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Everything posted by BelizeIt

  1. Wow! That's a great looking Stadium! I wish I had a AAA Team in my Town! I've always liked the A's, They are one of the best run teams in Baseball.
  2. ^So Mr. Yankee, were you Born in New York or perhaps your Parents were, so you've been brought up to like the Yankees? Or, have you been a Yankee Fan because you just like the team? I was born in Rhode Island myself, so my Redsox roots have been in place since I was Born! I've always rooted for the Redsox, and their game 7 win over the Yankees last year was Incredible!!! I won't knock the Yankees, they have some incredible players, like Future-Hall-of-Famer Derek Jeter, and I would love to have the Redsox face the Yankees again in the ALCS! In the End Though, I see the RedSox Defeating the Yankees in the ALCS, as they move on to Defend their World Series Title!!! Go RedSox!!!
  3. I have nothing against the Padres, but when you have 77 wins and 77 loses (As of Sept 24th) Lets be Honest that's Pathetic! They are at 500pct., while the rest of this Loser Division is below 500pct. So eventhough the Padres are in First Place, they will likely be Eliminated in the First Round of the Playoffs. They are a good team, their record should be much better than it is.
  4. ^The Cardinals, I think remember them, Didn't they have the best record in Major League Baseball only to be Swept by the REDSOX in the World Series??? I think that was them??? Bring On the World Series Rematch!!!
  5. ^^Haven't you heard from Whitney Houston that "Crack is Whack!" She should know since her Loser Husband "Bobby Brown" Smokes it on a Daily Basis!!!
  6. I Love Airshows, I haven't been to one in many years. The last show I saw, was at the El Toro Marine Base (Before they closed it) The Blue Angeles flight team are amazing! Their Precision Flying is Incredible!
  7. I wish they would remove that Bright Red Sky Tower ride (Which is NEVER open) and put in a Great Drop Ride in its place (AKA Supreme Scream Etc...) Can you imagine the views you would have from a Record Setting Drop Ride from that location!!! It would be unbelievable!
  8. ^Excuse me??? I'm confused??? What is this post about? :?
  9. Well the Redsox and Yankees are all tied up as of Saturday Sept 24th. The Redsox should still have the advantage since their remaining games are at home, and the Yankees are on the road. The Redsox have plently of offense, but are lacking in pitching. Whereas the Yankees have a good mix of both. It will be interesting to see how the final games play out. Go Redsox!!!
  10. ^I believe that in some States that Radar Detectors are illegal. Besides, most Cops will look at your windshield for the "Suction Cups" that Radar Detectors leave behind, once you remove it. If your using a Radar Detector the Cop assumes your attempting to break the law>>>Can you say Ticket.
  11. I read once that by the time you receive a Ticket for whatever.... That you have likely committed over 2000 Violations. This is why the majority of Police officers don't give many warnings.
  12. Excellent Vegas Trip Report! I stayed at the Paris back in April, and had a Great Time! Vegas just keeps getting Better and Better, between the Restaurants, Hotels, Shows and Attractions, it is the Ultimate Adult Playground! So Alan Thicke is Hosting Dating Game Shows at the Mall??? Talk about Growing "Older" Pains! (Though he should have a Trunk-Load of Cash for the amount of years his TV show was on) So have you told Gavin the Good News? You know, that Thanks to this Vegas Trip, that He should be Expecting a visit from the Stork with his new Baby Brother or Sister, at about the start of summer next year! Las Vegas the Destination that keeps on giving even after you've gone home.
  13. ^ Why Chrissie must you live in Denial? Your Young and Free to Express Yourself! Is it you who kissed Iain??? Come on you can admit it!
  14. I couldn't understand what he said in the begining, which FPS was he playing?
  15. Nice Trip Report! I assume that the Doves Symbolize your Desire to Start your own Family? As for going Camping! Man I haven't done that since I was a kid, But I do miss those fun "Family" Adventures! Dinner at Outback is always a good thing, I like my Steaks done Medium Rare, plus a side order of either the "Bloomin Onion" or "Kookaburra Wings" Tasty!!!
