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Everything posted by AllisonY2K

  1. could you change mine to "Site Admin"? haha! just kidding. ok seriously, could you change it to: If I was a rich girl thanks in advance. ~A
  2. "Robb is thrilled at the news that Elissa's period came today."
  3. "Rob's career as a pole dancer was short-lived."
  4. hey I liked it. it was a fun video, and it looks like you guys are fun to hang out with at the parks.
  5. yay! spam alert! Sarasota/Bradenton is not boring! There's always *something* to do..like...go to Wal-Mart...hang out on Turtle Beach...drive around aimlessly. I like to have a late dinner at IHOP on US41 and watch the partygoers trying to leave Club Heat and have to walk past the sobriety-checking Police outside. Fun times! Oh yeah, there's Denny's or Perkins too. and...um..yeah. ok you're right, there's nothing to do down here! I need more friends to ease the monotony...or invite over to use the pool.
  6. Powerman 5000 - When Worlds Collide ..which is interesting since I was just listening to lots of Less Than Jake, but that's why mix CDs are so fun.
  7. I'm not wearing anything, why? ok ok I lied. Shirt: blue sparkly bikini top Shorts: blue sparkly bikini bottom Shoes: None Socks: None Underwear: pink thong yes I'm about to get in the pool. Allison "so why am I still here?" Y2K
  8. I'm agreeing with this comment. I like any bathroom that's clean and stocked with the essentials. Allison "I totally agree" Y2K
  9. Found in the coaster archives, so I had to post it. Grandma and Grandpa Rattums thumbnail
  10. "Some festive park guests during Six Flags' First Annual 'Straight Days' which concludes with a beer-chugging contest on Sunday followed by a fireworks show at 9p."
  11. <---avatar-sized. I um...accidentally saved over the original size.
  12. I'd go with cherry-vanilla Coke...have you tried cherry-vanilla Dr. Pepper? it's awesome! -Allison "why not just mix Coke and any flavor Fanta together?" Y2K
  13. Hi. I'm Allison...Y2K. It's a long story that started 5 years ago. I am probably the tallest girl here at 6'+. I love to make people laugh, or at least smile. I've got 8 piercings, with #9 coming up in August. I live in the boring town of Bradenton, FL. Closest home park would be Busch Gardens Tampa where I would much rather ride Gwazi instead of Montu or Kumba. Yes, I like wooden coasters. Fave music is punk, ska, rock and/or metal. Favorite bands are Less Than Jake and Dropkick Murphys. +5 cool points awarded if you like either of the two. Allison (or Allie) Y2K
  14. I'm probably the tallest girl on TPR (6'+). *trying* to pull off the school girl look
  15. blasphemy! I love Gwazi. I would rather ride that than Montu, Kumba, Scorpion or Python. ..and Python was smooth? they must have tightened up something. lol.
  16. Wooden. I like that old-time historical look of the coaster itself and the train, walking through the queue and getting in your seat feeling like you're taking a trip back in time. I like that feeling of barrelling through and twisting through and around the support structure of the coaster. Speeding inbetween wooden beams and 2x4's thinking "damn that was a close call!". Being jostled around enough to shake dentures loose. Having the feeling at any time that the coaster is going to fly off the track or the whole thing is going to fall apart at any time because you have that wild, out-of-control feeling. Then coming back to the final brake section before the station thinking "damn that was awesome!" That's why I like wooden coasters. 8)
  17. Sweet video. good POV from the front. I wasn't too crazy over the back seat POV, but that's just me. The music was a nice touch. 8)
  18. Best: Pirates of the Carribean (WDW) and Dueling Dragons. I love DD, but I love the queue more. Worst: Hulk.
  19. Has anyone found (either doing it themselves or on the net) a listing of the shops/stalls on RCT2 and their respective popularity? I try to stay with standard fare as far as food goes (burgers, fries, soda) because some of the shops (meatball soup, coffee, etc..) I think "will people actually buy this?" So, just wondering if anyone has figured what are the best shops/stalls to have in your RCT2 parks and which ones are not worth having. -Allison "I'm not done with my tentacle yet!" Y2K
  20. I'm not sure if I helped test of the old or new chat mod. It bugged me that it has a timeout feature if you don't say anything for, I think, 20 minutes. Then again it helps keep trolls and lurkers out. In my case I couldn't add anything to the conversation so that's why I timed out.
  21. I found what brings my park rating down is a dirty park or vandalism. If I notice my ratings drop I check what my guests are thinking and make the necessary adjustments or repairs. Some times there is a heavy-traffic area where guests are getting sick on the path, or vandals breaking your benches, lamp posts and/or garbage cans. Fix/clean any of these and your ratings will slowly climb back up.
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