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Everything posted by Kw6sTheatee

  1. I think it would be awesome if they themed the back area of the park to a lumber mill, because the real thing is just up the hill that Phoenix is at the base of. Also a GCI that goes up the mountain would be a dream come true! The two are only 26 minutes away, please make it happen!
  2. I’m visiting Busch Gardens Tampa on March 23, opening weekend, for Coasting for Kids. How much crowds should I expect? What are some great things to do there besides the coaster creds (I’m shooting to ride the train and skyride because I love those things ). But I know as soon as I say this everyone will hate me, but I’m not going for Team TPR... I’m going for someone else
  3. Why were there even hills in the track? For that “Xtreme” aspect?
  4. I generally tend to rate coasters based on intensity. But it’s not always that, which is why Fury 325, Millennium Force and Phoenix— coasters that are not necessarily very forceful— are actually in my top 20. If I was rating coasters purely based on fun, Swamp Fox, Kumba, Phoenix and Fury 325 would be at the top most likely.
  5. I wasn’t really disappointed with the layout. Most people are used to RMC’s having super tight turn and hil radius which produces that insane ejector airtime they are notorious for, but I think some floater air would be nice for a change.
  6. I can understand all of those choices, but what is it that makes Millennium Force your #1? It’s in my top 20 absolutely, and Mille is overhated as well as underrated— Voyage is my #1 though, and before that Intimidator 305.
  7. And I thought only theming had to do with different countries and cultures... then again I have no experience in professional design.
  8. I can confirm from experience that designing is not easy. If you don’t mind, what ride(s) have you designed? I’m glad we have some industry professionals on this Forums.
  9. Are Hersheypark just retheming the current Xtreme Cup Challenge, or are they redoing the entire ride from the ground up?
  10. About Hakugei’s intensity... according to Coaster Studios’ interview of Alan Schilke, the folks at Nagashima Spa Land were shocked by how intense his original layout proposal was. He had to tweak it a bit to be less intense, which in my opinion isn’t a bad thing at all!
  11. I feel like the next big thing for Cypress Adventures will be either an Arrow mega-looper or suspended coaster.
  12. What’s your #1? If Steel Vengeance is praised so highly by most enthusiasts (not me), but it only places at #9 for you (Something I would probably do too, if I had ridden it), what bests it for you?
  13. I do think Six Flags would replace Silver Bullet with an RMC Raptor, or perhaps a Giant Discovery. Wildcat would NOT be RMC’d, as it’s a classic wooden coaster and does not have an optimal RMC layout— and Diamondback would probably be replaced in favor of an S&S 4D Free Spin. Wild Kitty is already being replaced with a Zamperla 80STD.
  14. Beautiful pictures like those make me wish northern parks were open in the snow. But we couldn’t ride anything
  15. Just found out that I am going to Busch Gardens Williamsburg for the first time! Going to be for opening weekend, and I’m really hyped!! Does anyone have any tips/recommendations/etc. for me?
  16. Dan Koch and his buddy mentioned Adrenaline Peak and Iron Shark in particular. I would love for them to use the same hillside that Rampage is on for this, if it’s a custom model.
  17. I used to live around these parts. I love Busch Gardens Tampa so much, I’m very biased towards it because this place was my childhood! I haven’t been back in nearly four years, but that will change when I get to return in April.
  18. How does Batman Knight Flight stack up to Forbidden Journey, if I may ask Canobie?
  19. What do we think, will the name be Uproar, or Twisted Tiger? I’m advocating for Uproar as if the rumors are true this would be the tallest coaster in Florida.
  20. Please be Family Kingdom’s next big thing!! More enthusiasts deserve another reason to acknowledge the amazing Swamp Fox!
  21. I would love to make it out to Kennywood, because I have Pennsylvanian heritage (also there’s this crazy little thing called Steel Curtain ) ... but it’s in Dutch Country, which is on the Eastern side of the state.
  22. Still not buying it. I stopped by the site in summer 2016 (when they said it was opening in 2017/2018) and what do ya know, they still hadn’t cleared any of the buildings right on the property. I would love to see this actually happen, but it’s much more likely that this thing will finally get shelved instead of beating it around the bush till 2050.
  23. I get that it’s a much cheaper alternative to bring in more kids with their families, but I would have loved to see that GCI come to fruition. It’d satisfy my layering fetish, for one. ALSO— worth noting that Runaway Tram is listed as an $4 million investment. White Lightning at Fun Spot Orlando only cost $3.5 million in 2013, which adjusted for inflation is somewhere in the neighborhood of $4 million too. A Gravity Group family wooden coaster would work wonders for this park— plus, they can give it a steel structure like Kentucky Flyer or Twister’s to reduce upkeep costs.
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