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Photo TR: Night of Thunder 3 and Six Flags over Georgia

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This past weekend, Catrina and I hopped in the car and headed south to attend the 3rd Annual Night of Thunder event at Dollywood. We really loved the event the first year and were dissappointed when we couldn't make it back last year. So with camera in hand ...


The first ride of the day was Dollywood's NEW for 2006 attraction, Timber Tower.


While not the most intense flat ride on the planet, the Tower was a very enjoyable experience and more than I expected. It was nice that they had the water effects on low so we could get some dry rides.


Of course, what would any Timber Tower TR be without some spitting beavers.


Natalee, Dave and Catrina pose outside of Thunderhead.


No Justin, we will not be using the scooters to navigate the park today.


Just put some forward controls and apehangers on this thing and I would feel right at home.


More cased meat than you can shake a stick at!


The smell that radiates from this section of the park gets me everytime.


Catrina poses by a prize winning Tomato in the new County Fair section of the park.


Speaking of County Fair ... that can only mean one thing.




A bunch of us tried out the Disko. This was only my second, but I really like these things.


Trust me, the last thing you want to do is get into a teacup with Me or Dave behind the wheel.


Natalee opted for a less intense version of the ride.


The Bluegrass festival was over, but there was a Gospel Music and Crafts festival going on.


This fella was making bears with a chainsaw. Each bear probably took around 5 minutes to chop.


ERT time and one more spin on Timber Tower before taking over Thunderhead for one hour ... in the dark!


The next day, a bunch of us drove down to Six Flags over Georgia. I was our first time there, so we headed back to the big green paper-weight first.


I am now officially 0-4.


Ninja was running off and on through the day and unfortunately we never got to see it run. The good news was that Deja Vu and Ninja would be the only missed credits of the day.


Our first real ride of the day was on the parks Enterprise.


Group picture (sans Catrina who is taking the shot)


Catrina and I posing in front of Superman.


Justin and Sandi seem to be enjoying their ride on the parks Mine Train.


While we were eating lunch a large group of dead people paraded by.


While Catrina was gone, I tried to win her something to compensate for this. Too bad that I suck at midway games and only managed to score this pathetic little creature.


Chris, Justin, Neil and Myself pose with Wonderwoman.


Catrina, Natalee and Sandi posing with Flash.


Now it was time to enter Gotham City.


Overall I liked the look of Gotham City and I REALLY liked the Mindbender. It ended up being one of two big surprise coasters of the day (Other being the Georgia Cyclone).


As Catrina would say ... "Stop being a geek!"


Goliath was the real winner of the day. This coaster is fantastic and a real serious contender for the top spot on any coaster list.


No matter where you are in the train this turn will "get" you.


One of the "dead" dudes was pulling an Epcot Statue routine in front of the Monster Plantation.


"Gimme a Kiss"


Canyon Blaster was a nice coaster for the younger crowd.


Since I never managed to run into Joe (ParkTrips/Joseph) during our visit, this one is for him.


We even got to catch a couple of closing rides on Goliath with Erik and Leanne before heading back up north.


Thanks for reading.

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^ That was precisely my thinking. There are not too many PTC train woodies that I choose the "Wheel" seats on.


If i had one complaint about the woodies at SFoG it would be the padding. Who in their right mind ever thought that molded hard-as-hell padding was a good idea. I really hope that all the particpants in that GASM marathon used some additional padding!

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Tommy has a fat a$$ and he made it through it. God bless those peeps that put themselves through that. Marathons on either of those woodies now would be suicide.


When we did the marathon it was just retracked plus I was on a row with no wheel. Brians is just more used to taking a hard pounding, which is why he loved the Ga. Cyclone so much....

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Which day did you go? I was there Sunday, and I happen to see Joe by Goliath Games around 4-5 o'clock while I was waiting in line for Goliath.


Yeah, Georgia Cyclone did kick major butt that day. I rode in the back of the red train and happened to have the roughest, but the best ride of any woody. I didn't have my lapbar all the way down and I got too much ejector airtime on the second drop (but it was awesome). I was getting bounced around and having airtime at the same time.


Anyways, glad yall had fun.

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Which day did you go? I was there Sunday, and I happen to see Joe by Goliath Games around 4-5 o'clock while I was waiting in line for Goliath.


You waited in line for Goliath? Should've forked out the cash for the Gold Q-bot. Longest wait of the day was around 10 minutes!

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^^ What ... no love for Georgia Cyclone?


I rode it with Neil in the next to last row and really liked it.


Justin rode it in the last row and thought it was dog poo.


Go figure.


I'm not sure dog poo is the exact term I would use, but yes, I thought it was dog poo. My ride in the last seat was worse than any ride in any seat I have had on Psyclone at SFMM and that is saying something.


Other than that, Sandi and I had a blast. Goliath kicks some serious ass and Thunderhead at night is freekin awesome.


Hopefully I'll get my pics up tonight.


Justin "who thinks Georgia Cyclone sucks but liked GASM" Saxe



Joe is the man giving us his free Q-bot card. Saved us 100 bucks and we waited no longer than 10 mins for a ride all day. And Joe, Mindbender was great. It was definately one of the best rides in the park.

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You waited in line for Goliath? Should've forked out the cash for the Gold Q-bot. Longest wait of the day was around 10 minutes!


I should've got the Q-bot, because I waited 2 WHOLE HOURS in line for Superman. Well, it was 2 hours because it wasn't reliable that day. It broke down twice when I was next in line to ride.

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How was GASM running? Its been running terrible since about June, but I got a decent ride in late September.

I thought it ran rougher than Cyclone in the axle seat for the Q-bot rows


Which day did you go? I was there Sunday, and I happen to see Joe by Goliath Games around 4-5 o'clock while I was waiting in line for Goliath.

Wow, yea. I think that's when we ran into some friends... you coulda said hi, I wouldn't have been creeped out too much



Joe is the man giving us his free Q-bot card. Saved us 100 bucks and we waited no longer than 10 mins for a ride all day. And Joe, Mindbender was great. It was definately one of the best rides in the park.

hey no problem, anything to help out some out-of-town roller coaster weirdos


Glad you liked the Mind Bender



- Joe, who wonders if people actually recognize his face or his chest

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^Actually, I think people recognize the JOE in the Goliath sign more than either of those. It's like, hey that guy whose name is on Goliath!



Yeah, GASM in a back axle seat sucks hard (especially 3.3, which is the Q-Bot row). I used to think it was trailered, but it definately isn't-the front axle is just smoother than the back. Same goes for Cyclone as well-God bless you poor people in 6.2, that must have sucked.


Now 6.1, on opening day with no trims or on a really good day, that is coaster perfection. That second drop is seriously one of the most insane parts of any coaster anywhere (the massive ejector and lats combined can nearly eject you from the ride if the lapbar is high enough).



Glad you enjoyed it, you didn't miss out on much with both Vekomas down.

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So 0-4 now on the Vus?


I can't believe I got 2 rides on the GA one this year (once in April and once in August).


I guess you and Vekoma just don't mix. lol


Glad you guys had a good time. I might have to make it to NOT one of these days.


Now that I think of it, we should change C3 to "Days of Thunder (Road)" lol. That would be a nice Paramount tie-in.

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