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Everything posted by pgathriller

  1. How tall is Boomer in feet? It looks like it easily passed 400 feet.
  2. Check out these cool pics that were emailed to me. That is a huge motor! Never seen anything like that being so big. I didn't realize Kingda Ka needed this massive engine to launch you. Does Top Thrill Dragster have one of these? * I had the wrong link before. Here is the new link. Sorry. http://themeparks.about.com/od/photoandvideogallery/ss/KingdaHydraulic.htm
  3. Subject changed from ACE Coasters to ACE Donkeys. How weird. I guess Donkeys fits ACE someway.
  4. I just want everybody to know that I am not an ACER and never will be. I agree with Robb about ace coaster classics. I just posted this topic because I thought it would be an interesting topic. I have not been on any of these coasters. I will also pick which coasters I think are classic. I am no way involved with ACE and I don't like ACE either.
  5. I just chaned my first post. This is how it looks. Does Arm/Larson make this ride coaster 1? http://www.elburnlions.com/RIDE-DROP%20ZONE.jpg
  6. I am trying to find out who makes this drop ride. We got Drop Zone at Western Playland and they built the new one at Cliffs. Here are some of the facts I know of the ride. This is exactly how it looks at Western Playland http://www.elburnlions.com/RIDE-DROP%20ZONE.jpg
  7. ^ Are you sure that is a coaster classic? I got all of these off the main website. Check it out. http://www.aceonline.org/classics/
  8. I have heard so many great things about the bumper cars at Cliffs. I can't wait to ride them when I go next summer. Do you know how long the ride is. I like the long 5 minute rides that some theme parks have.
  9. What is your favorite ACE Coaster Classic Coaster. Currently their are 33. Post why you picked the coaster you picked. If you don't see your favorite on the list, it might be on the list below. These coasters have been removed from the ACE Coaster Classics because they have been changed in some way. Beastie- Paramounts Kings Island Blue Streak- Cedar Point Cyclone- Pleasureland Legend- Arnolds Park La Montana Rusa- Chapultepec Scooby Doo's Ghost Coaster- Paramounts Carowinds Screechin' Eagle- Americana Starliner- Miracle Strip Wildcat- Frontier City Zippin Pippen- Liberty Land * I am not an ACER!
  10. Just like the question asked. Post your favorite Bumper Cars and least favorite. Post where they are located and pictures if you have them. I don't really have a favorite but my least favorite are the ones here in El Paso. They skip and the lap bar things hurts like crap. They are old and ugly too.
  11. Western Playland was looking at a CCI in 2001 but the city rejected Western Playlands request for an extra acre of land and a longer contract. The owner told me last week that it would probaly be a GCI woodie. He says this will be a surprise for roller coaster riders because this coaster is going to be state of the art with all new designs never used before. He said that we will have to wait though because it isn't 100% sure if they will have a woodie. The first woodie that they were planning for was going to have a loop. I saw the design and it looked awesome but the stupid city rejected everything. Crispy, if you have any questions about the new Western Playland just email me and I will try my best to answer.
  12. I have had a dream where Steel Dragon reopens in Japan and Vekomas are no longer head bangers!
  13. Western Playland currently sits on 15 acres of land. They will have 66 acres in NM.
  14. I think you took very good pictures. I love how there lighted up. It doesn't look like thos low rate carnivals for sure! Do they have proffesional people running the carnival and rides or are they smoking-drinking carnies? Great trip report and looking fowards to others you make!
  15. Nice trip report crispy. It looks like when Western Playland moves to NM you will be looking at the same rides. Both will have a woodie, both will have a Galaxi/Bandito coaster, same drop zones, log flumes, yo-yo rides, old school rides. It will be like an exact replica. Thats what I'm thinking after I looked at the rides at Cliffs.
  16. Dark rides are really cool. Western Playland used to have this really cool dark ride. It was called the Gold Nugget. Since I know the owner he told me that used to be one of their most popular ride. It ended up burning down due to a electrical short. It really hurt the park. They ended up putting up a Chance Pharohs Fury ride. It seems to be pretty popular but according to the owner the Gold Nugget was much better. It was a little cheap dark ride but even some cheap dark rides are cool. I was never able to ride it but my mom and her siblings would always ride it and they said they loved it. The best part of the ride was when the little car was going and it was pitch black, then all of a sudden all these lights pop out and all you here is a huge rig. Outside of the ride in the que, there was this anamatronic skeleton playling a piano. What I have heard of it, it sounded like a great ride.
  17. ^ If PGA was able to sell Greased Lightning in the shape it was in I'm pretty sure they can sell Steel Dragon. They probaly wouldn't get much out of it anyway but at least it will be something. As for the wheel they can just buy a new one. Or they can replace all the wheels on it so a incedent like what happened happen again. If they really want to sell it and make money they should take it down and fix every think and detail it. Then sale it.
  18. It will eventually reopen. I mean it's not going to stand there forever. The park will probaly sell it for money and make room for new rides. I don't think they want a coaster thats SBNO and rusting up in their park when they can make money off of it and make room for more rides. Unless they want to keep it as a shrine. I would sell it.
  19. The first coaster I rode was Grizzly at PGA and it wasn't rough. Like you said, I expect a wooden coaster to be a bit bumpy and rough. Thats what there supposed to do. I have never been on a woodie that is to rough for me to ride. Allison- They probaly ate so many lean pockets that there so skinny that the coaster throws them around everywhere.
  20. Sorry! I didn't know there was a thread about this. We can either continue it or Robb or Ellisa can close it. Sorry again.
  21. Just like the question asked. Post the name of it, the park it is located in, the height, and manufacturer. Drop Zone Paramount's Great America 300+ Feet Intamin * I don't know if these stats are right because I got it off some weird website. If it is wrong please correct me!
  22. Those were some great pictures! maXair looks awesome. I want to ride it so bad!
  23. Here where I live in El Paso nobody knows anything about rides. One of Western Playland's websites said that the new Drop Zone ride they just built for the 2005 season is 90 feet tall and drops you 0 to 350mph in just seconds. It is 90 feet but it was more like 35mph.
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