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Ex-Gay Camps

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all i can think of is how horny the boys in camp will be when they get out. It's like depriving a fat kid from cake for a later date. temptation is a persons weakness.


for a gay guy.. all you have to do is get a hot guy to do a couple moves on him and that 6 weeks of camp can go out the door in 6 secs..




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Forcing a child against his or her will to go to a camp to change their beliefs. Thats a little over the top to me. I believe that homosexuality comes through choice. If the parents didn't want their kid to be gay, they should have set a better influence. But since they didn't or just that the temptation was too strong for the kid, they turned gay. Now I can completely understand that, but forcing the kid to a camp to make them straight again is just too much.


Now I am a Christian. I do not hate gays. I believe what they do is wrong, but I don't hate them. If I am to become a parent, I will teach my children that homosexuality is wrong. I will not force them into being straight, but lead them there. Get them involved in the church and show them that it is wrong. Then, when the temptation hits them, they will know it is wrong.


They hate gays, and call them sinners. However, doesn't God say, "ask, and you shall be forgiven?" So, these are two contradictory messages. Churches should be getting gays into their churches and accepting them, not turning them away. The gospel says that all sins can be forgiven.


My church isn't like that. Also, about bringing the gays into the church thing. Yes, they should bring them in, but not so much accept that they are gay. They must act. Show them the gospel, teach them from THE BIBLE. Though, as someone stated before, homosexuality CAN be a life long thing. The gay person would have to not want to be gay to really mean anything.



Also, just one last thing. Can someone tell me how homosexuality can be genetic?

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I've found this whole thread really interesting, and was hoping that someone could post more info on what actually goes on in these camps? Are they religious?

And the best parallel I can think of for this would be if I went to an "ex-picky-eater" camp. You could make me eat foods I have always disliked for six weeks, but will that make me like the foods? Probably not. After the six weeks, I'd be the same old picky eater. I didn't choose to be a picky eater...I just am, so it's not something I can just change because someone else wants me to. I assume homosexuality is the same way. I didn't choose to be straight, I just am, so if someone tried to force lesbianism on me, I highly doubt that it would take.

Anyway, someone post some good links about these camps, please.



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I have no idea what's going on in this camps. Even if it's legitimate I dount if they can turn a gay into hetro. You are born gay and such a camp can cause someone severe mental problems. However it may be helpful for confused kids who don't know what they are, and still the big question is what they do there ?

What amaze me that kids can be forced to go there. At the age of 14 my parents couldnt force me to do ANYTHING.

For all of you gay kids out there who dont wish to go to such a camps there are groups who may help you. Just look for the right help and even at your schools.

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Basically the camps are like isolation chambers where you arent really allowed to to watch anything, listen to anything, or touch anybody else. It's pretty obvious they're religious, I'm not so sure if they actually preach there, but I think they basically repeat the "gay is bad, you cant reproduce, it's strictly lust, it's sin" beliefe thing over and over again until they "get it."


Granted, it's pretty dumb, but I remember the rules of one of the programs being posted somewhere. I'll see if I can find it again.



EDIT: ACTUALLY< a lot of information can be found at wikipedia.



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Since religion seems to be an issue with this:


Give me one verse in the Bible where it states that God condemns homosexuality.


Leviticus 18:22 (KJV)


Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind: it is abomination


That is the verse most people point to. But if you look back to the original Hebrew - "And with a male you shall not lay lyings of a woman" - it doesn't make alot of sense. There are many many translations of that - and then there are even more takes on each translation. It is a real theological and philosophical mess!


I am not saying I believe homosexuality is bad - but you asked for one verse - so there it is...

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I think people (people in general, I am NOT pointing at anybody in particular) need to remember that God did not fax the bible from heaven, it is a book written by man.


I know that many of these camps are religiously-motivated, but I think the issue here has more to do with the ethics of the camps, rather than who is right/wrong/has whatever beliefs.


As Julie said, this whole thread has been kind of interesting, and I'm off to Wikipedia now!

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Yeah - the Bible was a book written by man, translated by another man, translated by yet another man and so on for about ten iterations of this cycle. So regardless of whether one believes it is inspired writing or not - it is important to remember that much has been lost or changed in translation.


The Living Bible - used by some Christians has even translated that verse to spell it out - "Homosexuality is absolutely forbidden, for it is an enormous sin".


I read that Wikipedia thing - and I found it pretty interesting. With all the scientific evidence that says heterosexuality is not necessairly a default - these fundamentalists still believe that boys are boys, girls are girls - and that it is a psychological disorder if you are attracted to the same sex. In reality there are so many different ways people can turn out - due to physiological and environmental factors. Yet these camps view it as a choice, and a wrong one at that.


It is also real interesting that one of the main guys behind Exodus - one of the groups in the ex-gay movement ended up going back to being gay.

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This makes me so angry.


We talk about how discrimination is SO bad and how nobody ever discriminates anymore. WRONG. THIS IS discrimination. It shoulw be totally outlawed. That camp is sooooo stupid. Gah im just outraged. Whoever's parents send them to that camp, is prolly going down, down far, to that place where they play with two hockey sticks and it's really hot. It's just SO stupid!


Now that you mention this. I think one of my friends has been to this. He's like REALLY gay, super flamboyant and all, but won't admit he's gay. He's SUPER religous now. Over the summer I heard from a friend that he, did the durrrrtay. Anywho, he now DENIE's it to the guy he did it with, say's he's SAVED or something. And never shuts up about god and always tries to preach to me. Before last summer, he could care less about god. WIERD. It's like he was brainwashed.

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^That is called being saved. He believes in God. He put his faith there. He probably felt guilt for doing what he did. Then he found the lord. he was reborn, and is truly a new person. Now he is following God's path for him and is tryin to get you saved too. GOOD FOR HIM!

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I've been gone for 1 day, and its a 7 page discussion. Wow.


Anyways, Id like to say sorry for using a concentration camp as a smilie to the ex-gay camps, and to anyone I offended.


I personally think homosexuality is a choice. When I was little, 4th to 6th grade I liked girls. A lot. I had dreams of girls marring me and having lots of kids with a white picket fence in the country. Crazy?


But another thing is on the page where it said along the lines of "Homosexuality is a mental problem". That right there made me feel like crap. For me being gay, and having someone tell me "you are sick, and wrong." I get that a lot from people, but yet knowing the way they put it, it was more like a shot to the heart.


Imagine, you knowing (straight or gay) that you had a mental problem or sickness. Its like a doctor saying "you have cancer." It hurts.

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^ I'm confused... You think homosexuality is a choice? Interesting to hear that coming from a gay man. If that's what you believe, that's alright, but possibly the dreams and thoughts that you had might have simply been down to conditioning: At that age, it seems like all boys marry all girls and have babies, and life is that simple, as that's the stereotype society most often reinforces to children.

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^Maybe. The only reason I don't think that is because when I talk to some of my gay friends, they say they've know when they were just 6! Which to me is a little strange. I guess I never really knew I was gay til 8th grade.


It's okay. I knew I liked boys for as long as I can remember, but it never really "clicked" till I was in 7th or 8th grade either. Like Lou said, it was basically conditioning. Around that age is when you start hitting puberty and all your hormones start kicking in and you start being attracted to who you'll be attracted to. After that it's just a matter of realising you're not exactly feeling what you thought you would be for who you thought you would be, and when you recognize that is when you come to the recognition that you're homosexual. Like, I never thought twice about "liking" boys and girls when I was younger, and then once I started being sexually attracted to only guys, well.... yeah. haha


Just how it happened to me.

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