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Ex-Gay Camps

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I hate the idea that everyone thinks that when your gay that there is something wrong with you...Why can't people just let people, be themself...I get so much crap from people trying to change me, or men asking me "Hey baby, try me I'll fix you" We (Gay People) don't need a camp, and we don't need fixing! If someone don't like Coke, are they going to have a Coke Camp?

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NO why doesnt he just say im straight...then leave and lead a secret gay life?!


For as easy as this sounds, it's VERY difficult to do. When parents are crazy enough to send their kids to these kinds of places, they're also crazy enough to have PI's and spies on their kids as well.

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Why should they have to lie? I understand the point, that lying would stop the kid from going through the misery of the camp, but to then have to lie about their life for however long afterwards... I would find it difficult to pretend that I was gay for a prolonged period of time, especially to people I was close to... Mustn't be easy.

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My parents had no clue until 2 weeks ago. I tried as hard as I could to keep it a secret.


Its the fact of not knowing how your parents will react. For example, sending you to a gay camp. My plans were to keep it a secret all threw high school, move to California, and never speak with them again.


Its very hard to keep it to yourself. There were times when I was just like, "Why am I hiding it?". Then you have to worry about your friends if they know. To make sure nothing slips when your parents are around, etc.

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Wow, I've just read all 11 pages and can't believe the film "But I'm A Cheerleader" hasn't popped up anywhere!


Get the homophobic parents of these gay kids to watch that and they'll realise that even if they go in gay, they'll come out gay


Newbie, out and proud in one evening!

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Yea and people wonder why kids just don't come out and get it over with. I'm sure alot of people know how I came out, and that wasn't planned, but it came out better. And parents need to know what messages they need to send across. My mom would often ask if I was straight or gay and that I should know and she would be ok with my choice, and that she needs to know so that we can talk. But I would say straight, becausethe night before she made a comment like, "Karl, I don't know what I would do I you were gay!" WTF!? And she actually EXPECTS me to come out to her!? Thankfully she won't do anything drastic, even though she doesn't ''agree''. But we always laugh cause now she is saying that she expected me to gay the whole time.

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I didn't plan on "coming out" to my parents so early either, but I had to


I was 19 and had been with my first girlfriend for about 5 months already (I'd finally admitted to myself and my friends I was gay when I was 16). Anyway, my gf was living in London at the time we got together but was soon going back to Uni on the Southern Coast and said I was welcome to stay anytime, which I of course was happy to take her up on


Which left the situation of telling the truth or lying to my parents. The be-all and end-all is that lying to my parents would've hurt them a lot more than me coming out to them.


I'm 25 now and they are fine with it. Am With somebody totally different now and getting married in 2 years, wahey!

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people are sutch bible freaks, and then they discriminate people who don't share their same views but i thought they had to "treat thy brother how thout shal want to be treated"...(or something like that). so, in a sense, they are just as mutch of sinners as the gay people. and then the more ignorant ones say "but homosexuality is a bigger sin than all that stuff." but a sin is a sin.


i'm not a religous person, so i don't let the bible cloud my judgement of a person. and people constantly twist the words of the bible around. humans are so easily influenced that they are convinced that they should be good only to look good in the eys of their supposed "God" and not for their own benefiet. but i'm not going to get into this and have the hardcore christians on me.

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^I udnerstand. It's funny because whenever somebody tries to pull the whole "gay is immoral" thing on me, I always bring up the fact I'm probably more pur in thought and intention than they ever were. Certain people I won't do that too, but mostly I'm just like,"Yeah, okay. Go drink another beer and cool your jets."

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people are sutch bible freaks, and then they discriminate people who don't share their same views but i thought they had to "treat thy brother how thout shal want to be treated"...(or something like that). so, in a sense, they are just as mutch of sinners as the gay people. and then the more ignorant ones say "but homosexuality is a bigger sin than all that stuff." but a sin is a sin.


i'm not a religous person, so i don't let the bible cloud my judgement of a person. and people constantly twist the words of the bible around. humans are so easily influenced that they are convinced that they should be good only to look good in the eys of their supposed "God" and not for their own benefiet. but i'm not going to get into this and have the hardcore christians on me.


Sounds as though you pretty much already did.

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When it comes down to being gay. I'm so sick of hearing about it in the news and how god hates us, I'm ready to throw god out the window. You would think they want more people to belive in god, but now, they are the cause. I'm just sick of all the fricking drama over gay people. Get the F**k over it people, there will always be gay people and we're not going any where. Protesting us will just waste your time.

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I Fully agree with what you said, We can't change who or what we are, and no one in the world can change it. So if you don't like it, just bloody ignore it!


I told 1 of my freinds last year that i was gay, the next day half the school knew, it got that stressful at school, That i ended up changing schools.


If i could choose to be straight, I would choose to be straight. But I can't, I explained that to my parents, and now they are cool with my choice.

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Yea, there never seems to be any bad stuff said about them in the media! how come theres often bad stuff about gays in the media! It's quite unfair on ALL of us in the world that are gay!

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^ and ^^ I think a lot of it has to do with sodomy being stigmatised by many homophobics (and others for that matter), and being (in some peoples' eyes) a "intrusive" practice. Gay women I suppose are seen as softer, and do nothing that threatens men, who make up the largest percentage of homophobes/anti-gay people. There's also a kind of double standard when it comes to lesbians, because of the percentage of men who find the idea of two women together quite a turn-on.

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