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Everything posted by ricklap77

  1. I know they won't touch the Blue Streak for now but I'm still a little scared they endup demolishing it. They will soon have an engineer look at it to evaluate the condition of the coaster.
  2. One of the problems with La Ronde is that the park is too small/not enough rides for the size of the city and suburbs. Other parks around are far. And now they've removed 2 major attractions so it can't be good!
  3. Yes!!!! But I think they've already done the concrete work!
  4. La Ronde confirmed it will not be built this year. Next year I believe but at this point they could abort the project!
  5. With the sale of CLP approved this week to a new owner, what are the chances we see it reopen as an amusement park!? Will it be torn down for something else!? I hope not. As much as I want to see it florish again I am a bit skeptical that it will return as an amusement park.
  6. With the sale of CLP approved this week to a new owner, what are the chances we see it reopen as an amusement park!? Will it be torn down for something else!? I hope not. As much as I want to see it florish again I am a bit skeptical that it will return as an amusement park.
  7. I hope they upgrade the Predator with that new track this year. It needs it badly!
  8. Yes I will do that this Spring! With photos and videos of it in action!
  9. So far no dates for reopening parks in California, New York, Illinois and Michigan
  10. I was actually at the park 2 days after John passed. Several old employees were saying that John was a good man and boss to work for and that he loved his park so much. I was told that they had been getting offers from Sea World and Disney to purchase the park. But the park just isn't for sale.
  11. I think it was John Holer's dream to build a park from scratch. Since he passed in 2018 the family keeps it as he would have wished. More money doesn't mean much when you have so much. That park is like their home. I think the family has great plans for the future and is not shy on investing a lot into the park.
  12. What I think is that the owners have a lot of money so they could probably do and build pretty much they want. And on top of that they have a lot of land! I would love to see them give Vekoma a contract for their first hyper!
  13. The coaster they most need is probably a good family wooden coaster from any firm. A hypercoaster would also be a good fit. It could probably be visible from the falls.
  14. WOW!!!!! This is great news! Marineland is huge and has so much potential. When it first opened it was going to be developped into a huge park with plenty of attractions. Sadly it did not grow as intended. But they have so much room to build pretty much anything! I really hope they install a quite big rollercoaster. Some nice wooden coaster or a hypercoaster, or both! Marineland is a very large park, nice and clean. It totally deserves a huge expansion and it is a staple in Niagara Falls.
  15. I can't wait for some park to order a hypercoaster from Vekoma. I think the hypercoaster is the next coaster they should start producing. They have great technology now and they are ready. They would make awesome hypercoasters.
  16. Yes! Parks need to be open at high capacity this year. The ones that were closed in 2020 must open this year. If not, goverments must help them. Unless they are in a good financial position, it will be hard to stay closed a second year in a row without any major financial impact. Even big chains that have big cash flow are suffering tremendously right now with the loss of revenues.
  17. No negativity here. We as enthusiasts want all our parks open 100%. There will be some sort of an end to it (covid) eventually. Progress is being made with vaccines and parks adapt the best they can to the situation on how to operate and being profitable. We just don't want them to struggle financially and be forced to cease operations and close for good. I think the smaller parks are the ones more at risk of surviving.
  18. Sadly so far with all the Covid variants poping up, 2021 might look a lot like 2020.
  19. Hopefully it reopens as a park. CL has gone thru a lot! Never ending. I love that place because it is so unique. Last time I was there was 2017 and we had a blast there. Blue Streak is so much fun and the way it looks makes you think it might collapse!
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