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The NFL 2006 Thread


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I can't believe it is opening day of the 2006 NFL season and no one has started a thread yet!


I am *very* excited about tonights Dolphins-Steerlers game - esp. since Rothiswhateverhisnameis is not going to be playing..


Miami Dolphins.. Miami Dolphins.. Miami Dolphins #1..

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Stillers are gonna whoop it up this season yet again. Just you guys watch. As for the Dolphins. We have already sacked Culpepper once, you can bet again before the game is over we will do it again.



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wow, 2 things:




1. OMG, it wasnt a TD. and Saban threw the damn flag and the stupid ref didnt even see it.


2. What was Culpepper thinking with those 2 picks he threw? they were horrible passes to nobody, and his pass to Chambers who was wide open in the endzone was the worst pass i have ever seen.

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Another year of hearing how wonderful Brett Favre is......oy.


As long as John Madden is around, we will never stop hearing about how great Brett Farve is...I think the guy has some secret desire to be Favre's boy toy.


Seriously though, I'm excited to see the Steelers in action, as well as keeping a close eye on Carson Palmer and the Bengals. I love it when underdogs come back in a big way, and I'm hoping Mr. Palmer is back in tip-top condition after that bad injury.

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OK, I really did not care about this game as a) I think the Dolphins are horrible, and b) I grew up in Cleveland so naturally I'm a Steeler-hater. HOWEVER, I watched some of the game and:


A) Both teams looked horrible. I mean, the blocking/tackling sucked. Really. I hate when people just slip out of tackles and run 87 yards (nice tackling, dude).


b) That wasn't a freaking touchdown!!! That dude's foot landed out of bounds. BUT, if the Miami coach dude wanted to challenge, he SHOULD have thrown the flag the first time instead of flicking his wrist around! Too late, Dolphin guy!


c) The Steelers got a lucky break last year. Because of that one dude whose ancestors thought of the first Super Bowl (I can't think of him offhand), the super bowl people thought that the Steelers should win due to some retarded, probably 9-11 related reason (think Rams/Patriots SB). Rrrr.


That is all, at the moment.


-Amanda "When Hockey starts, come talk to me then.. GO KINGS" V.

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The Steelers got a lucky break last year. Because of that one dude whose ancestors thought of the first Super Bowl (I can't think of him offhand), the super bowl people thought that the Steelers should win due to some retarded, probably 9-11 related reason (think Rams/Patriots SB). Rrrr.


Huh? I seem to recall them making more plays in the game. That is typically how it is won.


That wasn't a freaking touchdown!!!


I don't think will find anybody that will argue that it was.


// submit to your fear, not even your hatred can destroy the black and gold

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Sometimes... your best offense is your defense. At least tonight.


oh yea.. major love for Heath Miller


I may have gotten the pick wrong, but I have Heath Miller on my fantasy team - 12th round


By the way, the argument that the Steelers would have gotten points even if the play was correctly challenged is a joke. Did you not see when they were on the 2 and turned the ball over? Anything can happen that close in the red zone.


I just thought it was funny how it was a football game, but about 30 minutes of the commentary was on critiquing Saban's throwing motion and style.

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Sigh. That call sucked but we probably would have lost anyway. It would have been funny to Saban run out and throw the flag at the Ref's head though..


According to the statement the made on sportscenter, a head coach is allowed to run on the field to get the refs attention...so thats Saban's own fault, no one elses.

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Colinsworth and Madden were talking about that during the game too. You don't see that too often - a coach running out onto the field. I think if they knew that, they would do it more often. The league needs to let everyone know the rules and stuff a little better. At least that is how I see it. If they do communicate the rules well, then it is Saban's fault for being an idiot. But, I think it is far to say, you will see a lot more head coachs running out onto the field to get attention when they are about to throw the red flag.

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Joe that's awesome!!


I got my steeler avatar. It's a must during the football season. I wish I could make an avatar. I love Ted's and just change it to Steelers fanatic with Troy Polamalu in it. Damn it I hate not having photoshop.

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