHHH!!!!"

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