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Everything posted by ricklap77

  1. Totally agree!! False hope. Plus the parks and rides are deteriorating. It's starting to look like SF New Olrleans!
  2. Thanks! It seems to be far from done. I hope it reopens but if not, I hope Marineland across the river ends up relocating the Silver Comet. It is such a great ride and would be such a great addition to their line up of rides.
  3. It looks like the new owner will revitalize the whole park and refurbish the beloved rides such as Blue Streak. Quite frankly it is needed in order to keep the park and the rides (especially Blue Streak) open for years to come and with the pandemic that seems to be far from over, this year is the perfect time to do so. Next year we will have a nice CLP with a new facelift and uptaded rides and buildings:)
  4. Hopefully ALL parks can open this season! And hopefully they will be enjoyable!!
  5. Wow this is really good news! Very happy! And I love Hellcat! Very intense woodie!
  6. I just hope they park will live again and not just be a project that gets scrapped. I don't know why but I am skeptical about the reopening of the park and Blue Streak.
  7. Last time I rode it was June 2017 and it was running great! My kids and I loved it! There was fresh new track in some spots but it seemed there was no new wood on the structure, just the track. It is a really good coaster. The layout, tunnel, trains, vintage and abandonned look all make it special, scary and thrilling at the same time!! I think the other coaster that was kind of like it was the William's Grove Cyclone which I didn't ride:(
  8. For sure everyone wants to be safe at the park. I hope they can renovate Blue Streak so it can run for many years to come. CLP without Blue Streak would never be the same. Didn't they have an engineer checking on the coaster on a regular basis in the last few years? The one that refurbished it. I think it was Leonard Adams?
  9. I know they won't touch the Blue Streak for now but I'm still a little scared they endup demolishing it. They will soon have an engineer look at it to evaluate the condition of the coaster.
  10. One of the problems with La Ronde is that the park is too small/not enough rides for the size of the city and suburbs. Other parks around are far. And now they've removed 2 major attractions so it can't be good!
  11. Yes!!!! But I think they've already done the concrete work!
  12. La Ronde confirmed it will not be built this year. Next year I believe but at this point they could abort the project!
  13. With the sale of CLP approved this week to a new owner, what are the chances we see it reopen as an amusement park!? Will it be torn down for something else!? I hope not. As much as I want to see it florish again I am a bit skeptical that it will return as an amusement park.
  14. With the sale of CLP approved this week to a new owner, what are the chances we see it reopen as an amusement park!? Will it be torn down for something else!? I hope not. As much as I want to see it florish again I am a bit skeptical that it will return as an amusement park.
  15. I hope they upgrade the Predator with that new track this year. It needs it badly!
  16. Yes I will do that this Spring! With photos and videos of it in action!
  17. So far no dates for reopening parks in California, New York, Illinois and Michigan
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