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Everything posted by pryonisys

  1. I always just thought the height restrictions on the giant wheel were strange. The gondola was a big cage, not like a lot of other giant wheels out there where the gondola is wide open, but the height restrictions was "Minimum Height 54" With Adult" Isn't a giant wheel supposed to be a family ride? If the listed height restriction of 54" is correct, that's kind of crazy
  2. West Coaster at the Santa Monica Pier - Total distance: 2,147.37 mi (3,455.86 km) (from Erie PA)
  3. For Waldameer, you'll be set with the Wally card (you can always add more onto it if you'd like). Get a ride on Wacky Shack, it's a fun, old, quirky, disjointed dark ride. Always worth a ride when you're there. The drop tower is OK if you get a good view of Presque Isle, but even thought I like the whole park Ravine Flyer, Comet and Thunder River (if you like flumes) are the main draws. (If you like getting photos of coasters, and the state gets their butt in gear, you can get some really good pictures of the turn across the road for Ravine Flyer by going to the Tom Ridge Center tower. It's free to go up and it's right next to the coaster, but it's been closed currently due to covid, hopefully it will open back up this summer)
  4. They're doing a lot of paving and ripping down old blighted buildings (I don't know if they're planning on re-building any of them for this year yet). Blue Streak is probably at least a year away at this point, and that's fine. There's a ton of work they have to do to the park. On another note, if you would like to advertise on the watertower you can do so, they've been trying to find an advertiser to get it sandblasted and cleaned up for a couple of months here.
  5. I'm going to just say the web page design for Six Flags is trash. Not that it really matters but they also are including some rides anywhere on the list (the one that comes to mind in the Sky Screamer). For those of us who really would notice we already would know what rides the park has.
  6. I would agree, New York will not keep the restrictions they have now all summer. I'd expect restrictions to lighten in NY by May (that's just a general assumption and I'm pulling it from nowhere) We'll see what the park does as time goes
  7. I saw that this morning, that is good news and it is completely understandable to me that things may not open this year as there's plenty of work that needs done to make the park and rides safer
  8. The thing I've heard from the new owner (I also don't really know what to make of the whole situation) is there are plans to bring in new rides, I don't know when and I don't know what. It's just an interesting situation to monitor. I hope new midway and office buildings can be built eventually, it's not like they were really anything that special, they were just collapsing structures at this point. If it is able to continue existing and the Blue Streak can continue to exist I'd call that a win.
  9. With the history of the park and fire I'm amazed the thing hasn't burst into flames. I'd be lying if I said it wouldn't be a disappointment if it was demolished (it was my second coaster) but I'd completely understand. I'm happy to see and hear there is someone in charge of the park now who actually wants to make sure buildings won't collapse on people and that rides won't fall apart.
  10. Lots of demo is being done this week (it was on the local news, you can check out ErieNewsNow if you're really that interested) They were knocking down old picnic pavilions and what looks like a large portion of the buildings (I'm not surprised). Witches Stew seems to be getting removed also. A big push for this summer seems to be having a large clear area for events like car shows. They're trying to open by Memorial Day, but are indicating that not all of the park will open (seems like the water slides and kiddie land are the priorities)
  11. All reports seem to indicate that the buyer plans on re-opening the property as a park (likely in 2022 unless something big changes with restrictions in PA). Will there be any improvements? That remains to be seen. If they could fix some of the blacktop and rip down some of the decrepit buildings that would go a long way to improving the park. (Fixing the pavement may be a bit of a pipe dream at the moment, but hey, I can dream, right?)
  12. While we're spending Disney's water let's just let them buy all of Grand Island (or Niagara Falls NY)
  13. All the kid rides look so new and shiny. Thanks for the look back into the past there, I know the bumper boats weren't the best things (and the big ones just smelled like gas) but they were fun and I occasionally miss them.
  14. Would be nice if they did some interesting retracking on all of Predator, but even if it's just testing like White Lightning I look forward to seeing how this new track type can change some of the industry. I'm hopeful, but I'm also realistic in understanding that Predator will probably always be terrible and could very well just get 5 ft of this track for "track testing" and "refurbishment".
  15. I honestly would like this name just for the sheer oddness of it.
  16. I just saw this also. I can understand they are probably getting harder and harder to maintain but it's still unfortunate (especially to remove them all at once)
  17. I didn't hate Cyborg when I rode it last year, but it just didn't really do anything great for me. The most amusing part was that I rode it completely alone, there were no other riders even in line for it as I sat on it alone. It looks cool, but isn't really a good ride.
  18. Hopefully this will finally make some people give up on the thoughts of it coming back (there is nothing there but broken concrete and old plumbing) Big Dipper has been down for years
  19. it would be nice if they had that part of the park open for HITP (if it ever happened) but the Moose on the Loose area of the park is closed down for Halloween, so I'd guess they would just keep that area closed (That said, Moose on the Loose in the snow would be great)
  20. I must say reading the comments after such a policy would be hilarious. @jconsolmagno, the answer to your question is they absolutly get more snow than New England, they have the joys of lake effect snow from Lake Erie to deal with. Could they do Holiday in the park? Yes Will they do it this year? I can't see that happening.
  21. Lapbar only on Tantrum, unless something explainable or really strange happened to it in the year of shut down it was perfectly smooth in 2019, a very nice small Euro Fighter. The two really rough coasters at the park are Predator (if you're in the front it really isn't all that bad but anywhere else is unpleasant) and Mind Eraser, but that's to be expected.
  22. As a local I would like to see a Chance coaster here, but I think it's unlikely. There seems to be a lot of people who would like them to get an inverting coaster so even though I'd love something like Lightning Run from KK I don't see it happening saddly. Ravine Flyer is not going to change, there really isn't a reason for it to, it's still running great like you said. There's a Raptor rumor, but I don't know where that started (so it's honestly probably not a valid rumor) and don't know where they'd put something like that without taking out a lot of their picnic pavilions and I don't think that's their desire.
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