  16. Personally I hope that there is some form of Intelligent Life in the Universe, other than Ourselves. There are Millions of Galaxies and Star Systems out there, so hopefully some of them can support "Intelligent" life. If were the only ones---That Sucks!!! Though if I was an "Alien" investigating Earth I would look upon it with Extreme Caution. On the Planet Earth there are Wars, and many other Violent Activities on nearly Every Continent. I mean if the Earthlings can't get along with each other, what hope would a potentional "Visitor" have. I mean we have all seen "Independence Day and Aliens" so our natural prejudice may already be present. But if "They" do Arrive I would Welcome Them!!! Change can be a good thing! I would like to see the Off-World Visitors shake up our current belief system! So Show Yourselves!!!!
  17. Well I hope he doesn't travel to California on vacation and get a soda from the local In-N-Out-Burger. Because on the bottom of those cups they always have a variety of Bible Quotes!
  18. What a typical Scumbag Attorney we have here! Is this Attorney an Expert in Ride design? No! Does this Attorney have a Degree in Engineering? No! Is this Attorney at all interested in the safety of the riders? No! But the Attorney would like to be able to say in court that Disney realizing their "Mistake" has now raised the height requirements to 51 inches! Millions of people have been on Mission Space without incident. What happened to this child is traggic. But, the Attorney in this case is ONLY concerned about his 30 to 40% contingency fee.
  19. For me it would be Zork. Followed by the classic Kings Quest series. Then Space Quest, Leisure Suir Larry Etc....I miss those games!
  20. Since JetBlue began it's Flight Operations, everything I've read or heard about this Airline has been very positive. Eventhough I personally have never had the occasion to fly with JetBlue, I would eagerly do so. It doesn't surprise me that their flight crew handled this situation with distinction. I imagine that the owners of JetBlue are going to take very good care of those passangers, for all they had to go thru. This is a first rate, very well run, Airline.
  21. Excellent Disko Trip Report! I love the fact that everyone is wearing Ties at the Disko! That's Great! But aren't you the same Chrissie who denied your "Swinging Ways" on your Swing Report a couple of weeks ago? The current evidence seems to prove otherwise! Your friend Iain is a Happy Man! I think that was him in your previous Swing Report, and here he is once again Outnumbered by the Girls. (In fact, in the photo where he's sort of praying, it looks like someone has planted one on his cheek) Good for him!
  22. Wait a Second! Were you seriously "Buzzed" when you did this RTR? Because I dont know if you realized it, but you Drank that Water Straight from the TAP!!! :shock: Ughhhhhhh........ There's nothing like refreshing yourself with a good old cup of chemically treated Sewer Water. Mmmmmmmm.......Tasty. So is your Water Purifier hidden under you sink? or perhaps attached to the Main Water line entering your house? If not, Pray that your Immune system is Strong! It's good to challenge your bodies natural defenses from time to time! You know we Silly Americans are obsessed with our overpriced Bottled Water.
  23. "This board is about fun?" What the hell do you mean by that!? I can say whatever I want! The heck with you!!! This has been an example of what not to do...Please refrain from using an inappropriate language against other members, and try to be civil. To do otherwise might get you banned from this great site. (Yes others have already been banned in the past) Remember, Robb and Elissa have the ultimate power to discipline you! So don't temp them! Otherwise you temp fate! This site has so far exceeded my expectations, and it is obviously very well run! I, like many others, enjoy logging onto this site on a daily basis, and will continue to do so for a long time to come! PS...I love the fact that this site doesn't have any of those annoying pop-up ads!!! Everyone else, but TPR, seems to have them!!!
  24. I have always liked a Stick Shift. (Or 5 Speed) When you have a Manuel Transmission you have more control over your car. If you need to pick up a lot of speed you can down shift, and sprint forward! (Unlike an Automatic) If you own a sports car a 5 speed is the only way to go, But, if your driving a Minivan than yes a automatic is probably your best choice.
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