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Everything posted by Rider117

  1. For 40 dollars, they have a combo that you can ride the Slingshot, Screamin Swing and the Skycoaster. Which I thought was an amazing deal. Glad you had an awesome time at Morey's. Did you play Fascination?
  2. My layout of the trip is as follow... July 23rd: PKI July 24th: Beech Bend and Holiday World July 25th: SFKK and Indiana Beach July 26th: SFGam
  3. I will be going to PKI, Beech Bend, Holiday World, Indiana Beach, SFKK and SFGam during July 23rd-July 26th. Expect a nice trip report following up and if anyone wants to meet up during those days let me know, as I have never been to any of those parks before.
  4. To ECZenith, when you have a ride like El Toro compared to Kingda Ka you will pick Toro. Have fun on Thursday, if you need any advice or help just let me know. I was there tonight and it was horrible. Every line had about an hour wait and the parking lot was jammed. I only got on Musik Express and Riptide.
  5. Top 10 Steel: 1. Superman: Ride of Steel(SFNE) 2. Millenium Force 3. X 4. Apollo's Chariot 5. Xcellerator 6. Nitro 7. Kingda Ka 8. TTD 9. Chiller(Batman) 10. Storm Runner Top 10 Wood: 1. El Toro 2. Boulder Dash 3. Pheonix 4. J2 5. Lightning Racer 6. Ghostrider 7. Wildcat 8. Villian 9. CI Cyclone 10. Roar(SFA) The wood list will definitely change by the end of this month!
  6. Casino Pier had Wizard's Cavern and I live about 5 minutes from the two piers and Funtown Pier compared to Casino just can not compete. I am mad about this and plan on going there a few times this year to get a two credits I don't have there. I hope the S&S tower is saved...
  7. Looks like another pier will be going for condos... http://www.ocobserver.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060706/NEWS/607060352
  8. Only state beaches are closed right now. Seaside beaches are open and the piers are open, plus Funtown Pier looks like it will be shutting down at the end of this year.
  9. I'll be at GADV tomorrow night for the fireworks and hopefully a night ride on El Toro.
  10. You should stay in Toms River and head to the Seaside Piers at night. It is only about a half hour drive from here.
  11. There was a report yesterday that the line would be originally 2 hours from the first switchback with one train but now with two its only 45 minutes. I will also let you know about Ocean City because I am going there Wednesday night.
  12. If you get a Q-bot get the gold one, you will have to wait 5-10 minutes at the max. I agree, you should go down to Wildwood if your going to do any pier. But, it is the farthest away from GADV. Seaside and Point Pleasant-about 30 minutes Atlantic City-1 hour Ocean City-1 hour 15 minutes Wildwood-1 hour 30-45 minutes
  13. I heard they been cycling both trains. It should be up and going by next week.
  14. Well I live about 5 minutes from Seaside Heights and was just at the piers tonight. Casino Pier just basically redid the whole pier and got a ton of new flats including Swings, a Disk-O, Enterprise, a dark ride(which is still being built), and a few kiddie rides. Funtown Pier just got a relocated mouse rollercoaster. Down in Ocean City, they recieved a new coaster but I am not sure what it is and if it is open yet. In Wildwood, nothing really new here except Great Nor'eastern got a paint job and there redoing there waterpark on Morey's Pier. If you need anymore info, let me know.
  15. Phoenix has airtime, but not El Toro airtime. Its like a whole different category.
  16. I must of rode Kingda Ka at least 40-50 times in one day when they were doing a commercial shoot.
  17. I posted this on Great Adventure Updates, but I wanted to share it with you guys. Here is my review of El Toro. Well after 30 rides on El Toro, all I have to say is I am still debating which I like more, El Toro or S:RoS in SFNE(Yes, it is that amazing). Lets go back to yesterday morning, where I boarded the train in the back seat for my first time. After being stapled, we exited the station and go around the turn and head up the lift. After hearing the three horns we start to fly up the lift hill(which is 10% faster than MF). You actually even get a little pop of air as you crest the top of the lift, then you have no time to look around before you actually get tugged down the first drop and you get extreme ejector airtime!! You fly down the lift going 70 miles per hour before bottoming out into an amazing headchopper before going up the first hill getting more amazing ejector air. Then you fly down the hill and no time to breathe enter then second hill even providing more ejector air. It is that insane. Then you enter the awesome turnaround which is smooth and has some really good banking on it. You then enter the third hill which provides a good pop of air but not as extreme as the drop, first hill or second hill. But it is still good. Then you enter the hill before the bank and fly by the station and get some extreme headchoppers which make you think twice about keeping your hands up. After all that excitement, you hit the bank turn and you gotta love that little headchopper they made before the hill over RT. Now, this hill is by FAR the best hill ever created! Every seat on this coaster gets the most AIRTIME I have ever expierenced in my life, I can never get enough of that hill. Then it gets even better, after that hill you hit the twister section which is just crazy. You go left, then you go right, then left and then you hit that 180 degree turnaround. Just talking about it makes me want to go back there and try it again! You then go over a little hill and then slide into the brakes nice and smoothly. This coaster has everything you need, its soo smooth and its AMAZING! I am seriously trying to decide if it's better than S:RoS in SFNE. It is currently sitting in my number 2 spot overall and it is now my favorite woodie. GO RIDE EL TORO!!!
  18. If you want a good view of the twister section make sure to look on Kingda Ka's exit platform. It flies through it, can't wait till opening!
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